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書城自編碼: 2889402
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: 杨春丽 程俊玲 何婧 主编
國際書號(ISBN): 978712200446A
出版社: 化学工业出版社
出版日期: 2015-04-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 994



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权威典范代表 哈佛大学象征着对永恒智慧和真理的不懈追求,“哈佛经典”就是这种精神的集中体现,它是哈佛学子接受文明教育的权威读物。
精彩片段集锦 “哈佛经典”选取了人类发展史上具代表性的名家巨作,而本丛书又取材于“哈佛经典”丛
《100年54篇英语世界文学名著 品味最豪华的文学盛宴》
Masterpiece 1 Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》
1.1 Mr. Darcy Meeting Miss Elizabeth for the First Time
1.2 Mr. Wickham Talking to Elizabeth 威克汉姆先生与伊丽莎白的谈话
1.3 Elizabeth Misunderstood Darcy 伊丽莎白错怪了达西
1.4 Darcy''s Confession to Elizabeth 达西对伊丽莎白表白
Masterpiece 2 The Scarlet Letter《红字》
2.1 Hester Prynne Released from Prison 海丝特·白兰出狱
2.2 Hester Encountering Dimmesdale in the Wood
2.3 Death of the Clergyman 牧师之死
Masterpiece 3 Vanity Fair《名利场》
3.1 Miss Rebecca Sharp Set Joseph as Her Aim
3.2 Rebecca Becoming a Member of Rank and Fashion
3.3 Becky Telling Amelia about Her Misfortune
Masterpiece 4 The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow《睡谷传说》
4.1 Brom Van Brunt and Ichabod Crane
4.2 In Van Tassel''s House 凡·塔塞尔家中
4.3 Ichabod Meeting the Headless Horseman
Masterpiece 5 David Copperfield《大卫·科波菲尔》
5.1 The Birth of David Copperfield 大卫·科波菲尔的诞生
5.2 Falling in Love with Dora 爱上朵拉
5.3 Last Retrospect 最后的回顾
Masterpiece 6 The Mill on the Floss《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》
6.1 Friendship Between Philip and Maggie 飞利浦与玛吉的友情
6.2 Relationship Between Maggie and Stephen 玛吉与斯蒂芬的孽缘
6.3 Deep Love Between Maggie and Tom 兄妹情深
Masterpiece 7 The Portrait of a Lady《一个贵妇人的画像》
7.1 Isabel Meeting with Madame Merle 伊莎贝尔结识梅尔夫人
7.2 Ralph Dissuading Isabel from Marrying Mr. Osmond
7.3 Isabel Deciding to Go Back to Gardencourt
Masterpiece 8 Anna Karenina《安娜·卡列尼娜》
8.1 Confusion in the Oblonskys'' House 乱糟糟的奥布朗斯基家
8.2 Vronsky is Attracted by Madame Karenin 伏伦斯基为卡列宁夫人着迷
8.3 Anna Karenina Killing Herself on the Railway
Masterpiece 9 Don Quixote《堂吉诃德》
9.1 The Valiant Don Quixote Fighting Against the Windmills
9.2 The Heroic Battle Don Quixote Had with Certain Skins of Red Wine
9.3 Don Quixote''s Adventure on a Boat 堂吉诃德的乘船奇遇
9.4 Adventure in the Wood 树林奇遇
Masterpiece 10 Fathers and Children《父与子》
10.1 On the Way to Maryino 去马里诺的路上
10.2 Arkady and Vassily Talking about Bazarov
10.3 Death of Bazarov 巴扎罗夫之死
