編輯推薦: |
《Electrical and Electronic Circuits》(电工与电子电路)根据国内的电工与电子学课程要求及教学大纲,结合国外相应课程的内容进行编写,适合用于国内电工与电子学课程的双语课程和全英课程教学。为一本高等院校电路与电子技术全英语课程、双语教学用书。
內容簡介: |
《Electrical and Electronic Circuits》(电工与电子电路)重点阐述了电路的基本概念、基本定律和电路分析的基本方法,电子器件的工作原理和电子电路的分析、设计和应用。重点包括:电路分析的基础定律、直流电路分析的基本方法、正弦交流电路的相量分析、三相交流电路、电路的暂态过程分析、变压器与交流电动机。电子部分章节:二极管及其应用电路、三极管及其放大电路、集成运算放大器及其应用、数字逻辑基础、逻辑门和组合逻辑电路、触发器和时序逻辑电路。同时附习题及参考文献。
《Electrical and Electronic Circuits》(电工与电子电路)根据国内的电工与电子学课程要求及教学大纲,结合国外相应课程的内容进行编写,适合用于国内电工与电子学课程的双语课程和全英课程教学。
關於作者: |
本书作者系上海理工大学 光电信息与计算机工程学院 电气工程系 系副主任、副教授。长期教授电工电子类课程。
Part One Electrical Circuits
Chapter 1 Main Circuit Elements
1.1 Power Sources
1.2 Resistors
1.3 Capacitors
1.4 Inductors
Chapter 2 Circuit Analysis Bases
2.1 Kirchhoffs Laws
2.2 Voltage Division and Current Division
2.3 Resistors Wye ? Delta Transformation
2.4 Sources Transformation
2.5 Maximum Power Transfer
Chapter 3 Circuit Analysis Techniques
3.1 Superposition Principle
3.2 Thevenins Theorem
3.3 Nortons Theorem
3.4 Nodal Voltage Analysis
3.5 Mesh Current Analysis
3.6 Branch Current Analysis
Chapter 4 First-Order Transient Circuits
4.1 First-Order RC circuit
4.2 First-Order RL circuit
Chapter 5 Sinusoidal AC Circuits
5.1 Sinusoidal Voltage and Current
5.2 Voltage-Current Relationship for Sinusoidal Circuit Elements
5.3 Complex Impedances
5.4 Sinusoidal Circuit Analysis with Phasors and Complex Impedances
5.5 Power in Sinusoidal AC Circuit
5.6 Power Factor and its Correction
Chapter 6 Three-Phase Sinusoidal AC Circuits
6.1 Balanced Three-Phase Voltage Source
6.2 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits
Part Two Analog Circuits
Chapter 7 Diodes and Diode Application Circuits
7.1 Diodes Structure and Characteristic
7.2 Diode Equivalent Models
7.3 Diode Application circuits
7.4 Special Purpose Diodes
Chapter 8 Transistors and Transistor Amplifiers
8.1 Transistors Structure and Characteristics
8.2 Transistor Amplifiers
8.3 Distortion Analysis
Chapter 9 Operational Amplifiers
9.1 Ideal Operational Amplifiers
9.2 Ideal Operational Amplifier Linear Application Circuits
Part Three Digital Circuits
Chapter 10 Number Systems and Boolean Algebra
10.1 Number Systems
10.2 Boolean Algebra
10.3 Boolean Expression Reduction
Chapter 11 Logic Gates and Combinatorial Logic Circuits
11.1 Logic Gates
11.2 Combinatorial Logic Circuit Analysis
11.3 Combinatorial Logic Circuit Design
Chapter 12 Flip-Flops and Sequential Logic Circuits
12.1 Flip-Flops
12.2 Sequential Logic Circuit Analysis
12.3 Sequential Logic Circuit Design
The book, Electrical and Electronic Circuits, covers electrical circuit, analog electronic circuit, and digital logic circuit. There are six chapters of electrical circuitpart one, three chapters of analog circuitpart two, and three chapters of digital circuitpart three. The emphases of each chapter are basic concepts, basic circuits, and applications. There are enough selected examples for every chapter to understand the electrical principles as well as the methods of analysis and design. In the end of the chapters there are a certain number of problems to improve the abilities to analyze and design the circuit.
This book is written for the non-electrical majors students in college and university to study electrical theories. The prerequisites are advanced mathematics and general physics. The suggestion semester schedule of teaching using this book is four hours per week. The lab course will include sixteen hours for eight experiments.
The purposes of this book are training
The ability to solve practical problems of electrical engineering.
The ability to apply mathematics and physics knowledge to solve complex electrical problems.
The ability to communicate with electrical engineers to solve the problems of different professional fields.
The author has been teaching the course for more than twenty years. This book is the lesson preparation notes and teaching experience summaries. I think that many places in this book still need to be improved. The information or suggestion could improve the content description, chapter arrangement, example choice, problem selection, even the experiment content and quantity is especially valuable. Welcome the corrections, comments, and suggestions from the readers and users of this book. My email address is xinsz@usst.edu.cn.
I wish to thank the prize of 2015 Shanghai excellent teaching materialElectrical and Electronics circuits, in Chinese award which is organized by all levels of educational administration offices of University of Shanghai for Science and TechnologyUSST and Shanghai Education Commission. It is the financial support to publish this book. I also thank all of the people around me for their continuing support and encouragement.