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常俊跃,大连外国语大学英语学院院长。主持并完成国家哲学社会科学项目英语专业内容依托课程改革研究,主持并正在进行国家社会科学基金项目立项内容依托教学理论指导下英语专业整体课程体系的改革与实践研究。 负责的专业2010年获国家级特色专业建设点。
Unit 1Panoramic View of the UK Text AView of the UK Text BNames about the UK Text CBritain and Ireland Unit 2A Survey of England Text AView of England Text BClimate in England Unit 3South West England Text AView of South West Text BThe Origin of Bath Text CStonehenge Unit 4South East England Text AView of South East England Text BOxford University Text COn The Canterbury Tales Unit 5London Text AGreater London and the City of London Text BLandmarks in London Text CMore Landmarks Unit 6The East of England Text AView of the East of England Text BNew Stone Installed with Chinas Bestknown Poem Unit 7East Midlands Text AView of East Midlands Text BHeroes in Nottinghamshire Unit 8West Midlands Text AView of West Midlands Text BStratfordUponAvon Unit 9North West England Text AView of North West England Text BThe Beatles Unit 10Yorkshire and the Humber Text AView of Yorkshire and the Humber Text BBradford Unit 11North East England Text AView of North East England Text BHadrians Wall Unit 12Scotland Text AView of Scotland Text BLoch Ness Text CThistle: Scotlands National Flower Unit 13Wales Text AView of Wales Text BLegends of Wales Unit 14Northern Ireland Text AView of Northern Ireland Text BLegend of Giants Causeway Text CSt.Patricks Day Unit 15Review of the UK Text AReview of England and Scotland Text BReview of Wales Text CReview of Northern Ireland AppendixesAppendix 1Symbols of Constituent Countries of the UK Appendix 2National Flags 重点参考书目和网站