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『英文書』Total Mandarin Chinese Foundation Course: Learn Mandarin Chinese with the Michel Thomas Method

書城自編碼: 2955999
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Michel Thomas; Harold Goodman
國際書號(ISBN): 9781444138030
出版社: Hodder & Stoughton Genera
出版日期: 2011-08-26

書度/開本: 234x174x69mm 釘裝: CD-Audio

售價:NT$ 9450



** 我創建的書架 **

Join millions of people who have dramatically improved their language skills thanks to the unique Michel Thomas Method, perfected over fifty years by celebrated linguist Michel Thomas. Experience significant results in a remarkably short period of time - without books, drills, memorizing, or homework.
Looking for a convenient language course that fits your lifestyle and gets you speaking a new language in a matter of hours? The acclaimed audio-led Michel Thomas Method Total Mandarin Chinese course, endorsed by celebrities, executives and learners worldwide, will deliver the results you want. How does it work? During the course, you will join Michel Thomas Method teacher Harold Goodman and two students in a live lesson, learning from both their successes and their mistakes to keep you motivated and involved throughout the course. The revolutionary method for learning Mandarin tones used in this course links movement and colours and will enable you to effortlessly recall tones at the proper moment in your communication. Tested and refined on students without any previous knowledge of Mandarin, it is specifically designed to address all styles of language learning (visual, kinaesthetic, auditory, etc.). You learn through your own language, so there''s no stress, and no anxiety. You''ll stick with it because you''ll love it. Why is the method so successful? The Michel Thomas Method was perfected over 50 years by celebrated psychologist and linguist Michel Thomas. This unique method works with your brain and draws on the principles of instructional psychology. Knowledge is structured and organised so that you assimilate the language easily and don''t forget it. The method breaks down the language into building blocks that are introduced sequentially in such a way that you create your response and move on to ever-more-complex sentences. There is no need to stop for homework, additional exercises or vocabulary memorization, so you progress rapidly. What''s in the Course? Total Mandarin Chinese with the Michel Thomas Method includes up to 8 hours of audio on CD and an interactive CD-ROM for practice and review. *Note that the content is the same as the previously entitled Foundation course Learn anywhere Don''t be tied to chunky books or your computer, Michel Thomas Method audio courses let you learn whenever you want: at home, in your car, or on the move with your MP3 player. Where do I go next? Perfect Mandarin Chinese follows on from the Total course with 6 hours of audio.



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