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目 录
打火匣 The Tinder Box
小克劳斯和大克劳斯 Little Claus and Big Claus
豌豆上的公主 The Princess on the Pea
小意达的花儿 Little Idas Flowers
拇指姑娘 Thumbelina
顽皮的孩子 The Naughty Boy
旅伴 The Traveling Companion
海的女儿 The Little Mermaid
皇帝的新装 The Emperors New Clothes
幸运的套鞋 The Galoshes of Fortune
雏菊 The Daisy
坚定的锡兵 The Steadfast Tin Soldier
野天鹅 The Wild Swans
天国花园 The Garden of Paradise
飞箱 The Flying Trunk
鹳鸟 The Storks
铜猪 The Metal Pig
永恒的友情 The Bond of Friendship
荷马墓上的一朵玫瑰 A Rose from Homers Grave
梦神 Ole Lukoie
玫瑰花精 The Rose Elf
猪倌 The Swineherd
荞麦 The Buckwheat
安琪儿 The Angel
夜莺 The Nightingale
恋人 The Sweethearts;or,The Top and the Ball
丑小鸭 The Ugly Duckling
枞树 The Fir Tree
白雪皇后 The Snow Queen
接骨木树妈妈 The Elder-Tree Mother
织补针 The Darning Needle
钟声 The Bell
妖山 The Elf Mound
祖母 Grandmother
红鞋 The Red Shoes
跳高者 The Jumpers
牧羊女和扫烟囱的人 The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweep
丹麦人荷尔格 Holger Danske
卖火柴的小女孩 The Little Match Girl
城堡上的一幅画 A Picture from the Ramparts
瓦尔都窗前的一瞥 A View from Vartous Window
老路灯 The Old Street Lamp
邻居们 The Neighboring Families
小杜克 Little Tuck
影子 The Shadow
老房子 The Old House
一滴水 The Drop of Water
幸福的家庭 The Happy Family
母亲的故事 The Story of a Mother
衬衫领子 The Shirt Collar
亚麻 The Flax
凤凰 The Phoenix Bird
一个故事 A Story
一本不说话的书 The Silent Book
区别 There is a Difference
老墓碑 The Old Tombstone
世上最美丽的一朵玫瑰花 The Worlds Fairest Rose
一年的故事 The Story of the Year
最后的一天 On Judgment Day
完全是真的 Its Quite True!
天鹅的窝 The Swans Nest
好心境 A Good Humor
伤心事 Heartache
各得其所 Everything in its Proper Place
小鬼和小商人 The Goblin and the Grocer
一千年之内 Thousands of Years from Now
柳树下的梦 Under The Willow Tree
一个豆荚里的五粒豆 Five Peas from a Pod
天上落下来的一片叶子 A Leaf from Heaven
她是一个废物 She Was Good for Nothing
最后的珠子 The Last Pearl
两个姑娘 Two Maidens
在辽远的海极 At the Uttermost Parts of the Sea
钱猪 The Money Pig
依卜和小克丽斯玎 Ib and Little Christine
笨汉汉斯 Clumsy Hans
光荣的荆棘路 The Thorny Road of Honor
犹太女子 The Jewish Girl
瓶颈 The Bottle Neck
聪明人的宝石 The Stone of the Wise Man
没有画的画册 Picturebook Without Pictures
香肠栓熬的汤 Soup on a Sausage Peg
单身汉的睡帽 The Nightcap of the Pebersvend
一点成绩 Something
老栎树的梦 The Old Oak Trees Last Dream
识字课本 The A-B-C Book
钟渊 The Bell Deep
沼泽王的女儿 The Marsh Kings Daughter
赛跑者 The Racers
恶毒的王子 The Wicked Prince
一个贵族和他的女儿们 The Wind Tells about Valdemar Daae and His
踩着面包走的女孩 The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf
守塔人奥列 Ole, the Tower Keeper
安妮莉斯贝 Anne Lisbeth
孩子们的闲话 Childrens Prattle
一串珍珠 A String of Pearls
笔和墨水壶 Pen and Inkstand
墓里的孩子 The Child in the Grave
两只公鸡 The Farmyard Cock and the Weathercock
美 Beautiful
沙丘的故事 A Story from the Sand Dunes
演木偶戏的人 The Puppet-show Man
两兄弟 Two Brothers
古教堂的钟 The Old Church Bell
乘邮车来的十二位旅客 Twelve by the Mail
甲虫 The Beetle
老头子做事总不会错 What the Old Man Does is Always Right
雪人 The Snow Man
在养鸭场里 In the Duck Yard
新世纪的女神 The New Centurys Goddess
冰姑娘 The Ice Maiden
蝴蝶 The Butterfly
素琪 The Psyche
蜗牛和玫瑰树 The Snail and the Rosebush
鬼火进城了 The Will-o-the-Wisps Are in Town
风车 The Windmill
一枚银毫 The Silver Shilling
波尔格龙的主教和他的亲族 The Bishop of Brglum and his Men
在小宝宝的房间里 In the Childrens Room
金黄的宝贝 Golden Treasure
风暴把招牌换了 The Storm Shifts the Signboards
茶壶 The Teapot
民歌的鸟儿 The Bird of Folklore
小小的绿东西 The Little Green Ones
小鬼和太太 The Goblin and the Woman
贝脱、比脱和比尔 Peiter, Peter,and Peer
藏着并不等于遗忘 Kept Secret but not Forgotten
看门人的儿子 The Porters Son
迁居的日子 Moving Day
夏日痴 The Snowdrop
姑妈 Aunty
癞蛤蟆 The Toad
干爸爸的画册 Godfathers Picture Book
烂布片 The Rags
两个海岛 Vn and Gln
谁是最幸运的 Which Was the Happiest?
树精 The Dryad
家禽麦格的一家 Chicken Grethes Family
蓟的遭遇 What Happened to the Thistle
创造 What One Can Invent
幸运可能就在一根棒上 Luck May Lie in a Pin
彗星 The Comet
一星期的日子 The Days of the Week
阳光的故事 Sunshine Stories
曾祖父 Great-Grandfather
烛 The Candles
最难使人相信的事情 The Most Incredible Thing
全家人讲的话 What the Whole Family Said
舞吧,舞吧,我的玩偶 Dance, Dance, Doll of Mine!
海蟒 The Great Sea Serpent
跳蚤和教授 The Flea and the Professor
老约翰妮讲的故事 What Old Johanne Told
开门的钥匙 The Gate Key
跛子 The Cripple
牙痛姑妈 Aunty Toothache
老上帝还没有灭亡 God Can Never Die
神方 The Talisman
寓言说这就是你呀 This Fable is Intended for You
哇哇报 Croak!
书法家 The Penman
纸牌 The Court Cards
园丁和主人 The Gardener and the Noble Family
幸运的贝儿 Lucky Peer
穷女人和她的小金丝鸟 The Poor Woman and the Little Canary Bird
乌兰纽斯 Urbanus
The Tinder Box
There came a soldier marching down the high roadone, two! one, two! He had his
knapsack on his back and his sword at his side as he came home from the wars. On the
road he met a witch, an ugly old witch, a witch whose lower lip dangled right down on
her chest.
Good evening, soldier, she said. What a fine sword youve got there, and what a big
knapsack. Arent you every inch a soldier! And now you shall have money, as much as
you please.
Thats very kind, you old witch, said the soldier.
See that big tree. The witch pointed to one near by them. Its hollow to the roots.