序 一
2005年到2010年间,用友出现第三次较大规模的员工流动,与20世纪90年代员工流动较多去创业、2000年前后员工流动去互联网公司不同,这次员工较多被用友的用户挖走。这一动态引起公司关注,我们开始认真分析这种动态起因,发现用户挖我们的员工主要是他们所需要的既懂管理又懂信息化的复合型人才很难招,院校不培养,社会无供给。我们尝试办学,招收学员进行训练,然后补充到用户服务一线,但很快又被用户挖走,我们就再招募、再训练、再输送,然后再被挖走,这样持续了好长一阵子。经过认真思考,我们发现,靠一个企业是无法满足社会对某类人才较大需求的,我们必须改变供给模式。2011 年5月19日,我和一群志同道合的兄弟姐妹联合创立了新道公司,我们寄希望于用产业的方式推进校企合作,通过产教融合为产业界培养管理信息化人才。创业之路没有坦途,回想起来,每个参与并经历了这段创业过程的兄弟姐妹都能书写一本《创业人生》。最开始我们怀揣美好梦想,莽撞探索,无数弯路,苦海无边,回头无岸,现实骨感。我们不得不停下脚步,认真分析,层层剥皮,最终确立聚焦、简单、复制的经营理念,先聚焦教育信息化,再聚焦教学信息化,再聚焦商科实践教学信息化,我们突出实践动手优势,选择与院校共建商科实践教学体系,选择用最新教育技术推进、最先进教育方法普及,最终促进商科理论教学与实践教学的有效融合。2015 年,新道科技成功挂牌新三板,并成为新三板创新层最好的公司之一。作为创业者,回首往事,选择一直是摆在我们面前的最大挑战:选择什么领域,选择什么技术,选择什么模式,选择与谁搭档,选择盈利还是流量毫无疑问,未来我们依然面对无数个选择。也许这就是创业人生!2016 年,新道步入新的历史时期。作为一家中国本土的教育创业公司,我们迎来历史性机遇,我们面对世界经济低迷,我们面对信息技术飞速发展,我们面对大众创业、万众创新的洪流,我们面对创新创业教育的快速普及。新道必须奔跑,我们到世界各地考察学习,我们研究最先进的创新创业教育,我们体味各种各样的创业梦想,我们接触各种各样的创业团队,我们只有一个愿望:支持创业教育,成就创业团队,续写《创业人生》。《创业人生》这本书非常有意思,一群创业者讲述他们的创业故事,读着这些故事,仿佛能看到这些年轻人。他们像我们当初一样怀揣梦想,他们正在蹒跚学步,他们必将面对选择,他们是一群值得敬佩的青年。有幸读到那些国际创业导师的点评,无私无藏,豁然开朗。领会那些国内导师的扶助,更是如沐春风,点滴见情。我为今天的创业者叫好,也许你们前途未卜,但明天我们值得梦想。不管你们未来的路有多艰难,我都充满热望。新道是一家刚刚走出创业期的企业,未来也将面对更多挑战,这一点我非常清楚,我时时刻刻告诉自己,也讲给我的兄弟姐妹们听:我们必须敢于担起连接时代的责任,走出去,请进来,再走出去。我们必须保持创业激情,敢于成就创新创业教育与商科实践教学全球领航者的梦想,我们选择持续创业,因为我们的血液里流淌的就是创业人生。
Foreword 2序 二Congratulations! Reading this book signals your initiative to be entrepreneurial. An entrepreneurial approach benefits you whether you plan to start your own venture, work with a small team, or join a large organization.What is Entrepreneurship Our favorite definition of entrepreneurship is creating valuebeyond resources currently controlled. Thats excitingits a superpower akin tomagic or alchemy!
