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T前言3 悼玛格丽特表姊7 给M.S.G.9 勒钦伊盖13 我愿做无忧无虑的小孩以上选自《闲散的时光》(1802-1807)19 当初我们俩分别23 答一位淑女27 雅典的女郎31 希腊战歌37 给赛沙43 去吧,去吧47 倘若偶尔在繁嚣人境51 编织机法案编制者颂55 致一位哭泣的淑女59 我给你的项链以上选自《随感》(1807-1814)63 她走来,风姿幽美65 野羚羊69 哭吧71 在约旦河岸73 我灵魂阴郁75 我见过你哭77 扫罗王最后一战的战前之歌79 扫罗83 传道者说:凡事都是虚空87 当这副受苦的皮囊冷却91 伯沙撒所见异象97 希律王哭马利安妮101 我们在巴比伦的河边坐下来哭泣103 西拿基立的覆灭以上选自《希伯来歌曲》( 1814-1815)107 写给奥古丝达以上选自《家室篇》(1816)113 致伯沙撒117 歌词119 咏荣誉军团星章123 卢德派之歌127 我们不会再徘徊129 本国既没有自由可争取131 凯法利尼亚岛日记133 致苏里人之歌137 三十六岁生日以上选自《随感》(1815-1824)145 十四行:咏锡雍以上选自《锡雍的囚徒》(1816)147 魔咒153 精灵的颂歌以上选自《曼弗瑞德》(1816-1817)155 去国行163 给伊涅兹以上选自《恰尔德?哈罗德游记》(1809-1817)167 哀希腊179 黑袍僧185 堂璜与海蒂以上选自《堂璜》(1818-1823)
If Sometimes in the Haunts of MenIf sometimes in the haunts of menThine image from my breast may fade,The lonely hour presents againThe semblance of thy gentle shade:And now that sad and silent hourThus much of thee can still restore,And sorrow unobserved may pourThe plaint she dare not speak before.Oh, pardon that in crowds awhileI waste one thought I owe to thee,And self-condemnd, appear to smile,Unfaithful to thy memory!Nor deem that memory less dear,That then I seem not to repine;I would not fools should overhearOne sigh that should be wholly thine.If not the goblet pass unquaffd,It is not draind to banish care;The cup must hold a deadlier draught,That brings a Lethe for despair.And could Oblivion set my soulFrom all her troubled visions free,Id dash to earth the sweetest bowlThat drownd a single thought of thee.For wert thou vanishd from my mind,Where could my vacant bosom turn?And who would then remain behindTo honour thine abandond Urn?No, noit is my sorrows prideThat last dear duty to fulfil;Though all the world forget beside,Tis meet that I remember still.For well I know, that such had beenThy gentle care for him, who nowUnmournd shall quit this mortal scene,Where none regarded him, but thou:And, oh! I feel in that was givenA blessing never meant for me;Thou wert too like a dream of Heaven.For earthly Love to merit thee.倘若偶尔在繁嚣人境倘若偶尔在繁嚣人境,你音容暂从我心头隐退,不久,你温柔娴静的幽影又在我孤寂的时刻重回;如今,那黯然无语的时刻还能唤回你前尘历历,无人察见的哀思会诉说以前未敢倾吐的悲戚。恕我有时也不免虚耗那本应专注于你的心意,我责怪自己强颜欢笑,未能尽忠于对你的思忆。似乎我不曾哀恸,那决非对往事旧情不知珍惜;我不愿愚夫们听到我伤悲:向你,只向你吞声饮泣!传杯把盏,我并不拒绝,却不是以此排遣忧伤;杯中的毒素要更加酷烈,才能忘却心中的绝望。遗忘或能把我的灵魂从种种骚乱烦扰中解脱;它若敢淹没对你的思忖,我就要把那金杯摔破!倘若你从我心头消失,这空白心灵又转向何处?那时有谁留下来坚持祭扫你被人离弃的坟墓?我悲怆的心情以此自豪履行这最终的高贵职责;哪怕全世界都把你忘掉,只要有我在,我终久记得!因为我深知,在悠悠往昔,你对他何等亲切温存;①今后他死去再无人悼惜,眷念过他的只有你一人;我从你那儿蒙受的恩幸决不是理应归我所有;你宛如一场天国绮梦,尘世爱情不配去攀求。