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書城自編碼: 2923614
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→中小學教輔中小学阅读
作者: [美国]埃德温·埃尔德曼 主编,帕孜丽亚·阿力木 等译
國際書號(ISBN): 9787554607893
出版社: 古吴轩出版社
出版日期: 2016-12-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 268/80000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 254



** 我創建的書架 **

埃德温埃尔德曼(Edwin Alderman, 1861-1931),美国著名教育家、教育改革家。他曾担任弗吉尼亚大学校长长达25年之久,并在美国教育改革期间,为中小学生精编了这一套美国语文教材。

因毕生致力于教育改革,是美国进步时代(Progressive Era)的标志性人物,埃德温埃尔德曼去世的时候,美国总统胡佛发来悼词,表示遗憾。普策利奖得主杜马斯马龙(Dumas Malone)曾为埃德温埃尔德曼撰写传记。
Chapter1Classic Myth |经典神话

The Golden Fleece1 | 金羊毛(1)
The Golden Fleece2 | 金羊毛(2)
Arthur and the Sword1 | 亚瑟王和神剑(1)
Arthur and the Sword2 | 亚瑟王和神剑(2)
The Three Golden Apples1 | 三只金苹果(1)
The Three Golden Apples2 | 三只金苹果(2)
Ulysses and the Wind | 尤利西斯与风
Peach Prince1 | 桃太郎(1)
Peach Prince2 | 桃太郎(2)

Chapter2Nature Study |关于大自然的研究

The Woodpecker | 啄木鸟
The Goldfinch | 金翅雀
The Cardinal Bird | 北美红雀
Water Lilies | 睡莲
A Squirrel Talk1 | 松鼠课堂(1)
A Squirrel Talk2 | 松鼠课堂(2)
Bob | 鲍勃
The Birds and I | 鸟儿与我
How a Lark Learned to Sing and Fly | 云雀是怎么学会歌唱与飞翔
Elephants and Their Babies | 大象和她们的象宝宝
Black Swallowtail1 | 黑色燕尾蝶(1)
Black Swallowtail2 | 黑色燕尾蝶(2)
Sponges | 海绵

Chapter3Miscellaneous Poems |杂诗

September | 九月
October | 十月
November | 十一月
The Knights and the Child | 骑士与孩童
The Chestnut Burr | 板栗毛刺
Good-Night | 晚安
The New Moon | 新月
The Land of Story Books | 故事书的乐园
The Water Mill1 | 水车(1)
The Water Mill2 | 水车(1)
The Child and the Bird | 孩子与鸟
A Boys Song | 男孩之歌
Thanksgiving Day | 感恩节

Snowflakes | 雪花
The Owl | 猫头鹰
The Snow-Birds Song | 雪鸟之歌
The Arrow and the Song | 箭与歌
A Christmas Song | 圣诞歌
The Bright Side | 光明的一边
Talking in Their Sleep | 梦呓
A Lullaby | 摇篮曲
The Poet and His Boat | 诗人与舟
The Flower | 花
Pippas Song | 比芭之歌

Chapter4Fables and Fairy Tales |寓言和童话

The North Wind and the Sun | 北风和太阳
Timothys Shoes | 蒂莫西的鞋子
The Lady-Bird and the Fly1 | 瓢虫和苍蝇(1)
The Lady-Bird and the Fly2 | 瓢虫和苍蝇(2)
The StrongestWho? Or Which?1 | 到底谁最厉害?(1)
The StrongestWho? Or Which?2 | 到底谁最厉害?(2)
The Mallard Ducks | 野鸭子
The Three Bears1 | 三只熊的故事(1)
The Three Bears2 | 三只熊的故事(2)
Davids Trip to the Moon | 大卫的月亮之旅
Davids Work in the Moon | 大卫在月球上的工作
李江月 | 伊利诺斯大学PHD,湖北省高考作文满分获得者









曹海元 |MIT PHD




The Golden Fleece1
Long ago a little boy and his sister lived in a far-off land. Their father was the king. Their mother had been the queen, but she was dead.
The new queen did not like these children at all. She did not give them enough to eat, and she often made them stay out in the cold.
At last the queen made a plan to get rid of the children. The little boy found out about this, and told his sister.
Let us run away and hide, he said. We must go where the queen cannot find us.
Oh, yes! Let us go at once, said the little sister.
Very soon they were ready to set out. Just then a strange thing happened. A ram cam flying down to them from the clouds. This ram was not like other sheep, for he had a fleece of bright gold.
When the children saw him, they were glad. He has come to help us, they said, He will take us away, so that the queen cannot find us. Then they climbed up on his back.
The little boy took hold of the rams horns to keep from falling. The little girl held fast to him. Greek Myth



The Golden Fleece2
The ram then flew up into the air. Away, far, far off he flew. He carried the children safely over the land.
Then they came to the sea. There the little sister lost her hold, and fell into the deep water.
The ram could not stop, and there was no way for the little boy to help his sister. The brother was sorry, and cried very hard, but he still held on.
At last they came to land again, and the ram flew down. The little boy got off. He was glad for here the queen could not harm him.
The boy then went to see the king of this country, who gave him a pleasant home.
Not long after this the ram died. Then the boy took the beautiful fleece of gold, and gave it to this king. The king was much pleased with it, and had it hung up on an oak-tree, in the dark woods.
Other kings heard about the fleece, and tried to take it away. So a great dragon was placed under the tree to guard the golden fleece.
Greek Myth



