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Part OneAngloAmerican Legal CultureChapter 1 Historical Development of the Common Law00Chapter 2 The Doctrine of Stare Decisis and Ratio Decidendi or Holding ofa Case0Chapter 3 Federal Courts and What They Do0Chapter 4 The Opinions of the Appellate Courts and Precedents0Part TwoIntroduction to American LawsConstitutional Law0Chapter 1 The Judicial Power0Chapter 2 Legislative Power0Chapter 3 Executive Power0Chapter 4 Individual Guarantees Against Governmental or Private Action0Chapter 5 Due Process0Chapter 6 Equal Protection0Chapter 7 Fundamental Rights0Chapter 8 The First Amendment0ContractsChapter 1 Basics of Contracts Chapter 2 Contract FormationChapter 3 Capacity of a ContractChapter 4 Vitiating FactorsChapter 5 DischargeChapter 6 Breach of ContractChapter 7 Remedies for Breach of ContractTortsChapter 1 Intentional TortsChapter 2 Defenses to Intentional TortsChapter 3 NegligenceChapter 4 Cause in FactChapter 5 Proximate CauseChapter 6 Multiple TortfeasorsChapter 7 Damages for Personal InjuriesChapter 8 Limited Duties: Special Limitations on the Scope of DutyChapter 9 Premises Liability: Duties of Owners and Occupiers of LandChapter 10 DefensesChapter 11 Vicarious LiabilityChapter 12 Products LiabilityChapter 13 DefamationChapter 14 Competitive TortsProperty LawChapter 1 Acquisition of PropertyChapter 2 Possessory EstatesChapter 3 Future InterestsChapter 4 Concurrent EstatesChapter 5 Landlord and TenantChapter 6 FixturesChapter 7 Rights in the Land of AnotherEasements, Profits, Covenants,and ServitudesChapter 8 ConveyancingChapter 9 Cooperatives, Condominiums, Zoning and NuisanceEvidence LawChapter 1 General ConsiderationsChapter 2 Relevance and Judicial NoticeChapter 3 Real EvidenceChapter 4 Documentary EvidenceChapter 5 Testimonial EvidenceChapter 6 The Hearsay RuleChapter 7 Procedural ConsiderationsCriminal LawChapter 1 Basics of Criminal LawChapter 2 How Defendants Mental States Affect Their Responsibility fora CrimeChapter 3 Criminal OffensesChapter 4 Implications of a Crimes ClassificationCriminal ProcedureChapter 1 Exclusionary RuleChapter 2 Fourth AmendmentChapter 3 ConfessionsChapter 4 PreTrial ProceduresChapter 5 TrialChapter 6 Guilty Pleas and Plea BargainingChapter 7 Constitutional Rights in Relation to Sentence and PunishmentChapter 8 Constitutional Problems on Appeal and Rights DuringPunishmentChapter 9 Double JeopardyChapter 10 Forfeiture ActionsReferences