Masterpiece 11 Notre-Dame de Paris《巴黎圣母院》
11.1 Quasimodo 卡西莫多
11.2 Quasimodo Saving Esmeralda 卡西莫多救出艾丝梅拉达
11.3 The Death of Esmeralda 艾丝梅拉达之死
Masterpiece 12 The Fall of the House of Usher《厄舍古屋的倒塌》
12.1 Roderick Usher 罗德里克·厄舍
12.2 Putting the Dead into the Vault 藏尸窖中
12.3 Collapsing of the House of Usher 古屋坍塌
Masterpiece 13 Hamlet《哈姆雷特》
13.1 Claudius Claiming Throne 克劳迪亚斯称王
13.2 The Ghost of Hamlet''s Father 哈姆雷特父亲的鬼魂
13.3 Hamlet and Ophelia 哈姆雷特与奥菲莉娅
13.4 Hamlet''s Revenge 哈姆雷特复仇
Masterpiece 14 The Tempest《暴风雨》
14.1 Story of Miranda 米兰达的身世
14.2 Calling the Spirits 召唤精灵
14.3 Bad People Punished 恶有恶报
Masterpiece 15 The School for Scandal《造谣学校》
15.1 A Talk in Lady Sneerwell''s House 在史妮薇夫人家的谈话
15.2 Sir Oliver Defending Charles 奥利弗爵士为查尔斯辩护
15.3 Truth Coming Out 真相大白
Masterpiece 16 She Stoops to Conquer《屈身求爱》
16.1 Miss Hardcastle''s First Meeting with Mr. Marlow
16.2 Miss Hardcastle Meeting Mr. Marlow in the Disguise of a Maid
16.3 All Shall Be Well 有情人终成眷属
Masterpiece 17 Wilhelm Tell《威廉·退尔》
17.1 Tell Say Farewell to His Wife 退尔与妻子道别
17.2 Gessler''s Revenge on Tell 盖斯勒报复退尔
17.3 Tell Planning the Murder of Viceroy 退尔计划谋杀总督
《100年62篇世界名家英语游记 感受最震撼人心的历险》
Masterpiece 1 The Voyage of the Beagle《小猎犬号航海记》
1.1 A Most Beautiful Spectacle 海上一大奇观
1.2 The Mystery of Octopus 大章鱼的秘密
1.3 The Most Severe Earthquake 奇洛埃岛和康塞普西翁大地震
1.4 The Experiences in a Brazilian Forest 巴西丛林里的见闻
1.5 Days in Maldonado 在马尔多纳多的日子
1.6 One Perfect Scene 绝美的景观
1.7 The Independence of the Gaucho Life 高乔人自由自在的生活
1.8 Ascending the Campana 攀登康帕纳山
1.9 Hail of Tapalguen 塔巴尔康的冰雹
1.10 Tattoo 刺青
1.11 The Island of San Pedro 圣佩德罗岛
1.12 First Arrival in Tierra del Fuego 第一次到达火地岛
1.13 The Indians in the Colorado 科罗拉多的印第安人
1.14 The Pretty Quiet Town 宁静美丽的小镇
1.15 Fuegian 火地岛人
1.16 Crafty Bird 狡猾的鸟
1.17 The Tortoise 加拉帕戈斯群岛乌龟趣谈
1.18 Indian Ruins 印第安房屋废墟
1.19 The Tropical Forest in Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢雨林探险
1.20 Excursions at Bahia 在巴伊亚的一些经历
1.21 Boil Potatoes 高山煮土豆趣闻
Masterpiece 2 Two Years Before the Mast《两年水手生涯》
2.1 Get to Know the Discomforts of Sailors 初尝水手生活的艰辛
2.2 Singing on the Ship 水手唱歌
2.3 An Accident on Our Brig 虚惊一场
2.4 I Was All Right Again 身体痊愈
2.5 A New Ship 新船的到来
2.6 A Few Bunches of Onions 几捆洋葱的神奇功效
2.7 Tom Harris 奇人哈里斯
2.8 Loss of a Man 一个人在海上的消失
2.9 The Life on an Island 小岛上的风土人情
2.10 The First Liberty-Day on Shore 岸上短假的第一天
2.11 Passenger 乘客
2.12 The Pleasures and Pains 船上苦与乐