Arthur and the Sword1
This sword was found in a very strange place. It wasticking in an anvil.
The anvil was on a stone, and the stone was close beside a church. Just how it happened to be there, no one knew.
One day as some men came out of the church, they saw the sword. But it was not there when they went in. Where had it come from?
The men went up to look at the sword. They read these words on the anvil, If any one can pull this sword out, he shall be the king.
After some days, all the brave knights met to talk about this strange sword out of the anvil, but no one could move it.
Let us go home, they said, and try again some other day. So they went away.
Some time after this, all the knights met at a place nearby. But one of them had left his sword at home.
Arthur, please go home and get my sword for me, this knight said to his young brother.
Arthur went home, but there was no one at home get the sword for him.
My brother must have a sword, said Arthur to himself. I saw one in the anvil beside the church. I shall go and get that sword for him.
Sir Thomas Malory


Arthur and the Sword2
Arthur rode at once to the church. When he came to the stone, he took hold of the sword, and pulled it out. This seemed easy work to him.
Then he carried the word to his brother. The name of Arthurs brother was Sir Kay.
This is not my sword, Arthur, said Sir Kay. Where did you get this one?
I took it out of the anvil on the stone, said Arthur. There was no one at home to give me you sword.
Arthurs brother quickly told their father what had happened. That is very old, said their father. Let us see about this thing.
When they came to the stone, Arthurs father put the sword back where it had been before. Then he tried to pull it out. The sword did not move.
Next Sir Kay tried to pull it out, but the sword stuck fast in the anvil.
Now, Arthur, it is you turn, said his father.
Arthur grasped the sword. It came right out his hands. He put it back in the anvil, and took it out again and again.
Then all the other knights tried as before to pull out the sword. They could not move it.
When all these men had failed a number of times, they
gave up. They saw that Arthur was the only person that could pull out this strange sword. Arthur shall be the king! Arthur shall be the king! was the cry. The knight agreed to this. So Arthur was soon made the king, and was ever brave, and wise, and good.
Sir Thomas Malory



The Three Golden Apples1
Long ago there lived a hero by the name of Hercules. He was a very strong and brave man, and did many great deeds.
Over his shoulders he wore the skin of a fierce lion that he had killed. He carried a huge club, and he also had a bow and arrows.
The king once sent Hercules to find three golden apples and bring them back. These apples grew in a fairy garden a long way off.
As Hercules went on his way to the garden, every one that he met told him to return home.
Go back, the people said. Even if you reach the garden, the dragon will kill you.
Near a river Hercules stopped to talk with some maidens. They, too, told him about the dragon.
What is the dragon like? asked Hercules.
It has a hundred heads, one girl said, and is put there to guard the apples.
Fifty of the heads are always on the watch, while the other fifty sleep, said another.
I am not afraid, said Hercules. Now I must go.
When Hercules came to the sea, he saw a great golden bowl tossing on the waves. The bowl was as large as a boat,
and floated to the shore. Hercules climbed into this bowl. Then he spread out his lion skin, and lay down on it to sleep. A way over the sea floated his boat, but the hero did not awake until the bowl again touched land.
Greek Legend


The Three Golden Apples2
In a moment Hercules sprang out. Now I must look for the giant, he said, for he will tell me the way.
Halloo! said a voice.
Looking up, Hercules caught sight of the giant. My god, what a huge fellow he was! Truly he was as tall as a mountain. There he stood holding the world on his shoulders, for, you know, that was his work.
What do you want? asked the giant.
I want three golden apples for the king, said Hercules.
The dragon will kill you, said the giant. Nobody can go to the garden but me, and I have to hold up the world.
Let me hold the world, said Hercules.
This was just what the giant wanted. How glad he was to be free! It was his first rest for a hundred years. He stretched himself and started off.
Ten miles the giant went at a single step. He waded into the sea. Ten miles more and ten miles more, and Hercules could no longer see him.
Soon the world grew heavy on the shoulders of the hero, and he wished for the giants return.
The giant was not in any haste. He was finding it very pleasant to be free. But after some time he came in sight.
Hercules was on the watch for him. Sure enough, the giant had the three golden apples. These he was tossing about twenty miles up into the air and catching as they came down.
Then the giant gave the apples to Hercules, and again took the world on his shoulders. Hercules went back to the palace and laid his gift before the king.
Greek Legend


Ulysses and the Wind
For ten long years Ulysses and his soldiers had been fighting at Troy. Now the war was over, and they were all going home.
As their home was on an island in the sea, they had to go in boats.
Aeolus, the king of the winds, lived on another island. He kept the winds shut up in a cave, so that they could not do harm by blowing at the wrong time.
Ulysses stopped to see his friend Aeolus. I should like to have a good wind that will blow our boats straight home, he said.
With all my heart, said Aeolus, here is a bag filled with winds. You shall have it, and then you can choose any wind that you please.
Ulysses first chose the west wind, and gayly it blew the boats toward home.
For eight days and nights Ulysses stayed awake to see that all was right. By that time they were in sight of their own island. Now all is well, and I shall sleep, said Ulysses.
No sooner was Ulysses asleep, than his men got into mischief. They had seen the queer bag. It must hold treasures, they said, for Ulysses guards it with so much care.
Then they opened the bag. Out rushed all the winds, and over the sea they flew.
The north wind made a fierce storm, the east wind brought rain, the sea was filled with huge waves, and the poor boats were driven far away.
They were driven so far, that ten years more rolled round before Ulysses reached his island. By that time all of his men and boats were lost, and a friendly king had to send them home.
Homers Iliad, adapted



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