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『簡體書』SEO的艺术 第3版(影印版)

書城自編碼: 2970031
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→計算機/網絡程序設計
作者: Eric,Enge,Stephan,Spencer,Jess
國際書號(ISBN): 9787564168698
出版社: 东南大学出版社
出版日期: 2017-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 994



** 我創建的書架 **

《SEO的艺术(第3版 影印版)》包括SEO工具、使用技巧和排序方法等内容更新,它们已经让整个SEO领域焕然一新。入门读者可以由此获得完整的SEO知识培训,同时其他富有经验的实践者也可以从中获得更丰富的参考资料以支持进一步深入工作。
1 Search: Reflection Consciousness and Connecting Commerce
The Mission of Search Engines
The Market Share of Search Engines
The Human Goals of Searching
Who Searches and What Do They Search For?
Determining Searcher Intent: A Challenge for Search Marketers and Search Engines
Navigational Queries
Informational Queries
Transactional Queries
Adaptive Search
Searcher Intent
How People Search
How Search Engines Drive Ecommerce
The Mobile Shift
The History of Eye Tracking: How Users Scan Results Pages
Click Tracking: How Users Click on Results (Organic Versus Paid)
Distribution of Search Results and Traffic
2 Search Engine Basics
Understanding Search Engine Results
Understanding the Jayout of Search Results Pages
Understanding How Vertical Results Fit into the SERPs
Google''s Knowledge Graph
Algorithm-Based Ranking Systems: Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking
Crawling and Indexing
Retrieval and Ranking
Evaluating Content on a Web Page
Understanding What Content Search Engines Can"See on a Web Page
Determining Searcher Intent and Delivering Relevant, Fresh Content
Document Analysis and Semantic Conneaivity
Content Quality and User Engagement
Link Analysis
Evaluating Soaal Media Signals
Problem Words, Disambiguation, and Diversity
Why These Algorithms Sometimes Fail
The Knowledge Graph
Analyzing Ranking Factors
Negative Ranking Faaors
Other Ranking Faaors
Using Advanced Search Techniques
Advanced Google Search Operators
Bing Advanced Search Operators
More Advanced Search Operator Techniques
Vertical Search Engines
Vefflcal Search from the Major Search Engines
Universal SearchBlended Search
Country-Speafic Search Engines
Optimizing for Speafic Countries
3 SEO Planning: Customizing Your Strategy
Strategic Goals SEO Practitioners Can Fulfill Visibility (Branding)
Website Traffic
High Retum on Investment
Every SEO Strategy Should Be Custorruzed
Understanding Search Engine Traffic and Visitor Intent
Developing an SEO Plan Prior to Site Development
Business Faaors That Impaa Your SEO Strategy
4 SEO Implementation: First Stages
5 Keyword Research
6 Developing an SEO-Friendly Website
7 Content Marketing
8 How Social Media and User Data Play a Role in Search Results and Rankings
9 Panda, Penguin, and Penalties
10 Mobde, Local, and Vertical SEO
11 Tracking Results and Measuring Success
12 Domain Changes, Redesigns, and Troubleshooting
13 SEO Education and Research
14 SEO Support: In-House, External, or Both?
15 An EvoMng Art Form: The Future of SEO
engine optimization, Google was estimated to receive~200 million searches each day. In 2014, that number jumped to more than 6 billion, a 30x inaease over 10 years. Since its inception, web search has been a powerful tool for people to find what they need, and as a result, it''s also been a powerful channel for those seeking to attract attention, traffic, actions, and customers. But in 2004, discovering how search engines worked and how to drive that traffic was a daunting challenge.
Web forums, blogs, and a handful of industry news sites were the first to take on the problem. They built communities and published resources to help both industry insiders and those aspiring to leam SEO. That''s where I first cut my teeth. But learning from those sources was hard work-and there were no alternatives. Schools didn''t teach SEO the great majority of them still don''t, online courses were extremely rare and many were low quality or straight-up misleading, and there were almost no books on the subject.
When I founded the SEO moz blog which became the company known today as "Moz", my mission was to educate and to learn by doing so. Nothing has made me a better student of SEO and of marketing than being forced to write about and teach it to others.
That''s why it was a great honor to have been one of the contributing writers for the original two editions of this book. When we finished that first full draft, I remember skimming through it and thinking, "Man...I wish they''d had this when I was learning SEO." That was a good feeling.
Search engines are complex. The Web is massively complex. And the human beings doing the searching, sifting, clicking, and converting-they''re the most complex of all.
But all that complexity shouldn''t create an impenetrable wall for those seeking knowledge. In the ast, when it has, the reputation of SEO itself has suffered. CMOs, marketing managers, and mall-business owners have hired or contracted professionals to perform SEO and been frustrated by the process, the requirements, and the results, often because they themselves didn''t know enough about the practice to make a good choice or to acted the right expectations.
By pulling back the veil on SEO, those of us tasked with teaching are enabling the right experations to be set, the right people to be hired, and the right results from SEO investments. Arguably, no one is more qualified or has done more than the team of writers, editors, and praaitioners behind this new edition of The Art of SEO. In this book, you''II find not only the wisdom of its authors, but the work of thousands around the world whotve contributed their insight direaly and are properly ated, of course and indirealy we thank you, too, unacknowledged teachers of us all to transparency in a sometimes too-opaque field.
While I could not personally contribute to this edition as I would have liked, it was my honor and privilege to once again grace these pages even if only in plus paltry foreword alongside such an excellent team. Welcome to The Art of SEO.



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