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『簡體書』跟美国学生同步练阅读:Smart Reading(英文原版)(同步导学?Grade 1)

書城自編碼: 2878587
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→中小學教輔英语专项
作者: 韦恩·埃弗里特 编著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787201105871
出版社: 天津人民出版社
出版日期: 2016-08-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 130/220000
書度/開本: 大16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 201



** 我創建的書架 **

《跟美国学生同步练阅读》是北美教师依据现行美国中小学教学大纲共同核心标准Common Core State Standards 编写而成,《跟美国学生同步练阅读》采用全英文方式编写,为出国留学早准备。《跟美国学生同步练阅读》是继《美国语文》、《英国语文》等经典教材之后,专门为国内准备留学的中小学生定制的全英文学习辅导读本,每一课后都有同步习题。对其他英语学习者,亦可适用。
《跟美国学生同步练阅读》经过近两年的筹划与实施,依据现行美国中小学教学大纲共同核心标准Common Core State Standards 而编写的英语阅读训练读本终于问世了!《跟美国学生同步练阅读》是继《美国语文》、《英国语文》等经典教材之后,专门为国内准备留学的中小学生定制的全英文学习辅导读本,每一课后都有同步习题,让学生对每一课有更深的理解,对其他英语学习者,亦可适用。
《跟美国学生同步练阅读:Smart Reading》按年级分册,首期出版1~6 册,从教学标准与英语难度来讲,完全对应现行美国小学1~6 年级。《跟美国学生同步练阅读》这套新读本,将为中国学生评估自己的语言能力与知识水平提供一个较好的参照标准,为他们将来出国续读全面打好基础。
《跟美国学生同步练阅读》每一分册均为65 课,其中包括52 篇阅读文章和13 课复习训练。适合学生制定一周一课的学习计划。考虑到记忆的遗忘规律,每4 课之后,专门编写了一次复习训练课,让学生翻阅和回想所学内容,帮助他们更好地记忆英文词汇、掌握用法。愿西方原版教材与经典读物系列图书对准备出国留学,以及正在学习英语的读者有所帮助!我们期待着倾听每一位读者的声音!

About the
Common Core
The Common Core is a set of high quality academic
standards in mathematics and English language arts ELA.
In 2009 the state school chiefs and governors that
comprise CCSSO and the NGA Center coordinated a state-led effort to develop the
Common Core State Standards. Designed through collaboration among teachers,
school chiefs, administrators, and other experts, the standards provide a clear
and consistent framework for educators.
The standards were created to ensure that all students
graduate from high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in
college, career, and life, regardless of where they live. The standards define
the knowledge and skills students should gain throughout their K-12 education
in order to graduate high school prepared to succeed in entry-level careers,
introductory academic college courses, and workforce training programs.
Forty-two states, the District of Columbia, four
territories, have voluntarily adopted and are moving forward with the Common
Lesson 1 The New Bicycle
Lesson 2 The Greedy Dog
Lesson 3 Look at the Sky
Lesson 4 Our Chores
Lesson 5 Review Lessons 1- 4
Lesson 6 The Giant Turnip
Lesson 7 My First Trip to the
Lesson 8 A Day with Grandpa
Lesson 9 The Sun and the Wind
Lesson 10 Review Lessons 6-9
Lesson 11 Snow Day
Lesson 12 The King of the Jungle
Lesson 13 Starry Night.
Lesson 14 My Wobbly Tooth
Lesson 15 Review Lessons 11-14
Lesson 16 Over the Ocean Blue
Lesson 17 A Visit to a Petting Farm
Lesson 18 The Storybook Club
Lesson 19 Perogies
Lesson 20 Review Lessons 16 -19
Lesson 21 My Mom, the Student
Lesson 22 Jane Wants a Pet
Lesson 23 Who Am I?.
Lesson 24 Oops
Lesson 25 Review Lessons 21- 24
Lesson 26 Mr. Mom
Lesson 27 My New Dog
Lesson 28 The Duck Hunters
Lesson 29 One Man Band
Lesson 30 Review Lessons 25-29
The New
Alice has a new bicycle.
It is shiny and red.
It was a gift from her
aunt. She wanted to surprise Alice.
When Alice saw the
bicycle, she jumped for joy. It was what she wanted. She gave her aunt a hug.
Alice loves her new bicycle,
and she loves her aunt.

Word List
shiny surprise jump hug

ExerciseThink about it
1. Alices bicycle is
red. What other things are red?
Some apples are red.

2. The bicycle was a
gift. What are some other gifts?
A toy can be a gift.

3. Alice can jump. What
animals can jump? Frogs jump.

True or False? Write T true or F false for each sentence.
___ 1. Alices bicycle
is pink.
___ 2. Alices aunt gave
her the bicycle.
___ 3. Alice loves her
___ 4. Alice gave her
aunt a kiss.
___ 5. Alice gave her
aunt a bicycle.

Word GroupsComplete each word group with a word from the story.
1. green, blue r _ _
2. mother, uncle a _ _ _
3. present, package g _ _ _
4. happiness, gladness j _
5. likes very much,
adores l _ _ _ _

The Greedy Dog
One day a big, brown dog found a nice stick in the park.
A little dog saw the big dogs stick, and wanted to play with him. However, the
big dog did not want to share. He picked up his stick and ran away. The little dog
was sad, but he found another friend to play with.
On his way home, the big dog walked next to a pond. He
looked in the pond and saw another dog. That dog also had a big stick! The big
dog wanted to take the stick from the other dog, so he opened his mouth wide.
The stick dropped into the pond! So the big,
brown dog had no stick and no friends to play with.

Word List
greedy: wanting many things only for oneself, not
stick: a long piece of wood
pond: a very small lake

OppositesFind words in the story that mean the opposite to these words.
example: happysad
1. small_ _ _ 3. closed_ _ _ _ _ _
2. old_ _ _ 4. give_ _ _ _

True or False? Write T if the sentence is true, or F if the sentence is false.
___ 1. The big, brown
dog found a sock in the park.
___ 2. The big dog
wanted to play with the small dog.
___ 3. The small dog
played with the big dog.
___ 4. The big dog went
swimming in the pond.
___ 5. The big dog
dropped his stick in the pond.

Answer these questions with a partner.
1. Why is this story
called The Greedy Dog?
2. Why was the small dog
3. How did the big dog
lose his stick?



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