2.13 A New Shipmate 一位新伙伴
2.14 The Wedding 婚礼
2.15 A Singular Funeral 奇怪的葬礼
2.16 Acquaintances 夏威夷土著居民
2.17 The Joy in the Woods 树林里的乐趣
2.18 The Returning of Better Nature 重获更美的本性
Masterpiece 3 Sir Francis Drake Revived《德雷克船长回忆录》
3.1 Cross the Woods 穿越丛林
3.2 TET Captain 法国泰斯图船长
3.3 The Islands 岛屿
3.4 Coming into the Town 进镇
3.5 Captain Got Wounded 船长受伤
3.6 Homeward 返航
Masterpiece 4 Drake''s Great Armada《德雷克船长的伟大舰队》
4.1 Coming to the Island of Bayon 巴戎岛上的见闻
4.2 Unusual Experiences in a Town 小镇风情
4.3 Burn down the Town of Santiago 为报宿仇,火烧小镇
4.4 The Decision to Return Homeland 舰队返回英格兰
Masterpiece 5 Sir Humphrey Gilbert''s Voyage to Newfoundland《汉弗莱·吉尔伯特爵士纽芬兰航行记》
5.1 Weighing Anchor 启航
5.2 Sir Humphrey Gilbert''s Tragedy 遭遇海难
5.3 Species on the Newfoundland 丰富的物种
Masterpiece 6 An Account of Egypt《埃及记》
6.1 A Whole Different Egyptian Customs 与众不同的埃及习俗
6.2 Various Aspects of Egyptians'' Life 埃及人的生活面面观
6.3 Cheops and Pyramid 基奥普斯与金字塔的故事
6.4 Fashions of Mourning and of Burial 埃及人哀悼和埋葬死者的方式
6.5 Some Sacred Animals in Egypt 古埃及的一些圣物
6.6 Solemn Assemblies of the Egyptians 埃及人的盛大集会
6.7 The King and the Thief 国王与盗贼
6.8 Labyrinth and the Lake of Moiris 迷宫和莫伊利斯湖
6.9 A Story about Helen 希腊海伦传说
6.10 Story of Heracles 赫拉克勒斯的故事
《100年65篇世界名家英语随笔 聆听最动人的智者心语》
Chapter 1 Selected Essays of Francis Bacon 培根随笔:知识就是力量
1.1 Of Studies 论读书
1.2 Of Beauty 论美
1.3 Of Truth 论真理
1.4 Of Friendship 论友谊
1.5 Of Regiment of Health 论养生
1.6 Of Ambition 论野心
1.7 Of Adversity 论厄运
1.8 Of Death 论死亡
Chapter 2 Selected Essays of Ralph Emerson 爱默生随笔:肺腑之言最能打动人心
2.1 Self-Reliance 论自立
2.2 Heroism 论英雄主义
2.3 Circles 论圆
2.4 Nature 论自然
2.5 Compensation 论补偿
2.6 The Over-Soul 论超灵
2.7 The American Scholar 美国学者
2.8 The Poet 论诗人
Chapter 3 Selected Essays of Michel de Montaigne 蒙田随笔:真正的学者就像田野上的麦穗
3.1 Of Friendship: The Real Friendship 论友谊:真正的友谊
3.2 Of Friendship: Friendship Possesses the Soul 论友谊:友谊在心中
3.3 Of Books: Read for Yourself 论书籍:追随本性去阅读
3.4 Of Books: Reap Commodity out of history 论书籍:读史明鉴
3.5 Of the Institution and Education of Children: How to Bring up Children
3.6 Of the Institution and Education of Children: The Character of a Good Tutor
Chapter 4 Selected Essays of Marcus Aurelius 马克·奥勒留随笔:没有人能阻止你按本性生活
4.1 Open Your Eyes to Good Qualities Around 汲取身边的美德
4.2 Dance with Your Spirit 做与灵魂共舞的人
4.3 Having an Object for Every Action 每次行动都有目的
4.4 The Daemon Within 内心的神
Chapter 5 Selected Essays of Marcus Cicero 马库斯·西塞罗随笔:没有诚实何来尊严
