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書城自編碼: 2916232
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語口語/生活英語
作者: [美]威廉·雷恩[William Ryan] 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787122271822
出版社: 化学工业出版社
出版日期: 2016-08-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 388/550
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 285



** 我創建的書架 **

第1招 玩出完整的旅游会话书
第3招 玩出地道的旅游会话
第1招 玩出完整的旅游会话书
第2招 玩出有效的旅游会话学习法
William Ryan(威廉雷恩)出生于美国费城,在宾夕法尼亚州长大。他曾在美国夏威夷及各地与意大利等地生活、工作和求学。其教授英文已有十年之久;曾于景文科技大学应用语文系担任助理教授一职,目前则是从事第二外语的教学工作,同时兼任作家,撰写旅游与健康方面的书籍。
Unit 1 出国前准备
Preparation for Traveling
1 找旅行社 Looking for Travel Agent 002
2 行程规划Itinerary 006
3 申请护照 Passport Application 012
4 申请签证 Visa Application 013
5 旅游健康 Travel Health 015
6 订机票 Ticket Booking 017
7 订酒店 Hotel Booking 020
8 行李准备 Luggage Preparation 022
9 预算与费用 Budget and Expense 027
Unit 2 在机场
at the Airport
1 办理登机手续 Check-in 032
2 错过航班 Missing a Flight 034
3 航班延误 a Delayed Flight 036
4 更换航班 Changing a Flight039
5 选择座位 Window Isle Seat 040
6护照遗失/过期 Lost Expired Passport 041
7 行李托运 Transporting Luggage043
8 行李超重 Overweighed Luggage 043
9 海关安全检查 Immigration and Customs 045
10 搭乘航站楼接驳车 Taking the Sky Train Shuttle Bus between Terminals 046
11 候机大厅/贵宾室 Airport Lounge VIP Room 046
12 免税商店 Shopping in Duty Free Stores047
13 机场广播 Announcement at the Airport048
Unit 3登机
1 安检 Dealing with Security052
2 登机广播 Announcement for Boarding052
3 找位置 Finding Your Seat053
4 换位置 Switching Seats054
5 飞机起飞前广播 Announcement before Taking off055
6 机上餐点 Meals on the Plane056
7 请空乘人员帮忙 Requiring Help from the Cabin Crew057
8购买机上免税商品 Buying Duty-Free Goods on the Plane058
9 机上礼貌/飞行压力Airplane Etiquette and Dealing with Stress058
10 身体不适 Feeling Sick060
11 飞机降落前广播Announcement before Landing061
Unit 4 下飞机
Getting off a Plane
1 机舱内 In the Cabin064
2 转机 Transferring064
3 行李领取 Receiving Your Luggage 067
4行李遗失 Missing Luggage 069
5 接机 Getting Pick-up at the Airport 072
6 搭乘机场接驳车 Taking Shuttle Bus from the Airport 073
7 离开机场 Leaving the Airport074
8 投诉航空公司 Complaining about Airline Service 075
Unit 5 旅游类项
Responsible Travel
1 生态旅游 Eco Travel078
2 医疗旅游 Medical Tourism081
3 带儿童或婴儿旅游 Traveling with Small Children or Babies 084
4 出国深造 Studying abroad 086
5 游学 Learning Tour 090
6 暑期实习或国外工作 Summer Internships Working abroad 091
Unit 6 住宿
1 抵达酒店 Arriving at Hotel 096
2 询问房间 Inquiring about Room Vacancy 096
3 住宿登记 Check-in 097
4 行李搬运 Porter 098
5 酒店设施 Hotel Facilities 100
6 酒店餐厅/酒吧 Restaurant Bar 101
7 客房服务 Room Service 103
8 加床位/换房间 Adding Changing a Bed 104
9 退房 Check-out 105
10 青年旅舍 Hostel YHA 106
11 租房间 House Room Leasing 107
Unit 7 娱乐
1 旅客服务中心 Information Center110
询问景点介绍 Introducing Scenic Spots110
询问交通信息 Inquiring about Traffic Information 113
注意事项 Notice115
询问/参加一日游 Day Tour 117
优惠券 Coupon 124
地图 Map124
2 逛街购物 Going Shopping 125
国外购物与顾客保护 Shopping abroad and Consumer Protection 125
百货公司 Department Store127
药店 Pharmacy 128
夜市 Night Market130
跳蚤市场 Flea Market Sunday Market132
超市 Supermarket132
挑选 Selecting Purchases 134
推荐 Recommendation 136
试穿 Trying on 138
化妆品 Cosmetics 139
询问价格 Price: Sale Discount141
砍价 Bargaining 143
订购 Ordering 145
寄送 Sending146
结账 Paying 148
包装 Packing 150
退换货 Refund Exchange150
假冒商品 Counterfeit Goods 152
纪念品 Souvenirs 153
退税 Value Added Tax Refund 155
3 交朋友 Making Friends 157
租个当地的朋友 Rent a Local Friend 157
交新朋友 Making New Friends159
表白 Ones Heart Confessing 160
文化差异 Cultural Diversity 164
自我介绍 Self-Introducing 165
引荐/打探他人 Introducing Others 170
询问联络方式 Making Contacts 173
