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全书包括四章。*章SAT\ACT 必备句型包括简单句、并列句、主从复合句、特殊句式等。第二章系语法题精选。第三章是考点分类。包括句子主谓、代词运用、平行并列结构、动词短语\模糊性词语、分词(定语、状语)、形容词、副词\ 比较一致、虚拟语气、句式、常用标点符号、简洁原则、合并句子、段落逻辑等。第四章是五套综合模拟题。
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第一章 SAT\ACT 必备句型
第一节 简单句
第二节 并列句
第三节 主从复合句
第四节 特殊句式
第二章 语法题精选
Section One
Section Two
第三章 考点归类
第一节 句子主谓
第二节 代词的运用
第三节 平行结构
第四节 分词做定语以及分词做状语之间的区别
第五节 形容词 \ 副词的用法以及比较一致
第六节 虚拟语气
第七节 句式方面的错误
第八节 常用标点符号
第九节 简洁 \ 避免重复或者累赘
第十节 合并句子
第十一节 段落逻辑
第四章 综合模拟题
Model Test 1
Model Test 2
Model Test 3
Model Test 4
Model Test 5
第三章 考点归类
本章对新 SAT 和 ACT 的考点进行了分类总结,一个考点为一小节,每小节包含考题和
解题技巧两部分。这样的安排旨在帮助考生系统掌握新 SAT 和 ACT 的常考考点,提高解题
① 建议考生记忆考点、熟悉解题技巧和策略。
② 将每个考点与整个语法体系联系起来。
③ 培养逻辑性。
第一节 句子主谓
3.1.1 真题训练
1. Government regulations aimed at encouraging fuel economy requires automakers to produce one
fuel-efficient vehicle for every inefficient one.
A No change
B require automakers to produce
C require automakers producing
D that requires automakers to producing
2. Many years after Ernest Just received the NAACPs Spingarn medal for his groundbreaking discoveries
in cell biology, the nation issuing a postage stamp to honor him. No error.
3. Traffic was heavy, so by the time Andrew finally arrived at the theater, we waited for him for an
hour, missing the entire first act of the play. No error.
4. Nowadays cars used unlimitedly so that they lead to not only serious environmental pollution but
also the rapid depletion of natural resources, mainly oil. No Error.
5. Because philosophy teaching students not what to think but how to think, the age-old discipline
offers consistently useful tools for academic and professional achievement.
A No Change
新 SATACT 语法教程
B teaches
C to teach
D and teaching
6. On the Graduate Record ExaminationGRE, for example, students attending to study philosophy
in graduate school has scored higher than students in all but four other majors.
A No Change
B have scored
C scores
D scoring
1. B(谓语动词要与主语单复数保持一致。注意:SAT 句子一般主语后面都有修饰语)
2. C(verb-ingverb-to do 不能单独做谓语。注意:本题考查谓语的完整性)
3. B(waited 动作发生在 arrived 前面,应该使用过去完成时态)
4. A(cars 不能做 use 这个动作,应该使用被动语态)
5. B(philosophy 为单数另外,verb-ing 不能单独做谓语)
6. B(students 为复数)
3.1.2 一致讲解
① Subject-Verb agreement: 谓语动词和主语在数上的一致。
a. A and B 做主语时一般要求动词使用复数。但是,下列情形都是插入语,谓语动词要和
A 在数上保持一致。
A, as well as B,
A, together with B,
A, along with B,
A, in addition to B,
② 以不定代词 each, anyone, anybody, anything, another, neither, either, every, everyone, everybody,
no one, somebody, everything, little, much 等为主语的句子,谓语动词要用单数。
③ 注意一些不规则的名词复数做主语时,要能正确辨认出来:phenomena, media, data,
criteria, bacteria 等。
相反,有些表示学科的词,看起来是复数,实际上却是单数,如 physics,economics 等。
④ none of, any of, some of, most of, more of, all of 这些词组做主语的时候,谓语的数要看
of 之后的名词是单数还是复数,是不是不可数名词。
⑤ 符合就近原则的情况:either A or B 做主语时,谓语要和 B 在数上保持一致。
neithernor; not onlybut also 也是遵循这一原则。
⑥ 主语如果是时间、重量、长度、价值等,尽管是复数,但是一般把它们看作单数。
⑦ 注意定语从句中谓语动词和作为逻辑主语的先行词的搭配。
第三章 考点归类
例:She is the kind of girls who receive admiration from almost every boy in the class.
3.1.3 时态问题
① 使用过去完成时,表示在一个过去时间点之前某个时间发生的事,即过去的过去。
例:By the time we arrived at the reception, Kyle had already given the toast.
② 现在完成时表示从过去一段时间延续到现在的动作,或者发生在过去一个不确定的时间
例 1:I have worked in Guangzhou for 8 years since I graduated from university here.
