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書城自編碼: 2986163
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: [美] 阿尔伯特·哈伯德 著 纪飞 等
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302427254
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2017-04-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 62/115000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 130



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A Message To Garcia中文译名为《致加西亚的信》,由美国著名作家阿尔伯特哈伯德编著。1898年4月美国与西班牙之间爆发了争夺殖民地的战争。为了赢得战争的胜利,美国总统麦金利急需一名合适的特使去完成一项重要的任务将信送给古巴的加西亚将军。美国陆军一位年轻的中尉安德鲁罗文接受了这项看起来难以完成的任务。在没有任何护卫的情况下,罗文中尉孤身一人出发了。他秘密登陆古巴岛,多次经历生与死的考验,靠着勇气、智慧、执着和责任心,*后罗文亲手将信交给了加西亚将军,完成了总统交给他的任务。为了表彰他所做的贡献,美国陆军司令为他颁发了奖章,并且高度称赞他说:我要把这个成绩看作是军事战争*具冒险性和*勇敢的事迹。
阿尔伯特哈伯德(Elbert Hubbaid, 18561915),美国著名作家和出版家。

1913年版前言Foreword For The Version In 1913. 1
Message To Garcia. 6
我是如何把信送给加西亚的How I
Carried The Message To Garcia. 15
God Doing For You. 44
它说明了一切It Said
Everything. 55
Introduction. 59
阿尔伯特哈伯德的商业信条Elbert Hubbards business Credo. 61
前言阿尔伯特哈伯德(Elbert Hubbaid, 18561915),美国著名作家和出版家。哈伯德1856年6月19日出生于美国伊利诺州的布鲁明顿。他的父亲是一个乡村医师,同时又是农场主。哈伯德曾供职于巴夫洛公司,是一位成功的肥皂销售商。1892年,他放弃工作进入了哈佛大学学习。之后,他又辍学徒步在英国旅行。在英国期间,他结识了出版商威廉莫瑞斯,由此对出版工作产生了兴趣。结束旅行回到美国后,他试图出版自传体小说《短暂的旅行》,但没有一家出版公司愿意出版。哈伯德决定成立一家出版公司出版自己的作品,于是罗依科罗斯特出版公司诞生了。哈伯德是一位既高产又畅销的作家,同时还是一位经营天才,他的出版公司也因他的作品和经营而迅速发展。除此之外,他还创办了两本杂志《菲士利人》和《兄弟》,杂志上的许多文章都出自哈伯德之手。在写作、出版的同时,哈伯德还致力于公众演讲,他是一位出色的演讲家。1915年,他与妻子乘坐的路西塔尼亚号轮船遭遇德国水雷袭击而不幸遇难。哈伯德既是一位畅销书作家又是一位成功的商人,同时他还留给了世人不朽名篇《致加西亚的信》。一百多年来,该书被翻译成了世界上几乎所有的文字,成为有史以来世界上最畅销的读物之一。该书还成为培养公务员、士兵和职员敬业守则的必读书,影响了一代又一代人的思想。在中国,《致加西亚的信》同样是最受广大读者欢迎的经典图书之一。目前,在国内数量众多的《致加西亚的信》书籍中;主要的出版形式有两种:一种是中文翻译版,另一种是中英文对照版。而其中的中英文对照读本比较受读者的欢迎,这主要是得益于中国人热衷于学习英文的大环境。从英文学习的角度来看,直接使用纯英文的学习资料更有利于英语学习。考虑到对英文内容背景的了解有助于英文阅读,使用中文导读应该是一种比较好的方式,也可以说是该类型书的第三种版本形式。采用中文导读而非中英文对照的方式进行编排,这样有利于国内读者摆脱对英文阅读依赖中文注释的习惯。基于以上原因,我们决定编译《致加西亚的信》,并采用中文导读英文版的形式出版。在中文导读中,我们尽力使其贴近原作的精髓,也尽可能保留原作的风格。我们希望能够编出为当代中国读者所喜爱的经典读本。读者在阅读英文故事之前,可以先阅读中文导读内容,这样有利于了解故事背景,从而加快阅读速度。我们相信,该经典著作的引进对加强当代中国读者,特别是青少年读者的人文修养是非常有帮助的。本书主要内容由纪飞编译。参加本书故事素材搜集整理及编译工作的还有郑佳、刘乃亚、熊金玉、李丽秀、熊红华、王婷婷、孟宪行、胡国平、李晓红、贡东兴、陈楠、邵舒丽、冯洁、王业伟、徐鑫、王晓旭、周丽萍、熊建国、徐平国、肖洁、王小红等。限于我们的科学、人文素养和英语水平,书中难免会有不当之处,衷心希望读者朋友批评指正。

