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Based on the questions texted to Any Questions Answered (AQA), number 63336, and the answers given by the service.
內容簡介: |
Like its predecessor, "The End of the Question Mark", but also including the answers given by Stephen Fry and other celebrities to questions put to them by, this is based on the questions texted to Any Questions Answered (AQA), number 63336, and the answers given by the service. For example: Q. What went with tonic to create spade dust? A. Gym went with Tonic. Spacedust were the British production duo of Paul Glancey and Duncan Glasson, and ''Gym And Tonic'' was the Ibiza anthem of 1998; Q. How many ladybirds would it take 2 cover a double bed? A. The average ladybird is 0.8 square cm in size - To cover a typical double bed (25,650 square cm) would require 32,062 well behaved ladybirds;Q. Where is the original "no mans land"? A. The term "no-man''s-land" goes back to the 14th century and was used for a vast wasteland outside the north walls of London where criminals were executed; and,Q. I am doin pub quiz. On which evday object wud u c the ltrs dgregfda. A. You would find ''D.G. REG F.D'' on the face of British coins - It is an acronym meaning Elizabeth II, By the Grace of God Queen & Defender of the Faith.