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『英文書』Teach Yourself Beginner's Portuguese

書城自編碼: 2955496
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Sue Tyson-Ward
國際書號(ISBN): 9780340964996
出版社: Hodder & Stoughton Genera
出版日期: 2008-08-29

頁數/字數: 224
書度/開本: 230x159x49mm 釘裝: Mixed medi

售價:NT$ 2268



** 我創建的書架 **

This summary refers to the book+CD pack. Teach Yourself Beginner''s Portuguese is the right course for you if you really want to learn Portuguese but are daunted by the prospect of complicated grammar, classes and coursebooks.
This summary refers to the book + double CD pack. ''Teach Yourself Beginner''s Portuguese'' is the right course for you if you really want to learn Portuguese but are daunted by the prospect of complicated grammar, classes and coursebooks. This course starts right from the beginning and explains everything in simple English. There are hints throughout to make learning easy and you can learn at your own pace with plenty of practice of each new point. It is a friendly introduction to the language which will help you to understand and speak Portuguese sufficiently well to function effectively in basic everyday situations. The course will also offer you an insight into Portuguese culture. The book is divided into two main parts. Units 1-10 introduce you to the basic structures and grammatical points you''ll need in everyday situations. Units 11-19 give you the opportunity to put into practice and consolidate the language you have learnt in the first ten units. They deal with everyday situations such as shopping, eating and travelling. There is a special section on pronunciation at the beginning of the book to get you started and a checklist at the end of the first ten units so that you can check your progress and review any areas of difficulty. New language is introduced through short dialogues and texts which are also on the accompanying recording and there are plenty of exercises to practise each new point as it is introduced. This new edition has been completely updated and the accompanying recording on 2 CDs includes a simplified pronunciation guide. By the end of the course you''ll be able to communicate in a wide range of real-life situations and have all the practical information you need to enjoy your next trip to Portugal. The book (9780340965009) and double CD pack (9780340965016) are available separately.



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