例 2:She has built up a great reputation in the small town in Canada.
③ 将来完成时指在将来某个时间之前会完成的动作。
例:By Friday, we will have completed the entire project.
④ 分词中如果表示的动作在谓语动作之前,要用分词的完成时形式。
例:Having walked all night, the army were desperate to find rest at dawn.
⑤ 如果表达的是一个理论、艺术品、永恒的事实等,那么动词要用一般现在时。
例:The ancient Greek philosopher Zeno believed that all motion is an illusion.
3.1.4 谓语完整性
例:Because philosophy teaching students not what to think but how to think, the age-old discipline
offers consistently useful tools for academic and professional achievement.(谓语错误)
第二节 代词的运用
3.2.1 真题训练
1. Teddy bears comforted and amused children throughout the twentieth century, and it will be
cherished to those born in the future as well.
A No change
B they are still cherished to
C it is still cherished by
D they will be cherished by
2. Although talking while gesturing with ones hands was once considered undesirable, researchers have
now found that to use gestures when you converse makes it easier for many people to think and speak.
新 SATACT 语法教程
A No change
B to make thinking and speaking easier for many people during conversations you should use
C for the ease of many people during conversations one should gesture to think and speak
D using gestures during conversation makes thinking and speaking easier for many people
3. According to journalist Howard Mansfield, a person feels a need to reconnect with and recover
from the past; therefore they preserve and endlessly recycle old objects.
A No change
B since a person feels a need to reconnect with and recover the past,
C since a person needs to feel a reconnection with and recovery of the past, therefore
D many people feel a need to reconnect with and recover the past; therefore,
4. Coal tar was a by-product of steel manufacturing, and compounds derived from them had been
used as medicines and in dye formulations.
A No Change
B from it
C from these
D from him
5. From the ancients to the postmoderns, great philosophers have spoken powerfully within there
respective contexts.
A No Change
B their
C its
D its
6. It is rare today for a novelist to attempt to ask What does it mean? Instead, we strive to provide
the reader with an answer to the question What happens next?
A No Change
B they strive
C it strives
D he or she strives
7. Everyone has their own reason for wanting to become an intern.
A No Change
B your
C its
D his or her
8. Scientists have long known that soot particles facilitate melting by darkening snow and ice,
limiting its ability to reflect the Suns rays.
A No Change
B its
C there
D their
9. According to Box, a leading Greenland expert, tundra fires in 2012 from as far away as North
America produced great amounts of soot, some of it drifted over Greenland in giant plumes of
smoke and then fell as particles onto the ice sheet.
A No Change
B soot
C of which
D Delete the underlined portion
10. The article goes on to suggest that the most valuable resources provided by coworking spaces
are actually the people whom use them.
A No Change
B whom uses
C who uses
D who use
11. Because todays students can expect to hold multiple jobssome of which may not even exist
yetduring our lifetime, studying philosophy allow them to be flexible and adaptable.
A NO Change
B ones
C his or her
D their
12. This trend, combined with the increasing accessibility of information via the Internet, has led
some to claim that librarianship is in decline as a profession.
A No Change
B have
C which have
D which has
13. Like their terrestrial plant cousins, kelp removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, turning it
into sugar fuel through photosynthesis, and releases oxygen back into the air.
A No Change
B theyre
C its
D its
新 SATACT 语法教程
14. Planned obsolescence, a practice at which products are designed to have a limited period of
usefulness, has been a cornerstone of manufacturing strategy for the past 80 years.
A No Change
B from which
C so that
D whereby
15. It was the brainchild of former journalist Martine Postma, wanting to take a practical stand in a
throwaway culture.
A No Change
B whom wants
C who wanted
D she wanted
16. Thus, businesses can install light tubes, these are pipes placed in workplace roofs to capture and
funnel sunlight down into a buildings interior.
A No Change
B they are
C which are
D those being
17. Just as travelers taking road trips today may need to take a break for food at a rest area along the
highway, settlers traversing the America West by train in the mid-1800s often found themselves in
need of refreshment.
A No Change
B himself or herself
C their selves
D oneself
1. D(并列句的两个分句的主语要保持一致)
2. D(句子的视角、主语、时态、语态保持一致)
3. D(分号引导的并列句之间的主语、时态、语态保持一致)
4. B(视角一致)
5. B(视角一致)
6. D(视角一致)
7. D(视角一致)
8. D(视角一致)
9. C(介词+which 引导非限定性定语从句)
10. D(使用代词的主格)
11. D(整句话的主语视角保持一致)
12. A(与插入语无关)
13. C(主语为单数)
14. D(非限定性定语从句 by which=whereby)
15. C(强调句
16. C(关系代词 which 用于非限定性定语从句)
17. A(反身代词和主语保持一致)