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書城自編碼: 2956138
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Ziauddin Sardar
國際書號(ISBN): 9781444154627
出版社: Hodder & Stoughton Genera
出版日期: 2012-05-25

頁數/字數: 160
書度/開本: 177x130x14mm 釘裝: Paperback

售價:NT$ 756



** 我創建的書架 **

Ziauddin Sardar''s brilliant new book is ideal for students or general readers who want to know all that matters about Muhammad.
In this book: ''A pioneering writer on Islam'' - Guardian Who was the real Muhammad?Muhammad: All That Matters, by bestselling expert on Islam Ziauddin Sardar, seeks to look beyond Muhammad the prophet, to find Muhammad the man. By returning to the original sources, and incorporating new research on pre-Islamic Mecca, Sardar is able to focus on Muhammad''s character, his values, and on events in his life which up until now have largely been ignored. The Muhammad you will meet in this book is an individual motivated by a sense of justice and equality,and by a passion to help the marginalized. This is a Muhammad who is engaged in a struggle to establish the good society against all odds. This accessible and concise book will appeal to both students and general readers, of any religious persuasion or none. It is a fascinating introduction to Muhammad, rediscovering the unique attributes which have contributed to his monumental impact on history. The All That Matters series: All That Matters books: All books in the All That Matters series are written by world experts in their subject field. These experts work to distil a topic and get right to its heart, making the book accessible for both students and general readers. Each compelling book contains new and interesting perspectives and tells stories that matter. The Author: Ziauddin Sardar is Professor of Law and Society, Middlesex University and co-editor of quarterly Critical Muslim. He has been described as a ''critical polymath'', and was recently selected in the Observer''s list of Britain''s top public intellectuals. He is perhaps best known for his wide-ranging work on Islam, including the international bestseller Introducing Islam. Ziauddin is also Chair of the Muslim Institute, London, and appears regularly on radio, television and in the New Statesman, Guardian and Independent. Keep up with Ziauddin Sardar on his website: www.ziauddinsardar.com . Other books in the All That Matters series: All That Matters - Interesting introductions to important issues Books on the following subjects are available from the All That Matters series: Bioethics, God, Water, Political Philosophy, Sustainability, Philosophy, Intelligence, Love, Russian Revolution, War, and Creativity.To find out more visit: www.allthatmattersbooks.com



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