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《跟美国学生同步练阅读》是北美教师依据现行美国中小学教学大纲共同核心标准Common Core State Standards 编写而成,《跟美国学生同步练阅读》采用全英文方式编写,为出国留学早准备。《跟美国学生同步练阅读》是继《美国语文》、《英国语文》等经典教材之后,专门为国内准备留学的中小学生定制的全英文学习辅导读本,每一课后都有同步习题。对其他英语学习者,亦可适用。
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《跟美国学生同步练阅读》经过近两年的筹划与实施,依据现行美国中小学教学大纲共同核心标准Common Core State Standards 而编写的英语阅读训练读本终于问世了!《跟美国学生同步练阅读》是继《美国语文》、《英国语文》等经典教材之后,专门为国内准备留学的中小学生定制的全英文学习辅导读本,每一课后都有同步习题,让学生对每一课有更深的理解,对其他英语学习者,亦可适用。
《跟美国学生同步练阅读:Smart Reading》按年级分册,首期出版1~6 册,从教学标准与英语难度来讲,完全对应现行美国小学1~6 年级。《跟美国学生同步练阅读》这套新读本,将为中国学生评估自己的语言能力与知识水平提供一个较好的参照标准,为他们将来出国续读全面打好基础。
《跟美国学生同步练阅读》每一分册均为65 课,其中包括52 篇阅读文章和13 课复习训练。适合学生制定一周一课的学习计划。考虑到记忆的遗忘规律,每4 课之后,专门编写了一次复习训练课,让学生翻阅和回想所学内容,帮助他们更好地记忆英文词汇、掌握用法。愿西方原版教材与经典读物系列图书对准备出国留学,以及正在学习英语的读者有所帮助!我们期待着倾听每一位读者的声音!
About the
Common Core
The Common Core is a set of high quality academic
standards in mathematics and English language arts ELA.
In 2009 the state school chiefs and governors that
comprise CCSSO and the NGA Center coordinated a state-led effort to develop the
Common Core State Standards. Designed through collaboration among teachers,
school chiefs, administrators, and other experts, the standards provide a clear
and consistent framework for educators.
The standards were created to ensure that all students
graduate from high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in
college, career, and life, regardless of where they live. The standards define
the knowledge and skills students should gain throughout their K-12 education
in order to graduate high school prepared to succeed in entry-level careers,
introductory academic college courses, and workforce training programs.
Forty-two states, the District of Columbia, four
territories, have voluntarily adopted and are moving forward with the Common
Lesson 1 The Tomatina
Lesson 2 Lets Save Water
Lesson 3 Tooth Tales
Lesson 4 Kellys Broken Wrist
Lesson 5 Review Lessons 1- 4
Lesson 6 My Special Hobby
Lesson 7 Brother Moon and Sister Sun
Lesson 8 Smores
Lesson 9 Why the Sea is Salty
Lesson 10 Review Lessons 6-9
Lesson 11 The Fox and the Stork
Lesson 12 Johnny Appleseed
Lesson 13 Who Invented the Sandwich?
Lesson 14 Playing Catch
Lesson 15 Review Lessons 11-14
Lesson 16 Going to the Movies
Lesson 17 Dave and Grant Love
Lesson 18 The Clean Park
Lesson 19 Going to the Library
Lesson 20 Review Lessons 16 -19
Lesson 21 Springtime Tadpoles
Lesson 22 The Washing Machine Box
Lesson 23 The Moon
Lesson 24 Billys Bad Dream
Lesson 25 Review Lessons 21- 24
Lesson 26 Clouds and Rain Today
Lesson 27 What is a City?
Lesson 28 Ant and Grasshopper
Lesson 29 A Pleasant Tale
Lesson 30 Review Lessons 26-29
The Tomatina
Tomatina is a very strange festival held every year in Bunol, Spain. This
festival began as a joke among some people in this small town many years ago,
but now people from all over the world come to join in the fun.
So what is
the fun all about? The people of Bunol have a food fight. On the last Wednesday
in August, when the tomatoes that are grown around the town are ready to be
picked, truckloads of red, ripe tomatoes are brought to the town centre. Then,
for two hours, everyone throws tomatoes at other people. All the people laugh
and have a good time being naughty. There are many parties in the days before
and after this great food fight festival.
I. Word List
strange: weird, unusual
festival: a large, public party
or celebration
food fight: a silly activity in
which people throw food at each other
ripe: ready to eat
naughty: silly or bad behavior
II. Circle the words that are related to the Tomatina
July food fight Saturday Spain tomatoes August
festival green peppers Bunol parties Wednesday
III. True or False? Write T true or F false for each
1. The food fight is for three hours.
2. People throw potatoes at each other.
3. The Tomatina Festival is in Bunol, Spain.
4. Bunol, Spain is a large city.
5. People from many different countries join the festival.
IV. Word groupsComplete each word group with a word from
the story.
party, celebration, f _ _ _ _ _ _ _
June, July, A _ _ _ _ _
city, village, t _ _ _
week, month, y _ _ _
joking, being silly, l _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lets Save Water
people, animals, and plants need fresh, clean water to live. However, we
sometimes waste our clean water.
There are
many things we can do to protect our supply of fresh, clean water. Make sure
that the kitchen sink tap is not running when you help wash the dishes. Put a
plug in the kitchen sink and fill it with water instead.
You can
also save water in the bathroom. Try this: fill a glass with water. Then shut
off the tap. Wet your toothbrush. Brush your teeth. Then use the water in the
glass to rinse your mouth. Pour the rest of the water over your toothbrush to
rinse it off.
It is
important to take care of our fresh water supply. Lets save water. Lets not waste it!
I. Word List
waste: use in a way that
makes no sense
save: use less of something
tap: a metal thing in the
kitchen or bathroom that water comes out of
rinse: to clean with water
II. Are these good ways to save water at home? Write Y
yes or N no.
___ 1.
Fill the kitchen sink with water and wash the dishes with the water.
___ 2. Do
not water your plants.
___ 3. Shut off
the tap when you are brushing your teeth.
___ 4. Drink
less water.
___ 5. Do not
make ice cubes with water.
___ 6. Do not
leave the tap running when you are washing the dishes.
III. Wrong
spelling! These words from the story are spelled wrong. Spell them correctly!
_____________: plantes
_____________: bathrom:
3. _____________:
_____________: rines
_____________: suppliy
_____________: watse
IV. Whats the
word? Fill in the correct word from the story.
1. Everybody
needs to drink _ _ _ _ _ to live.
2. We should try
to _ _ _ _ water, not waste it.
3. We can save
water in the kitchen and the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
4. We can save
water when we brush our _ _ _ _ _.
5. Water comes
out of a _ _ _.