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1. 牙周治疗作为口腔治疗的基础,市场容量非常大。
2. 目前国内没有相关同类图书,市场前景非常好,发展空间非常大。
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章锦才(主译) 男 主任医师 教授。是中华口腔医学会牙周病学专委会常务委员。主要从事牙周病病因与防治的研究。
经典文献Classic Literatures
支持治疗期间龈下刮治的效果 1
Effect of subgingival scaling during supportive therapy
Jenkins WMM, Said SHM, Radvar M, Kinane DF
菌斑控制项目在牙齿缺失、龋病和成人牙周病中的长期影响30年维护的结果 7
The long-term effect of a plaque control program on tooth mortality, caries and periodontal disease in adults
Results after 30 years of maintenance
Axelsson P, Nystrm B, Lindhe J
接受纤维保留骨切除手术的牙周患者的支持治疗长期效果I:牙周袋、探诊出血的复发以及牙齿的丧失 15
Long-term effects of supportive therapy in periodontal patients treated with fibre retention osseous resective surgery. I: recurrence of pockets, bleeding on probing and tooth loss
Carnevale G, Cairo F, Tonetti MS
专业的机械去除菌斑对于成人牙周病的预防最新的系统性回顾 22
Professional mechanical plaque removal for prevention of periodontal diseases in adults-systematic review update
Needleman I, Nibali L, Di Iorio A
专业机械清除牙菌斑预防牙周病的系统回顾 43
A systematic review of professional mechanical plaque removal for prevention of periodontal diseases
Needleman I, Suvan J, Moles DR, Pimlott J
影响牙齿存留和探诊深度变化的因素:一项对牙周炎患者的长期随访研究 43
Variables affecting tooth survival and changes in probing depth: a long-term follow-up of periodontitis patients
Saminsky M, Halperin-Sternfeld M, Machtei EE, Horwitz J
长期的专业机械清除牙菌斑基础治疗在牙周病二级预防中的作用 44
Effect of professional mechanical plaque removal performed on a long-term, routine basis in the secondary prevention of periodontitis: a systematic review
Trombelli L, Franceschetti G, Farina R.
比较全景片和口内X线片评估牙周炎维护期患者牙槽骨水平的研究 44
Comparison between panoramic and intra-oral radiographs for the assessment of alveolar bone levels in a periodontal maintenance population
Persson RE, Tzannetou S, Feloutzis AG, Brgger U, Persson GR, Lang NP
上下颌根分叉隧道成形术文献综述和病例报告 45
Mandibular and maxillary furcation tunnel preparationsliterature review and a case report
Rdiger SG
牙周支持治疗时纵向的牙周组织改建来自正常人和牙周病易感者的研究 45
Longitudinal periodontal tissue alterations during supportive therapyFindings from subjects with normal and high susceptibility to periodontal disease
Rosling B, Serino G, Hellstrm M-K, Socransky SS, Lindhe J
可摘局部义齿对余留牙牙周维护的影响 46
Impact of periodontal maintenance on tooth survival in patients with removable partial dentures
Tada S, Allen PF, Ikebe K, Matsuda K, Maeda Y
在维护期患者中将重复甲硝唑治疗作为刮治和根面平整的辅助治疗 46
Repeated local metronidazole-therapy as adjunct to scaling and root planing in maintenance patients
Riep B, Purucker P, Bernimoulin JP
接受纤维保留骨切除手术牙周患者的支持治疗长期效果II:积极治疗以及支持治疗期间的拔牙情况 47
Long-term effects of supportive therapy in periodontal patients treated with fibre retention osseous resective surgery. II: tooth extractions during active and supportive therapy
Carnevale G, Cairo F, Tonetti MS
意大利牙周门诊患者对牙周维护治疗的依从性 47
Patient compliance with maintenance therapy in an Italian periodontal practice
Checchi L, Felliccioni GA. Gcttto MR A and Kelescian L
牙周支持治疗对HIV-血清阳性与阴性患者的长期效果比较 48
Long-term results of supportive periodontal therapy SPT in HIV-seropositive and HIV-seronegative patients
Hofer D, Hmmerle, Grassi M, Lang NP