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書城自編碼: 3005909
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→歷史歷史普及讀物
作者: 冯梦龙
國際書號(ISBN): 9787508535289
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
出版日期: 2017-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 211/200
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 634



** 我創建的書架 **

This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Stories to Awaken the World the World to the foreign readers.
Story 1Two Magistrates Vie to Take on an Orphan Girl as Daughter-in-LawStory 2Three Brothers Honored by Sharing Family PropertyStory 3Oil-Peddler Wins the BeautyStory 4Old Gardener Meets Fairy MaidensStory 5Tiger Repays Human KindnessStory 6Divine Foxes Lose a BookStory 7Scholar Qian Marries a Woman through a Happy MistakeStory 8Prefect Qiao Arranges Marriage ArbitrarilyStory 9Chen and His Wife Bound in Life and in DeathStory 10Brothers Get MarriedStory 11Su Xiaomei Tests Her Groom Three TimesStory 12Abbot Foyin Flirts with Qinniang Four TimesStory 13Leather Boot Used as Evidence against the God Erlangs ImpostorStory 14Fan Tower Restaurant Witnesses the Love of Zhou ShengxianStory 15He Daqing Leaves Behind a Lovers Silk Ribbon in Eternal RegretStory 16Lu Wuhan Refuses to Give up the Colored ShoesStory 17Zhang Xiaoji Takes in His Brother-in-Law at ChenliuStory 18Shi Fu Meets a Friend at TanqueStory 19Bai Yuniang Endures Hardships Her Husbands SuccessStory 20Zhang Tingxiu Saves His FatherStory 21Zhang Shuer Helps Mr. Yang to EscapeStory 22Lu Dongbin Attempts to Kill the Yellow DragonStory 23Jin Prince Hailing Dies from Indulgence in LustStory 24Sui Emperor Yangdi Punished for His Life of ExtravaganceStory 25Mr. Dugu Dreams of His Journey HomeStory 26Magistrate Xue Proves His Divinity through a FishStory 27Li Yuying Appeals for Justice from JailStory 28Master Wu Goes to a Tryst in the Next BoaStory 29Scholar Lu Scorns Dukes with PoemsStory 30Li Mian Meets a Knight-Errant in an InnStory 31Commander Zheng Renders Distinguished Service with His Divine-Arm BowStory 32Scholar Huang Receives Divine Aid through His Jade-Horse PendantStory 33The Ridiculous Execution of Cui NingStory 34Deaths Related to a PennyStory 35Old Servant Xu Builds Up a Family FortuneStory 36Cai Ruihong Seeks RevengeStory 37Du Zichun Goes to Changan Three TimesStory 38Taoist Li Enters Cloud Gate Cave AloneStory 39Magistrate Wang Burns Down Precious Lotus MonasteryStory 40Wang Bo Becomes an Immortal
Qiongying was only ten years old when her motherpassed away. Her father died immediately thereafter.On his deathbed, Wang Chun asked his younger brother WangFeng to take care of Qiongying, saying, Please treat this onlychild of mine as your own daughter and marry her with all dueceremony to the Pan family after she comes of age. Her mothersdowry, clothes, and jewelry all go to her. The farmland that Ibought with the Pan familys betrothal gifts also goes to her forher personal expenses. Do not fail me! After giving these instructions,he breathed his last. As soon as the funeral was over, WangFeng took his niece Qiongying home as a companion for his owndaughter, Qiongzhen.One New Years Day, two men Pan Hua and Xiao Ya went toWang Fengs house, as if by prior agreement, to extend New Yeargreetings. Pan Hua, with the fair complexion and ruby lips of abeautiful girl, called by alland sundry the Jade Boy,whereas Xiao Ya, with hispockmarked face, sunkeneyes, and buckteeth,looked like a veritableyaksha. By comparison, thehandsome one seemed todazzle with even greatersplendor, whereas the uglyone looked as ghastly as ifplastered all over with mud.In addition, being a manmuch given to ostentation,Pan Hua was arrayed in fineryand had brought along3a whole wardrobe of clothes in which to parade himself. Xiao Ya,on the contrary, was a down-to-earth sort of man who took littleinterest in clothes. As the saying goes, Clothes to men are whatgilt is to a statue of Buddha. Most people lack the wisdom tolook underneath appearances into the heart. All the members ofthe Wang family, male and female, old and young, admired thehandsome Young Master Pan as they would have admired PanAn and, among themselves, set their tongues a-wagging about theunprepossessing looks of the yaksha. Wang Feng himself alsofound the latter too unsightly and felt grievously disappointed.



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