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『英文書』Understand Applied Psychology: Teach Yourself

書城自編碼: 2955791
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Nicky Hayes
國際書號(ISBN): 9781444100877
出版社: Hodder & Stoughton Genera
出版日期: 2010-06-25

頁數/字數: 336
書度/開本: 197x130x21mm 釘裝: Paperback

售價:NT$ 1040



** 我創建的書架 **

Understand Applied Psychology shows how basic psychological processes are relevant to everyday situations and contexts. From education to occupational psychology, this book provides a comprehensive look at psychology in almost every area of day-to-day living.
Is this the right book for me? A comprehensive look at psychology in almost every area of day-to-day living Understand Applied Psychology shows how basic psychological processes are relevant to everyday situations and contexts. From education to occupational psychology, this book provides a comprehensive look at psychology in almost every area of day-to-day living. It covers 18 different areas of applied psychology, explaining how psychologists work in the community as a whole and how psychology is applied to working life and broader aspects of living. The book also includes well-developed but unknown areas such as space psychology and eco-psychology, showing the scope of applied psychology and giving ideas for other areas where it could usefully contribute to our everyday lives. Understand Psychology includes: Chapter 1: Applying psychology Chapter 2: Applied cognitive psychology Chapter 3: Applied social psychology Chapter 4: Applied bio-psychology Chapter 5: Applied development psychology Chapter 6: Clinical psychology Chapter 7: Counselling psychology Chapter 8: Health psychology Chapter 9: Forensic psychology Chapter 10: Educational psychology Chapter 11: Applied psychology of teaching and learning Chapter 12: Occupational psychology Chapter 13: Organizational psychology Chapter 14: Engineering and design psychology Chapter 15: Space psychology Chapter 16: Sport psychology Chapter 17: Consumer psychology Chapter 18: Environmental psychology Chapter 19: Political psychology Chapter 20: Applied psychology as a profession Learn effortlessly with a new easy-to-read page design and interactive features: Not got much time? One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started. Author insights Lots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author''s many years of experience. Test yourself Tests in the book and online to keep track of your progress. Extend your knowledge Extra online articles to give you a richer understanding of the subject. Five things to remember Quick refreshers to help you remember the key facts. Try this Innovative exercises illustrate what you''ve learnt and how to use it.



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