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書城自編碼: 3000075
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→藝術绘画
作者: 陕西历史博物馆编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787549415519
出版社: 广西美术出版社
出版日期: 2017-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 600/
書度/開本: 8开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 21600



** 我創建的書架 **

一 李壽墓 The Tomb of Li Shou 51-1 儀仗出行圖 Honor Guard in Procession 61-2 儀仗出行圖 Honor Guard in Procession 81-3 步行儀仗圖 Infantry Honor Guard in Procession 101-4 列戟圖 Halberds 141-5 騎馬出行圖 Honor Guard Riding in Procession 181-6 步行儀仗圖 Infantry Honor Guard in Procession 201-7 儀仗圖 Honor Guard 221-8 騎馬出行圖 Honor Guard Riding in Procession 241-9 騎馬出行圖 Honor Guard Riding in Procession 261-10 騎馬出行圖 Honor Guard Riding in Procession 281-11 步行儀仗圖 Infantry Honor Guard in Procession 301-12 步行儀仗圖 Infantry Honor Guard in Procession 341-13 騎馬出行圖 Honor Guard Riding in Procession 381-14 騎馬出行圖 Honor Guard Riding in Procession 401-15 騎馬出行圖 Honor Guard Riding in Procession 42二 執失奉節墓 The Tomb of Zhishi Fengjie 452-1 侍女圖 Female Attendant 462-2 侍女圖 Female Attendant 472-3 侍女圖 Female Attendant 48三 新城長公主墓 The Tomb of Princess Xincheng 493-1 宫女图 Palace Maids 503-2 宫女图 Palace Maids 52四 韋貴妃墓 The Tomb of Imperial Consort Wei 554-1 宫女圖 Palace Maid 56五 李爽墓 The Tomb of Li Shuang 595-1 托盤侍女圖 Female Attendant Holding a Tray 605-2 吹簫伎樂圖 Musician Playing a Vertical Bamboo Flute 625-3 吹横笛伎樂圖 Musician Playing a Horizontal Bamboo Flute 645-4 侍女圖 Female Attendant 665-5 捧唾盂侍女圖 Female Attendant Holding a Spittoon 685-6 執拂塵侍女圖 Female Attendant Holding a Duster 705-7 執拂塵侍女圖 Female Attendant Holding a Duster 725-8 捧盒男裝侍女圖 Female Attendant Wearing Mens Clothing and Holding a Box 73六 房陵大長公主墓 The Tomb of Princess Fangling 756-1 托果盤宫女圖 Palace Maid Holding a Tray of Fruit 766-2 捧盒宫女圖 Palace Maid Holding a Box 786-3 托盤宫女圖 Palace Maid Holding a Tray 806-4 執拂塵宫女圖 Palace Maid Holding a Duster 8146-5 執杯提壺宫女圖 Palace Maid Holding a Pitcher and a Goblet 826-6 托盤提壺宫女圖 Palace Maid Holding a Pitcher and a Tray 836-7 宫女圖 Palace Maid 84七 李鳳墓 The Tomb of Li Feng 857-1 執扇捧盒侍女圖 Female Attendants Holding a Box and a Fan 867-2 執拂塵侍女圖 Female Attendant Holding a Duster 887-3 侍女圖 Female Attendant 907-4 捧物男裝侍女圖 Female Attendant Wearing Mens Clothing and Holding an Object 927-5 執扇侍女圖 Female Attendants Holding Round Fans 947-6 執花侍女圖 Female Attendants Holding Flowers 977-7 携物侍女圖 Female Attendants Carring Objects 1007-8 侍女圖 Female Attendants 1017-9 侍男侍女圖 Male and Female Attendants 1027-10 執花侍女圖 Female Attendant Holding a Flower 104八 淮南大長公主墓 The Tomb of Princess Huainan 1058-1 雲鶴圖 Crane and Clouds 1068-2 飛鳥圖 Flying Bird 108九 懿德太子墓 The Tomb of Crown Prince Yide 1119-1 闕樓圖 Gate Tower 1129-2 闕樓圖 Gate Tower 1169-3 儀仗圖 Honor Guard 1189-4 儀杖圖 Honor Guard 1269-5 儀仗圖 Honor Guard 1329-6 儀仗圖 Honor Guard 1389-7 儀仗圖 Honor Guard 1469-8 儀仗圖 Honor Guard 1529-9 宫女圖 Palace Maids 1589-10 