《二刻拍案惊奇故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《二刻拍案惊奇》全本基础上进行选编、翻译,向国外读者介绍初刻拍案惊奇故事。 This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Amazing Tales Second Series to the foreign readers.
Tale 1Money Box Serves as the Match MakerTale 2Lost Man Inquired about in Courtesans QuartersTale 3Boy Aged Five Pays Respects to His MajestyTale 4Husband and Wife Meet Parents after DeathTale 5Lord Wang Lays a One-night TrapTale 6Young Woman Marries One She LovesTale 7Five Tigers Plot a Family DisputeTale 8Jiao Wenji Wreaks Vengeance after DeathTale 9A Senseless Young Master Squanders His Fortune in Liberal DonationsTale 10Tea-and-wine Master Kidnaps the Bride amid Wedding FestivitiesTale 11A Scholar Supports His Teacher for a Happy Old AgeTale 12A Scholar Supports His Teacher for a Happy Old AgeTale 13Loyal Wife Resolves to Stay Unmarried for IntegrityTale 14Yang Chouma Asks to Be ThrashedTale 15You Use-me Lustily Revels with Confined WomenTale 16Young Man Takes Wife from a Mistaken LawsuitTale 17Two Monks Lose Their Lives for Stealing the TreasureTale 18Sister Mo Elopes with the Wrong LoverTale 19A Gallant Burglar Plays His Game with Adroitness
During the Ming Dynasty, a retired official surnamedYang in the county of Xindu, in Sichuan Provincepassed the imperial examination, but later met a violent end. Ofwealthy stock, his disposition was one of avarice, fierceness andbrutality, which made him a despot of his native place. Whileserving as subsidiary governor of Yunnan Province, he had a bullyingsubordinate named Zhang Yin, a grant-aided student.After his father passed away, Zhang Yin started to calculateday and night and began to acquaint himself with local officials sothat he might call upon their power to place the concubine andher young son at his mercy. In this way he hoped to seize all hisfathers legacy in days to come.Zhang Yin feared that the younger brother might insist ondividing the family fortune between them, so he immediatelyasked the concubine for the private savings that the old man hadleft behind. The concubines response was no.Zhang Yin rummaged through the chests and cupboards butcould find nothing. He did not let the matter drop and began tosuspect that the money was buried somewhere underground orhad been shifted to someone elses home. Finally, the concubinedemanded a split of the family property between the two brothers.Zhang Yin refused. He selected a trusted follower of subsidiarygovernor Yang, and made a deal through him with Yang inwhich Zhang promised to pay a reasonable five hundred taels ofsilver so that Yang would decide the lawsuit in Zhangs favor. Yangagreed to the terms.