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『簡體書』Read Easy!高考英语时文选读100篇

書城自編碼: 2949108
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→中小學教輔高考
作者: 肖璟 高丽雯 韩芝春主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787553771649
出版社: 江苏科学技术出版社
出版日期: 2016-12-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 240



** 我創建的書架 **

Read Easy!高考英语时文选读100篇集合了国内外多名专家精选的100篇英语时文.内容涵盖新闻、文化、科技、社会等十大热门主题,并针对高考阅读题型,设计了与之配套的题目、解析以及补充内容,具有语篇纯正、题材新颖、题目灵活等特点.
PartⅠ 新闻速递 1
PartⅡ 教育百态 19
PartⅢ 文化大观 39
PartⅣ 人物故事 55
PartⅤ 史地环保 73
PartⅥ 信息科技 93
PartⅦ 经济动态 111
PartⅧ 社会问题 131
PartⅨ 卫生健康 153
PartⅩ 生活指南 173
为了夯实英语语言基础,提高英语实际运用能力,我们编写了Learn Easy!高考英语助考系列丛书.本系列丛书共有五本,即词汇篇Vocabulary Easy! 高考英语词汇巧记活用,语法篇Grammar Easy!高考英语语法精讲精练,阅读篇Read Easy!高考英语阅读高分谋略篇Read Easy!高考英语阅读完形实战演练145和Read Easy!高考英语时文选读100篇.这五书相辅相成,又自成体系.词汇篇、语法篇旨在加固学生的语言知识基础.词汇是语言的基本单位,没有词汇,就没有理解,更谈不上意义的表达.英语是法治的语言,强调严谨的结构和严密的逻辑关系,任何句子都是由一定的语法关系组合而成,形成意义.所以词汇和语法知识的积累对于语言理解和运用至关重要.然而,即使我们记忆了大量的单词,也往往理不清句群与句群之间的逻辑关系,不会分解长难句,不会分析篇章结构,因此在做题目时不能很好地把握题眼、出题人的意图,导致失分.由此看来,具备一定的词法、句法、篇章构造逻辑关系的知识,对于阅读能力的提升大有裨益.这也就是Read Easy! 高考英语阅读高分谋略篇所涉及的内容.具备这些英语知识,再研究阅读解题技巧在实践中的运用,辅以对不同题材多层次的阅读练习,才能真正提高处理篇章的能力.因此,Read Easy!高考英语阅读完形实战演练145以难度级别划分,Read Easy!高考英语时文选读100 篇以篇章题材来划分.这两本书是从不同角度展开实战演练.综上所述,本系列丛书逻辑关系严密,互为补充,层层递进,可切实提高学生的语言应用能力.Read Easy!高考英语时文选读100篇集合了国内外多名专家精选的100篇英语时文.内容涵盖新闻、文化、科技、社会等十大热门主题,并针对高考阅读题型,设计了与之配套的题目、解析以及补充内容,具有语篇纯正、题材新颖、题目灵活等特点.本套丛书由二语习得专家和一线教师精心打造,并且由苏州大学顾卫星教授对全套丛书进行审读,在此一并致谢!知己知彼,百战不殆! 勤思精练,事半功倍! 祝同学们马到成功!

Kiron University:Open Only for Refugees
1CNN Imagine a university that could provide an education to refugees, wherever they are in the world, for free.2Not only would this give displaced people a higher chance of employment in their new countries, but it would provide a social and professional network where they can meet others facing similar challenges.3But with 42,500 people being forced from their homes every day, who could afford such a monumental project?4The answer comes, as it does so often these days, in the form of crowd-funding.5Kiron University, which launched with its first students this October, has turned its utopian vision into reality using only the power of online donations and a rapidly expanding team of around 100 volunteers.6The campaign, which ends Friday, asked for 120,000, but has so far raised 233,557 about $250,000.7Based in Berlin, Germany, the university runs all of its courses online and students have to submit proof of their refugee status in order to enroll.8Currently in a test stage limited to 1,200 students, the university has plans to provide free higher education for all refugees who are able to gain access to the internet via computer, tablet or smart phone, wherever they are in the world.9Markus Kressler, a co-founder of Kiron, told CNN how the project came about: "The vision came from meeting with and speaking to refugees from Syria last year in Istanbul, just before the massive migration into Europe happened.10"They were clearly a good class of people, who wanted to learn and contribute to society."11He added: "One big barrier for displaced people is that they cannot enroll in normal universities because they do not have access to the proper paperwork. Another barrier is high fees.12"We developed Kiron to be the ideal university for refugees, so, we removed both of these barriers. The other thing we do is to make sure that all our courses are accessible online, so students can continue their courses wherever they end up."13The two points are connected: it is only possible to educate students so cheaply by relying on online courses produced by other universities.14Kiron uses courses put online by existing universities -- including Harvard, Yale, Cambridge and MIT -- to provide courses in engineering, computer science, business administration, architecture and intercultural studies. The courses are certified by the European Credit Transfer System, making each degree program internationally recognized.16However, that''s not to say Kiron does not have input in its degree programs. The university produces its own learning materials, third-party content and e-learning technology.1. What makes free college education for refugees possible?A. Governmental supportB. Bank loanC. Donation from big companiesD. Online donations and volunteers2. How can students enroll into Kiron University?A. They must submit proof of their refugee status.B. They can be admitted to Kiron University without any requirement.C. They need to prove they are too poor to afford college education.D. They need to provide proper paperwork required by the school.3. Why cant displaced people enroll in normal universities?A. Because they dont qualify.B. Because they are foreigners.C. Because they cant afford it.D. Because they dont want to.4. What course is not mentioned in the text?A. Computer scienceB. PhysicsC. Business administrationD. Intercultural studies5. Which one is not the source of Kiron learning materials?A. Courses put online by existing universitiesB. Unknown materialsC. Its own learning materialsD. Third-party content一、导读本文主要讲述Kiron 大学如何通过网络捐款和倚靠众多志愿者为有志学习而没有上大学渠道的难民提供免费网上课堂。二、答案解析1. D 细节理解题。从第五段可知答案是D。2. A 细节理解题。从第七段students have to submit proof of their refugee status in order to enroll可知答案是A。3. C细节理解题。从第十一段they cannot enroll in normal universities because they do not have access to the proper paperwork. Another barrier is high fees可知答案是C。4. B细节理解题。从第十四段to provide courses in engineering, computer science, business administration, architecture and intercultural studies可知答案是B。5. B细节理解题。从第十四段第一句Kiron uses courses put online by existing universities和十六段最后一句 The university produces its own learning materials, third-party content and e-learning technology可知答案是B。三、词汇积累1. monumental adj 巨大的四 长难句分析Kiron University, which launched with its first students this October, has turned its utopian vision into reality using only the power of online donations and a rapidly expanding team of around 100 volunteers.今年十月随着第一批学生正式开课,Kiron大学借助网络捐款和快速增加的大约100名志愿者终于将它的乌托邦理想变成现实。Currently in a test stage limited to 1,200 students, the university has plans to provide free higher education for all refugees who are able to gain access to the internet via computer, tablet or smart phone, wherever they are in the world.目前在试运行阶段只限招生1200名学生,学校计划为所有不管身在何地只要有条件通过台式电脑,平板电脑或智能手机上网的所有难民提供免费高等教育。



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