宫女圖 Palace Maids 1629-11 架鷹馴鷂圖 Training a Hawk and an Eagle 1649-12 團扇宫女圖 Palace Maids Holding Round Fans 1669-13 馴豹圖 Trained Leopards 1709-14 馴豹圖 Trained Leopards 1749-15 内侍圖 Attendants 1769-16 架鷂馴犬圖 Training a Hawk and a Dog 1809-17 團扇宫女圖 Palace Maids Holding Round Fans 1829-18 宫女圖 Palace Maids 1889-19 内侍圖 Attendants 1929-20 持弓托盤男侍圖 Male Attendants Holding a Bow and a Tray 1969-21 藻井圖 Ceiling Decoration 2009-22 藻井圖 Ceiling Decoration 2019-23 白虎圖 White Tiger 2029-24 青龍圖 Green Dragon 203綜述 Summary 204唐壁畫墓概述(一) A Summary of Tang Dynasty Tombs Ⅰ 211图版説明(一) Notes on the Wall Paintings Ⅰ 236
十 章懷太子墓 The Tomb of Crown Prince Zhanghuai 510-1 客使圖 Foreign Envoys 610-2 儀衛領隊圖 Leader of the Honor Guard 1410-3 儀衛圖 Honor Guard 1610-4 捧物宫女圖 Palace Maids Carrying Objects 2210-5 捧物宫女圖 Palace Maids Carrying Objects 2610-6 内侍圖 Attendants 3010-7 内侍圖 Attendants 3410-8 提罐宫女圖 Palace Maids Carrying Pot 3810-9 宫女内侍圖 Palace Maids and Male Attendant 4210-10 宫女内侍圖 Palace Maid and Male Attendant 4810-11 宫女與侏儒圖 Palace Maid and a Dwarf 5210-12 宫女圖 Palace Maids 5610-13 殿堂侍衛圖 Imperial Guards 5810-14 殿堂侍衛圖 Imperial Guards 6210-15 男侍圖 Male Attendant 6610-16 男侍圖 Male Attendant 6710-17 男侍圖 Male Attendant 6810-18 男侍圖 Male Attendant 6910-19 男侍圖 Male Attendant 7010-20 男侍圖 Male Attendant 7110-21 男侍頭像圖 Head of a Male Attendant 7210-22 男侍頭像圖 Head of a Male Attendant 7310-23 狩獵出行圖 Hunting Scene 7410-24 狩獵出行圖 Hunting Scene 7810-25 狩獵出行圖 Hunting Scene 8610-26 狩獵出行圖 Hunting Scene 9210-27 馬球圖 Polo Match 9610-28 馬球圖 Polo Match 9710-29 馬球圖 Polo Match 9810-30 馬球圖 Polo Match 9910-31 馬球圖 Polo Match 101十一 永泰公主墓 The Tomb of Princess Yongtai 10311-1 宫女圖 Palace Maids 10411-2 宫女圖 Palace Maids 11211-3 宫女圖 Palace Maids 11611-4 宫女圖 Palace Maids 11711-5 藻井圖 Ceiling Decoration 118十二 韋泂墓 The Tomb of Wei Jiong 12112-1 侍女圖 Female Attendant 12212-2 高髻侍女圖 Female Attendant with a High Hairstyle 12412-3 執胡瓶男侍圖 Male Attendant Holding a Pitcher 12612-4 雲鶴圖 Cranes and Clouds 128十三 薛氏墓 The Tomb of Lady Xue 13113-1 端饅頭男侍圖 Male Attendant Holding Steamed Buns 13213-2 男侍圖 Male Attendant 13413-3 執笏男侍圖 Male Attendant Holding a Tablet 13613-4 持壺男侍圖 Male Attendant Holding a Kettle 13813-5 雙環髻侍女圖 Female Attendant with Double Hair Rings 13913-6 捧包裹侍女圖 Female Attendant Holding a Bundle 14013-7 提包裹男侍圖 Male Attendant Holding a Bundle 14113-8 男侍頭像圖 Head of a Male Attendant 14213-9 牽狗男侍圖 Male Attendant Leading a Dog 143十四 蘇思勖墓 The Tomb of Su Sixu 14514-1 樂舞圖 Musicians and Dancers 14614-2 樂舞圖 Musicians and Dancers 15014-3 樂舞圖 Musicians and Dancers 15214-4 侍女圖 Female Attendant 15614-5 男侍圖 Male Attendant 15814-6 屏風圖 Screen 16014-7 屏風圖 Screen 16114-8 屏風圖 Screen 16314-9 屏風圖 Screen 16414-10 屏風圖 Screen 16614-11 屏風圖 Screen 16714-12 屏風圖 Screen 16914-13 侍女圖 Female Attendant 17114-14 男侍圖 Male Attendant 17214-15 男侍圖 Male Attendant 17414-16 男侍圖 Male Attendant 17514-17 玄武圖 Black Tortoise 17614-18 二人抬箱圖 Two Men Carrying a Casket 17814-19 二人抬箱圖 Two Men Carrying a Casket 182十五 張去奢墓 The Tomb of Zhang Qushe 18715-1 侏儒圖 Dwarf 18815-2 白虎圖 White Tiger 190唐壁畫墓概述(二) A Summary of Tang Dynasty Tombs Ⅱ 192圖版説明(二) Notes on the Wall Paintings Ⅱ 210