Entrepreneurship is a way of thinking, a way of living, where you take ownership for figuring out better ways of doing things, and end up contributing more to the world than you takecreating value beyond resources currently controlled.Entrepreneurs grow the pie, so we dont have to fight over the of a fixed number of pieces. Entrepreneurs can reduce the scarcity of valuable祝贺《创业人生》出版!读这本书意味着你可能想成为创业者。无论你想自己创业,和一个小团队一起工作,或加入一个大企业,这本书都会让你受益匪浅。什么是创业我们最喜欢将创业定义为在可控的现有资源之上创造更多的价值,这个定义是让人兴奋的,它类似魔法或炼金术的超能力。创业是一种思维方式,是一种生存方式。在创业中,你可以把握主动权去想出更好的办法去做事,而且你给这个世界做出的贡献会大于从这个世界得到的资源,也就是在现有资源之上创造更多的价值。
things such as affordable energy, clean water, excellent education or economic opportunitythings where scarcity often causes distress or conflict.Entrepreneurs dont let resource constraintsresources currently controlledstop them from thinking, innovating, trying and learning. The quality of your ideas, and your ability to inspire others, enables you to attract the resources needed.Entrepreneurs dont see a different world other people, but they see the world differently. Where most people see challenges or intractable problems, entrepreneurs see possibilities-and they act to make those possibilities into realities. For many people, 1 and 1make 2. For entrepreneurs, 1 and 1make 11.
Entrepreneurs imagine whats desirable, feasible and viable. Then, they act. They try things, and, in many cases, find a solution. Not every entrepreneurial attempt succeeds,but failure really only occurs when you stopwhen you dont apply what youve learned in order to succeed in the next project, or the following one.
创业者会看到和我们同样的一个世界,但是他们看世界的方式却不同。当很多人看到的是挑战或者棘手的难题,创业者看到的却是可能性,而且他们会通过行动将这些可能性变成现实。另外,对很多人来说,1 1=2,但对创业者来说,1 1=11, 甚至更大。创业者总会思考,什么是可以满足需求的、可能的、可行的。然后,他们就会付诸行动,在很多情况下,创业者会不断尝试去找解决方案。当然,不是每个创业者的尝试都会成功,但是只有当创业者不再用从失败中所学到的经验使接下来的项目进步或成功,他们才算失败了。
Are Entrepreneurs Born orMade
Some people gravitate to entrepreneurial thinking naturally, but all of us are capable of itand we all can benefit from understanding the entrepreneurial approach. Like Seentao,we believe that entrepreneurial thinking can be learned, practiced and honed like other crafts.
Case studies, such as those in this book, let you walk in the footsteps of other entrepreneurs, and imagine yourself in their shoes. Beyond this, trying your hand at entrepreneurial thinking in projects or internships is the way to become innovative. Allit takes is choosing to think like an entrepreneur.
In Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship has always been as much about mindset as skillset. Moores Law, which predicted in 1970 that computer processing power would double every 18 months, wasnt a law of physics. It was a beliefan expectation-that creative people could continually, boldly innovate for decades to come. This was a big, inspiringidea that became motivating and self创业者是天生的还是被创造的很多人会被别人天生的创业思维所吸引,但事实上我们每个人都具备这样的思维,而且我们可以从其他创业人的经验中受益。就像新道科技所做的,他们相信,创业思维和其他技能一样,是可以通过学习、实践、磨练培养的。
在硅谷,创业过程中思维方式和技能组合是等同的。1970年,摩尔定律预测计算机的处理能力约每隔18个月便会增加一倍。摩尔定律不是物理法,它是一种信念,一种期望,它相信具有创造力的人会持续显著地改变未来。这是一个非常鼓舞人心的想法,激励人们去实现自我价值。在过去的50年里,摩尔定律激发了信息技fulfilling. It fueled tremendous advancesover the past~50 years, enabling people worldwide to access powerful, affordable, mobile networked devices and services.
