內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
郭 凯 男,1971年12月生,河南洛阳人,管理学博士,博士后,美国圣地亚哥州立大学公派访问学者。主要研究方向是安全管理、技术创新等。发表学术论文25篇,其中CSSCI源刊论文2篇,EISCIISTP收录论文5篇,中文核心论文11篇。主持和参与完成国家和省部级项目7项,出版专著2部。
1.What is innovation?
1.1Definition of innovation
1.2Innovation and creative thinking
1.3Innovation principle and innovation management method
1.4Innovation method and management innovation method
2.Innovation management classifications
2.1Technological innovation
2.2Product innovation
2.3Management innovation
2.4Service innovation
2.5Method innovation
2.6Process innovation
2.7Disruptive innovation
3.Management of innovation target
3.1Innovation Environment Analysis
3.2Identify innovative targets
3.3Innovation performance measurement
4.Managing Innovation Project
4.1Managing Innovation Project Action
4.2Managing Innovation Project Plan
4.3Managing Innovation Project Control
4.4Managing Innovation Project Risk
5.Innovation Teams Management
5.1Innovation and Team Leadership
5.2Traits of Leadership
5.3Leadership role in innovation team
5.4Team building