聊天 Conversation 174
抱怨 Complaints179
意见不合 Various Opinions 181
约会 Dating189
4 参加一日游 Joining a Day Tour191
集合时间、地点 Time Place Gathering 191
购票 Buying Tickets 194
拍照 Taking Photos197
参观博物馆 Museum, Art Gallery, Memorial Hall199
参观著名景点 Natural Scenery, Park Farmland, Village, Tribes204
参观庙宇、教堂、学校 Temples, Churches, Cathedrals, Schools, Historic Spots207
参观工厂 Jam Factory, Winery, Chocolate Factory, Manufactories212
植物园、花园 Botanic Gardens, Flower Lands 215
葡萄园 Vineyard217
游乐园 Amusement Park220
动物园 the Zoo221
野外看老虎 Wild Tigers223
骑马 Horseback Riding226
海边 the Ocean the Beach229
露营 Camping233
登山 Mountain Climbing236
理疗 Visiting a SPA239
Unit 8 饮食
1 找餐厅 Restaurant244
2 订位、带位、候位 Reservation, Waiting, Leading to the Table 249
3 餐点介绍、询问 Asking about Recommending a Dish 251
4 点餐 Ordering252
5 内用/外带 Dine in to Go254
6 送错餐点 Wrong Delivery255
7 付账 Paying the Bill257
8 传统小吃 Traditional Food259
9 咖啡店 Coffee Shop261
10 酒吧 Bar Pub263
Unit 9 交通工具
1 大众交通工具 Mass Transportation268
2 买车票 Buying a Ticket271
3 查票 Inspecting a Ticket 271
4 时刻表 Timetable 272
5 车站(站牌)询问 Inquiring Stops Directions273
6 租车 Renting a Car275
7 租自行车 Renting a Bicycle 278
8 步行 Walking 282
9 交通状况 Traffic Information 284
Unit 10节庆
Festival & Party
1 新年 New Year288
2 情人节 Valentines Day289
3 复活节 Easter Day290
4 愚人节 April Fools Day290
5 万圣节 Halloween291
6 圣诞节 Christmas Day293
7 节礼日 Boxing Day295
8 国庆节 National Day296
9 美国假日 American Holidays297
10 狂欢节 Carnival303
11 周年纪念日 Anniversary304
12 生日 Birthday306
13 婚礼 Wedding308
14 演唱会 Concert312
15 祝贺 Congratulation318
16 野餐 BBQ Picnic319
Unit 11 紧急救助站
1 兑换货币 Currency Exchanging324
2 旅行支票 Travelers Check 326
3 开户 Opening an Account 328
4 存钱/取钱 Depositing Savings Withdrawing 328
5 护照遗失 Passport Loss 329
6 小孩走失 Lost Child 330
7 遇到恶犬 Dealing with Aggressive Dogs 332
8 抢劫 Robbery 333
9 迷路 Getting Lost 334
10 汽车故障 Car Breakdown 336
11 交通事故 Traffic Accident 338
12 医护站 Medical Center Hospital 342
13 警察局 Police Station 344
14 邮局 Post Office 346
15 打电话 Making Phone Calls 348
Unit 12 其他
1 退居他国 Retiring to a Foreign Country 352
2 不同文化间的沟通、认知与区别 Intercultural Communication, Awareness and Difference 353
3 国外安全 Safety abroad 359
4 异国之旅 Exotic Tour 365
5 时差 Dealing with Jet Lag 367
6 一个人旅行 Traveling alone 369
7 旅游经历 Traveling Experience 371
8 度假旅游分享 Sharing Traveling Experience 376
9 小费 Tips 382
10 搬迁到美国 Moving to the United States 383
When I was approached with the possibility of writing a book on "Travel English" I immediately started thinking "How can I add something fresh to this already well-reviewed topic?" Before long I had the idea that I could incorporate real, useable information about traveling and manage to stay within the confines of the phrasebook format. Another idea was to come up with a few less common, perhaps slightly unusual headings for some of the sentences, in addition to the usual garden variety topics. You will notice a few "off-beat" travel items. You may also notice that the text moves freely between dialogue and narration. In some cases the topic merely provides a broad context for sentences. This skip-around, globe-trotting spirit of adventure is what travel is all about and the "armchair", virtual-type travel employed here is no different. So indulge your indecent lust for leisure travel as you sit back and take in the sites, if not the sounds, save the phonetic fettles of your favorite foreign fantasy. Who knows, you might even learn some English.
William Ryan



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