Realize Your PotentialWe congratulate you on reading this book, and we commend Seentao for championing entrepreneurship education in China. Seentao sees the accelerating pace of change in the world. They recognize that predicting the future is impossible, but empowering studentslike you to think entrepreneurially prepares you to thrive in a world where constant change is here to stay.Seentao helped a generation of students majoring in accounting and finance to launch into successful careers and inform wise business decisions at organizations nationwide.Now, Seentao is working to unleash entrepreneurial thinking in students of every major. This will have even greater positive impact on students, China and the world.In every country and around the planet, we face big challenges and enormous opportunities; yet, we have术的巨大进步,使全世界的人们可以使用功能强大且可负担得起的移动网络设备和信息技术服务。发现你的潜能
never been more well-positioned to unleash the potential of students like you.
Thanks to the internet, knowledge has never been more accessible and collaboration has never been easier, enabling unprecedented ability to assess situations, synthesize knowledge and apply it innovatively.
Thankfully, learning, innovation and entrepreneurship arent sum zero activities. More learning, more innovation and more entrepreneurial activity comprise a rising tide than can lift all boats, all people.
Good luck to you on your entrepreneurial adventures, whether they happen in individual projects, small teams, or big organizations.We cant wait to watch you solve problems, pursue opportunities, and create value in excess of resources currently controlled!
Anne Dwane Partner & Co-Founder of Global Silicon Valley GSV Acceleration
Anne Dwane美国GSV公司合伙人/联合创始人
Foreword 3序 三
It is a pleasure to write this foreword for a book that has much importance and value. This book that features case studies of entrepreneurs will be a source of inspiration formany other budding entrepreneurs as well as provide valuable lessons for those embarking on the entrepreneurial journey. Entrepreneurship and Innovation has risen in importance inthe last few decades in realization of the value that such practices bring to individuals, communities, and nations as a whole.
For individuals, starting a new venture, operating it successfully and creating value for customers provides entrepreneurs with deep satisfaction.They can increase their financial wealth as a result of the ventures success. They also build their personal knowledge stocks when they develop and implement a new venture. This is also true for entrepreneurial leaders in established firms. The entrepreneurialprocess requiring intense, persistent and highly focused efforts to improve current performance means that their很荣幸为《创业人生》这本很有价值的书作序。这本书重点讲述了创业者的案例并进行了分析研究,这些案例既是对已经创业者的鼓励,也为即将创业的人提供了宝贵的经验。在过去的十年间,创新创业对个人、社会和国家整体发展的重要性有了显著的提高。
对于个人而言,开始创业,成功经营,并且为顾客创造价值,能够为创业者带来巨大的满足感。创业的成功不仅为创业者带来更多的财富,而且在发展和完善创业项目的同时增加了个人的知识储备。这点对在公司内进行再次创业的领导人也是一样的。创业过程中需要热情、坚持,通过高度专注的努力来改善现有表现,这就意味着在这个过程中,创业者会运用knowledge stocks and other cognitive resources are enhanced, helping them to more accurately recognize, and exploit business opportunities.
At the organizational level, creating new technology and innovation may be critical to break into an established market or to create a new market.Developing a product that is highly differentiated from existing products and one that creates substantial value for customers contributes to a companys competitive advantage.There have also been a large number of reports and studies to show the positive role entrepreneurship plays for the wider economy and society.Entrepreneurs boost economic growth by introducing innovative technologies, products and services. Entrepreneurs challenge existing firms to become more competitive and they provide new job opportunities in the short and long term. Entrepreneurial activity raises the productivity of firms and economies and accelerates structural change by replacing established, sclerotic firms. Entrepreneurship has also been linked with poverty reduction, well-being and general economic development.