它说明了一切It Said Everything当选州长那天,杰布布什将一本小册子送给自己的副州长弗兰克布罗根,上面写上了如下的话:你是一位信使。有几个月的时间,州长新闻办公室的墙上钉着一张纸,这张纸上已经写满了读过《致加西亚的信》的人的名字。布什在一封电子邮件中说,他在寻找能把信送给加西亚的人,并使他成为我们团队中的一员。《致加西亚的信》发表于1899年,讲述了罗文勇敢穿越古巴山林将信息传递给加西亚的故事。受到这个故事的启发,阿尔伯特哈伯德写了这篇文章,它广为流传,成为雇主激励员工的材料,一个世纪后又成为布什总统和他年轻的共和党职员们的信条。是肯赖特把这本书送给杰布布什的,赖特是这样解读这篇文章的:做一件事就要做好。不过起初,布什对这本书并不感兴趣,可是当赖特再次碰到布什的时候,布什已经读完了这本书,他对这本书的反应是:这本书太惊人了,它说明了一切。 or the governor, A Message to Garcia imparts an important message to his troops.
by William YardleyTALLAHASSEEThe day he became governor, Jeb Bush signed the inside of a small hardback book and presented it to his new No. 2 man.Slim and barely bigger than a checkbook, the copy of A Message to Garcia now sits on an end table in the office of Lt. Gov. Frank Brogan. Bush wrote four words above his signature: You are a messenger !Brogan, it turns out, is one of many messengers in the Bush administration.For months, staffers in the governors press office signed a sheet of paper tacked to a wall asking for the names of everyone who had read A Message to Garcia. By spring of this year the sheet was full.I gave it to all of the folks that started out with us at the beginning of the administration, Bush said recently in response to an e-mail. I look for people who will take the message to Garcia to be part of our team. People of determination and integrity that dont need too much adult supervision are the ones that can change the world!A Message to Garcia is an essay, really, 24 paragraphs simply bound and covered.Originally published in 1899, A Message to Garcia recounts the intrepid sojourn Lt. Andrew Summers Rowan undertook into the hills of Cuba in 1898. The United States would soon be at war with Spain, and President William McKinley sent Rowan to find Gen. Calixto Garcia, leader of insurgent Cuban forces fighting Spanish control.Without asking how or where he might find Garcia, Rowan set off. He found him, and returned to Washington to inform McKinley of the strength and position of the rebels and the Spaniards. The information was crucial on the eve of war.Newspapers celebrated the unlikely mission. Rowan became famous.Inspired by the story, a printer in upstate New York wrote an essay that, in its day, became one of the best-selling publications in the world: motivational material for a generation of employers and, a century later, something of a creed for Bush and his young Republican staff.The printer and essayist, Elbert Hubbard, wrote:The point I wish to make is this: McKinley gave Rowan a letter to be delivered to Garcia; Rowan took the letter and did not ask, Where is he at? By the Eternal! There is a man whose form should be cast in deathless bronze and the statue placed in every college of the land.It is not book-learning young men need, nor instruction about this and that, but a stiffening of the vertebrae which will cause them to be loyal to a trust, to act promptly,concentrate their energies: do the thing- Carry a message to Garcia !They do not chant the phrase like a fight song, but, Bushs Communication Director Justin Sayfie said, Everyone in the press office was required to read the essay. Its a good guiding principle that I always use: Dont get bogged down in the obstacles to your task. Accomplish the task and do so using self-reliance. All senior staff have read it.And how did Jeb Bush come to read A Message to Garcia?Ken Wright, an Orlando attorney who has worked on campaigns for Bush and his former-president father, gave him a copy during his 1998 campaign for governor.Wright interprets the essay this way: Whining isnt allowed. Thats my ethic: You got a job to do, do the job. He remembers exactly the conversation he had with the candidate when he recommended the book:I gave it to Jeb and Jeb says, Im really not into this new age stuff.I said Jeb, read the book. It will take you a cup of coffee to read this book. This is not new age stuff. This is older than the hills.When I ran into him next he had read it. His reaction was the same as I would have expected it be: That book was awesome. It says it all.??
A MessageTo Garcia
It SaidEverything



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