5.1 Old Age: Of those Old Age Has Deliberation in a Greater Degree
5.2 Old Age: Take Delight in the Pleasures of the Old Age
5.3 On Friendship 论友谊
Chapter 6 Selected Essays of Freidrich Schiller 弗里德里希·席勒随笔:从美的事物中找到美
6.1 Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man: Attain the Harmony of Humanity
6.2 Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man: Dare to Be Wise
6.3 Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man: The Ideal of Beauty
Chapter 7 Selected Essays of John Ruskin 约翰·罗斯金随笔:文明就是要造就有修养的人
7.1 Lilies: Heroines in Shakespeare''s Work 百合:莎翁笔下的女性
7.2 Lilies: The true Changefulness of Woman 百合:女性的灵性之美
7.3 Sesame: Advancement in life 芝麻:人生的提升
7.4 Sesame: Treasures Hidden in Books 芝麻:寻找书籍的宝藏
Chapter 8 Selected Essays of Charles Sainte Beuve 查尔斯·圣伯夫随笔:真正的经典知名作家丰富了人类心灵
8.1 The Style of a Great Writer 蒙田的独特文风
8.2 What Is a Classic: Classic Author Enriches the Mind
8.3 What Is a Classic: Relouild the Temple of Taste 何谓经典:重建品位的神殿
Chapter 9 Selected Essays of Charles Lamb 查尔斯·兰姆随笔:娓娓道来间透出动人的力量
9.1 Old China 古瓷器
9.2 New Year''s Eve 除夕
9.3 Dream-Children; A Reverie 梦幻中的孩子
9.4 Distant Correspondents 遥远的信使
Chapter 10 Selected Essays of Edmund Burke 埃德蒙·伯克随笔:生命在闪耀中现出绚烂
10.1 On Taste 论品位
10.2 Joy and Grief 论快乐与悲伤
10.3 Of Beauty 论美
10.4 Sympathy, Imitation, and Ambition 同情、模仿与雄心
Chapter 11 Selected Essays of Abraham Cowley 亚伯拉罕·考利随笔:好奇心的动力堪比朝圣者的奉献
11.1 Of Avarice 论贪婪
11.2 Of Agriculture 论务农
11.3 The Shortness of Life and Uncertainty of Riches 人生苦短 富贵无常
Chapter 12 Selected Essays of Henry Thoreau 亨利·梭罗随笔:灵魂的必需品并不需要用金钱来购买
12.1 Walking 散步的艺术
12.2 The Wildest Dream of Wild 野性之美
12.3 The Wild of Spirit 心灵的原野
Chapter 13 Selected Essays of Jonathan Swift 乔纳森·斯威夫特随笔:书是思想的产儿
13.1 Hints Towards an Essay on Conversation 说话的技巧
13.2 A Letter of Advice to a Young Poet 给青年诗人的建议信
13.3 On the Death of Esther Johnson 祭斯特拉
Chapter 14 Selected Essays of Giuseppe Mazzini 朱塞佩·马志尼随笔:理想是上帝的语言
14.1 Byron and Goethe 拜伦与歌德
14.2 Byron-The Brave Singer 拜伦--勇敢的歌者
14.3 Goethe-The Tranquil Poet 歌德--安宁的诗人
Chapter 15 Selected Essays of William Penn 威廉·佩恩随笔:知识是圣贤的财富
15.1 Ignorance 未知
15.2 Education 教育
15.3 Right Marriage 正确的婚姻观
15.4 Temporal Happiness 短暂的幸福
Chapter 16 Selected Essays of Robert Stevenson 罗伯特·史蒂文森随笔:人生唯一值得寻找的财富就是生活的目标
16.1 Truth of Inter Course 肢体语言的微妙
16.2 Get Our Hearts Understood 一切尽在理解中



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