The benefits to society however, will be greater in economies where entrepreneurs can operate flexibly, develop their ideas and reap the rewards.Perceptions are very important when it comes to how entrepreneurship
can be facilitated and encouraged.General society attitudes toward entrepreneurship will affect the propensity of ndividuals to become entrepreneurs, their ability to rebound from business setbacks and the supportthat they will receive for example, from family and relatives when setting up a new enterprise.Without a doubt, positive attitudes toward entrepreneurship will lead to higher levels of entrepreneurship taking place. These attitudes towards entrepreneurship can be affected by a number of factors such as the level of business and entrepreneurship skills and experience in a country, as these shape the perceived barriers and risks to business start-ups.Generally speaking if entrepreneurs have high status in a society, entrepreneurship can be aspirational; if entrepreneurship is recognized as a good career option with positive incentives, then more people are likely to try it.However, if it is perceived that entrepreneurship requires exceptional capabilities, then less people will be attracted to it. If great stigma is attached to failure, fewer people will be inclined to take risks.This book, which outlines 11 case studies of entrepreneurship in China is hugely valuable given the importance that entrepreneurship is having in society and will continue to have.
Practical examples of entrepreneurs who come from varying backgrounds and have traced very different journeys help inform readers of key lessons and issues confronted that will be useful in their own experiences. Reading case studies can also provide a source of inspiration to embark on your own journey of entrepreneurship. It is in fact this type of experiential learning that Stanford University has used as a key method in developing itsvarious curricula and programs for entrepreneurship education, which has helped it rise as a global leader and hub for entrepreneurship and innovation education.
Stanford University has always placed entrepreneurial learning very highly and it has done this by encouraging students to be experts in a particular area but be broadly educated. The university places a large emphasis on doing cutting edge research which then helps to attract industry partners where practical based learning can be facilitated more easily.The experiential form of learning using many case studies and practical entrepreneurs in the classroom has proven to be immensely valuable for the students. The success of such amodel is evident in the statistics to come out of the university. By 2011, over 39,000 companies have spun out of Stanford University which have
斯坦福大学总是安排很多创业学习,这些学习是为了让学生接受知识教育且鼓励学生成为一些领域的专家。学校也重点做一些最前沿的研究,一方面可以吸引业内的伙伴,另一方面也能使实践和教学更容易发展。在课堂上,使用大量案例和引入有经验的创业者已经被证明对学生有无限价值。截至2011 年,斯坦福学生运营的公司超过39000家,并提供了大约540万个就业机会,产生了27000 亿美元的年收入,这相当于世界第十大经济实体。从斯坦福模型我们可以清晰地看出开展创新创业教育的价值。
created an estimated 5.4 million jobs and generated annual world revenues of $2.7 trillion, which would have been the size of the worlds 10th largest economy. It is clear to see from the Stanford model the value of fostering entrepreneurship and innovationeducation.In summary, I congratulate the authors of this book for completing an ambitious but very worthwhile exercise in collating the experiences of entrepreneurs from around China.This book project will go a long way towards helping to create an environment in which individuals can turn their great ideas into reality through the entrepreneurial journey.With more awareness around how entrepreneurship is being played out, this book will help encourage more entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams without inhibition and with greaterconfidence.Disclaimer: The views expressed are Rajiv Sharmas own and not that of StanfordUniversity. Dr. Rajiv Sharma Guest Lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business & Research Fellow at Stanford Universitys Global Projects Center
最后,我祝贺编写这本书的作者,从全中国收集创业者的案例是一项巨大但非常有价值的工程。我了解到,这本书只是一个开始,未来还会有更多的相关书籍出版,为更多的创业人将想法变成现实创造环境,让大家带着清晰的想法去了解整个创业过程,这本书将鼓励更多创业者自由、自信地追求他们的梦想。声明:以上观点仅代表Rajiv Sharma个人,不代表斯坦福大学。
Rajiv Sharma博士斯坦福商学院特约讲师斯坦福大学全球项目中心研究员
序 四创新创业教育在中国并不是一个新鲜事物,早在2002年4月,教育部就将清华大学、中国人民大学等9所院校确定为开展创业教育的试点院校,开启创业人才培养的局部试验性阶段。然而,直到2015年5月,随着国务院办公厅颁布《关于深化高等学校创新创业教育改革的实施意见》,以及大众创业、万众创新、众创空间、创客等新名词逐渐走进大学生的日常生活,创新创业教育才在真正意义上迎来崭新的春天。