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書城自編碼: 3005906
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→歷史歷史普及讀物
作者: 吕不韦
國際書號(ISBN): 9787508530529
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
出版日期: 2017-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 286/200
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 634



** 我創建的書架 **

This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Selections from Lu''s Commentaries of History to the foreign readers.
TALE 1Life FoundationTALE 2Attaching Importance to SelfTALE 3Attaching Importance to ImpartialityTALE 4Doing Away with SelfishnessTALE 5Valuing LifeTALE 6DesiresTALE 7Dyeing ProperlyTALE 8FameTALE 9Natural Span of LifeTALE 10Beginning with SelfTALE 11Judging a PersonTALE 12The Circular WayTALE 13Encouraging LearningTALE 14Respecting the TeacherTALE 15Misleading StudentsTALE 16Great MusicTALE 17Extravagant MusicTALE 18Harmonious MusicTALE 19Ancient MusicTALE 20The Origin of MusicTALE 21Knowing the ReasonTALE 22Fighting WarsTALE 23Wiping out ConfusionTALE 24Preventing BlockageTALE 25Cherishing a Loving HeartTALE 26On PowerTALE 27Deciding VictoryTALE 28Complying with the Will of the PeopleTALE 29Knowing the ScholarsTALE 30Giving Peace to the DeadTALE 31The Utmost LoyaltyTALE 32Conforming to the Actual SituationTALE 33To Be FarsightedTALE 34The Integrity of ScholarsTALE 35AloofnessTALE 36The Deepest SincerityTALE 37IndomitabilityTALE 38Communion between the Same KindTALE 39Listening to OpinionsTALE 40Listening CarefullyTALE 41Giving Fair RewardTALE 42To Be SuccessfulTALE 43Importance of Human FactorsTALE 44Meeting the Right PersonTALE 45Weighing the AdvantagesTALE 46Courtesy toward Virtue and LearningTALE 47RepaymentTALE 48Smooth PersuasionTALE 49Never Relaxing Ones Own EffortsTALE 50The Importance of Objective ConditionsTALE 51Studying the PresentTALE 52The Reach of IntelligenceTALE 53Enjoying SuccessTALE 54Rooting Out BiasTALE 55A Rulers TenetsTALE 56Following the Way of a RulerTALE 57Mastering the Art of RulingTALE 58Firm Hold on PowerTALE 59Careful ResponseTALE 60Caution in SpeechTALE 61Tacit UnderstandingTALE 62Claims without MeaningTALE 63Extravagant SpeechTALE 64Not to Be Prevailed UponTALE 65The Necessary ConditionsTALE 66Rising above the WorldlyTALE 67Upholding RighteousnessTALE 68Upholding VirtueTALE 69Appropriate Use of ForceTALE 70Satisfying DesiresTALE 71The Importance of Being TruthfulTALE 72The Difficulty in Selecting a Man for OfficeTALE 73Being a RulerTALE 74Long-Term InterestsTALE 75Attraction of the Same KindTALE 76Clearing BlockageTALE 77On ActionsTALE 78ArroganceTALE 79Seeing Beyond the AppearancesTALE 80Looking for People of VirtueTALE 81Relying on People of VirtueTALE 82Be Clear about Means and EndsTALE 83Giving Importance to SpeedTALE 84Questioning Look-alikesTALE 85Being ConsistentTALE 86Seeking Help from Men of VirtueTALE 87Verifying RumorTALE 88Forthright AdviceTALE 89Foreseeing ChangeTALE 90Acting against ProprietyTALE 91Becoming UninformedTALE 92The Roots of DisorderTALE 93DiscretionTALE 94Extolling People of Virtue and AbilityTALE 95Having a Criterion in MindTALE 96A Scholars StyleALE 97Encouraging FarmingTALE 98Making Good Use of the Land
Some people do not truly understand the nature of life,therefore they are careful about life but are harmed bybeing so. What is the use of being careful if one does not truly understandthe nature of life? This is like a blind man who loves hisbaby son but lays his head on rice husks or a deaf mute who allowshis son to look around outside a house when thunder is striking.What is the difference between these men and those who do notknow to be careful about life?A man who does not know to be careful about life does notmake a distinction between life and death, surviving and perishing,what is permissible and what is not permissible. What hethinks is right is not necessarily right. What he thinks is wrong isnot necessarily wrong. This is called gross misconception. Thiskind of man is condemned by heaven. If he cultivates himself inthis way, he will inevitably meet with death and disaster. If he is torule a country in this way, the country will inevitably disintegrateand go to destruction.Death and disaster, disintegration and destruction do notcome by themselves; they are the result of misconception. Thisexplains why longevity can be achieved. An enlightened man,therefore, does not look into the result, but into the cause of theresult. Consequently, nothing can stop them from attaining theiraims. This reasoning should be thoroughly understood.There is no need to seek after sumptuous and rare food, northick and excessively warm clothes. Thick and excessively warmclothes block the vital channels. When the vital channels areblocked, the vital energy cannot circulate smoothly. Sumptuousand rare food overburdens the stomach.



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