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[[英]欧文,毕业于剑桥大学,从事英语教学及教材编写工作,同时也是自由作家,著有《Target Reading》《Success With Reading》《English Now!》等作品。
UNIT01 Talking About Learning Experiences page008
UNIT02 Recalling Past Events page022
UNIT03 Talking About Life Changes and Memories page034
UNIT04 Chatting and Telling Personal Stories page046
UNIT05 Having an Argument page058
UNIT06 Talking About Regrets page070
UNIT07 Relationships page082
UNIT08 Learning How to Balance Your Budget page094
UNIT09 Asking Someone Out page105
UNIT10 Deadlines page117
UNIT11 Getting Rid of Bad Habits page129
UNIT12 The Technology Craze and Problems page141
UNIT13 Going on a Diet page154
UNIT14 Dilemmas page164
UNIT15 Going for an Interview page176
UNIT16 Getting a Pet page187
参考答案及译文 page199
运用生动而清晰的图片, 辅助学会大量的实用生词。
用清楚而简洁的方式呈现语法重点, 并提供实用的范例。
大量的口语语法练习, 让您在真实生活会话中能正确传达信息、 避免误解。
针对关键短语和内文细节设计的听力练习, 增进对英语的理解能力。
通过与主题相关的口语练习, 能熟练地运用本书单词、 听力、 语法单元所学到的英语。
简单的会话范例和辅助学习的会话句型, 让您不费吹灰之力就能用到生活对话中。
通过大量的小组练习, 能使您获得充足的口语实战经验。
完善的发音讲解帮助熟悉英语的基础发音, 并提供大量练习各种发音的机会。
《英语听说能力训练, 这样学就对了 3》 的编排结构
本书共有16个单元 每个单元分为6个部分
I Topic Preview
主题预览 通过几个简短的会话范例, 带您快速进入主题。
II Vocabulary and Phrases 词汇和短语
相关的词汇和短语的学习是有效听、 说的重要工具。
III Now, Time to Listen! 听力时间!
通过各种对话、 独白的听力练习, 训练听力技巧。
IV Now, Grammar Time! 语法时间!
详解前三部分所应用的语法, 并提供针对性练习。
V Now, Time to Speak! 口语时间!
针对各单元主题, 用小组或两人练习的方式, 提供 说 的机会。
VI Now, Time to Pronounce! 发音时间!
每次罗列几种发音, 让您循序渐进地掌握发音规则。
UNIT 07 Relationships 人际关系
Ⅰ Topic Preview
01 Talking about the qualities of a good friend
Good friends should always support each other.
I think so, too. And they shouldn''t talk behind each other''s backs, either.
02 Talking about your circle of friends
Who''s your best friend?
Jessie is my best friend
How long have you known her?
About 10 years.
So is she your oldest friend, too?
Yes, that''s right!
How well do you know Darren?
Not very well. He''s just an acquaintance. Are you two good friends?
Yes, but we haven''t known each other very long.
03 Talking about compatibility
I like dancing, and so does he. We''re such a good match.
I like dogs, but he likes cats. I don''t think we''re compatible.
04 Talking about what relationships need
What do you think makes a good relationship?
I think a good relationship needs trust and patience.
Ⅱ Vocabulary & Phrases
share secrets with each other keep secrets from each other 分享秘密/保守秘密
support each other 互相支持
have similar different interests 拥有相似的/不同的兴趣
enjoy each other''s company 享受彼此的陪伴
irritate each other 激怒对方
make each other laugh 逗对方笑
upset each other 惹对方生气
listen to each other''s problems ignore each other 倾听彼此的心事/忽略对方
care about each other 互相关心
best friend 最好的朋友
acquaintance 熟人/相识
honesty be honest 诚实/做人诚实
trust 信任
patience be patient 耐心/有耐心
respect 尊敬
understanding be understanding 理解/善解人意
affection be affectionate 喜爱/深情
Sentence Patterns
Good friends should always support each other.
Who''s your oldest friend?
Mark is my oldest friend.
How long have you known him her?
I''ve known him her for about seven years. I''ve known him her since high school.
How did you meet?
We met at work.
How well do you know Jenny?
Not very well. She is just a colleague. Very well. She is my roommate.
I like classical music, and so does he she.
We''re such a good match. We''re on the same wavelength.
Are you two best friends?
Yes, but we haven''t known each other very long.
Yes. We''ve known each other for 10 years.
No, we''re just acquaintances.
I like going out, but he likes staying in.
I don''t think we''re compatible.
What do you think makes a good relationship?
I think a good relationship needs honesty and affection. You need to be honest and understanding.
IV Now, Grammar Time!
too, also, so, either, neither
Affirmative Affirmative 肯定句 肯定句
I like baseball. So does Jerry.
You should trust each other. You should also support each other.
He is my best friend. He is my oldest friend,too.
Affirmative Negative 肯定句 否定句
She hates baseball. She doesn''t like basketball, either.
A good relationship needs trust. You also shouldn''t lie to each other.
Negative Affirmative 否定句 肯定句
Katie doesn''t support me. She lies to me, too.
He isn''t a good boyfriend. He is also a bad friend.
Negative Negative 否定句 否定句
He isn''t my friend. Neither are you.neither = not either
We don''t respect each other. We don''t trust each other, either.
These words add agreeing information to an original statement.
Note:"Also" usually comes before a verb. also 通常用于动词之前。
He also likes horror movies.
BUT "also" comes after the verb "be". 但是 also 要用于be动词之后。
He is also my oldest friend.
04 Read what Tom, Richard, and Harry say. Then make sentences with "so" and "neither".
●I''m not keen on Italian food. ●I think good friends should make each other laugh.
●I love to drive fast cars. ●I don''t think Harry is very funny.
●I don''t trust Richard. ●I''ve known Richard for a year.
●I like action movies. ●I think good friends should make each other laugh.
●I don''t like soccer. ●I love to drive fast cars.
●I''m Tom''s roommate. ●I don''t think Harry is very funny.
●I''m not keen on Italian food. ●I like action movies.
●I don''t like soccer. ●I''m Tom''s roommate.
●I don''t trust Richard. ●I''ve known Richard for a year.