編輯推薦: |
Sophieis the youngest child in the world to have traveled the Silk Road by bike todate!
Everybodyis an inborn traveler.
Thebeautiful and mysterious Silk Road.
Onthe Earth there are so many scenic spots we havent visited and so many peoplewe havent met. What great impact and influence will they have on us?
內容簡介: |
This book is co-written by Jack Chen and his six-year-old daughter,Sophie, and completed after their biking journey along the Silk Road.这是一本图文并茂的丝路骑行游记,是陈守忠与6岁的女儿陈萱同骑丝路后共同写作的。
This book is co-written by Jack Chen and his six-year-old daughter, Sophie, and completed after their biking journey along the Silk Road.
From Sophies angle the book vividly records the visual and emotional experience of the 2,100 km biking journey, especially when Sophies imagination is involved: painting with the Giants, grape princess in the drying shelter, the camel McDonalds, colored tiger toys, the Yellow River milk tea, somersault cloud, pushing down the Great Wall, the flaming mountains, etc. A great number of photos taken during their journey, plus interesting cartoon images drawn by Sophie, present a lively picture of the unique landscapes, products and people of the Silk Road. The sections in Papas Silk Road Journal such as Talent for Life, Unlimited Exploration and Unbounded Imagination, and Dont Break the Bubbles of Imagination written by Jack Chen, tell us about a fathers thoughts on parental education and how he sees the Silk Road.
關於作者: |
陈萱:陈守忠之女,当年6岁,以2个半月时间从西安至吐鲁番,与爸爸陈守忠完成 2100公里丝路亲子壮游创举,创下全球年龄最小骑单车游丝路首例。
Jack Chen: professional outdoor explorer, grand tourist and guide, biker, climber and hiker. He has published several books on grand tour.
Sophie Chen: daughter of Jack Chen. At six, Sophie completed a 2,100 km biking journey from Xian to Turpan in two and a half months, with the assistance of her father, and thus became the youngest child in the world to have traveled the Silk Road by bike to date.