十六 南里王村墓 The Tomb at Nanliwang Village 516-1 樹下侍女屏風圖 Screen Featuring Female Attendants under Trees 616-2 樹下侍女屏風圖 Screen Featuring Female Attendants under Trees 816-3 樹下侍女屏風圖 Screen Featuring Female Attendants under Trees 1216-4 樹下侍女屏風圖 Screen Featuring Female Attendants under Trees 1816-5 樹下侍女屏風圖 Screen Featuring Female Attendants under Trees 2216-6 樹下侍女屏風圖 Screen Featuring Female Attendants under Trees 2816-7 女侍男侍圖 Male and Female Attendants 3216-8 侍女圖 Female Attendants 3616-9 男侍圖 Male Attendant 4016-10 男侍圖 Male Attendant 4216-11 男侍圖 Male Attendant 4416-12 男侍圖 Male Attendant 46十七 唐安公主墓 The Tomb of Princess Tangan 4917-1 執馬球杆男侍圖 Male Attendant Holding a Polo Mallet 5017-2 拱手宫女圖 Palace Maids with Folded Hands 5417-3 拱手宫女圖 Palace Maid with Folded Hands 5817-4 拱手男侍圖 Male Attendant with Folded Hands 6017-5 男侍圖 Male Attendant 6117-6 男侍圖 Male Attendant 6217-7 玄武圖 Black Tortoise 64十八 郯國大長公主墓 The Tomb of Princess Tan 6718-1 宫女圖 Palace Maid 68十九 楊玄略墓 The Tomb of Yang Xuanle 7119-1 男侍圖 Male Attendant 7219-2 男伎圖 Male Musician 7419-3 執笏男吏圖 Civil Official Holding a Tablet 7619-4 男侍圖 Male Attendant 7719-5 擊鼓樂伎圖 Drummers 7819-6 朱雀圖 Red Bird 79二十 陝西鋼鐵研究所墓 The Tomb of Shaanxi Iron and Steel Research Institute 8120-1 侍女圖 Female Attendant 8220-2 彈琵琶樂工圖 A Lute Player 8420-3 持荷侍女圖 Female Attendant Holding a Lotus 8620-4 侍女圖 Female Attendant 8820-5 侍女圖 Female Attendant 90420-6 男裝捧包裹侍女圖 Female Attendant Wearing Men''s Clothing and Holding a Parcel 9220-7 侍女圖 Female Attendant 93二十一 佚名墓 Unknown Tombs 9521-1 男侍頭像圖 Heads of Male Attendants 9621-2 男侍文吏圖 A Male Attendant and a Civil Official 9821-3 男侍頭像圖 Head of a Male Attendant 10021-4 男侍頭像圖 Head of a Male Attendant 10121-5 男侍圖 Male Attendant 102〔附篇〕北周安伽墓 Supplement: The Tomb of An Jia of Northern Zhou 105石門 Stone Door 106圍屏石榻 Funerary Couch 108正面屏風第1 幅 奏樂舞蹈圖 First Image, Main Panel: Music and Dancing 110正面屏風第2 幅 樂舞宴飲狩獵圖 Second Image, Main Panel: Dancing, Feasting, and Hunting 114正面屏風第3 幅 居家宴飲圖 Third Image, Main Panel: Family Banquet 118正面屏風第4 幅 主賓相會圖 Fourth Image, Main Panel: Meetings 122正面屏風第5 幅 野宴商旅圖 Fifth Image, Main Panel: Picnicking and Travelers 126正面屏風第6 幅 奏樂宴飲舞蹈圖 Sixth Image, Main Panel: Music, Feasting, and Dancing 130左側屏風第1 幅 車馬出行圖 First Image, Left Panel: Procession 134左側屏風第2 幅 狩獵圖 Second Image, Left Panel: Hunting 138左側屏風第3 幅 野宴動物奔逃圖 Third Image, Left Panel: Animals Fleeing and a Picnic 142右側屏風第1 幅 狩獵圖 First Image, Right Panel: Hunting 146右側屏風第2 幅 宴飲奏樂舞蹈圖 Second Image, Right Panel: Feasting, Music, and Dancing 150右側屏風第3 幅 車馬出行送别圖 Third Image, Right Panel: A Procession and a Farewell 154唐壁畫墓概述(三) A Summary of Tang Dynasty Tombs Ⅲ 158圖版説明(三) Notes on the Wall Paintings Ⅲ 169



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