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書城自編碼: 2857638
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英语考试
作者: 刘文勇
國際書號(ISBN): 9787300229072
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社有限公司
出版日期: 2016-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 308/417
書度/開本: 16 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 374



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刘文勇 博士教师,北京乐闻携尔教育咨询有限公司创始人,美联英语国际教育学院海外考试研究院院长,自诩为浑身赘肉、有问必答的热心话痨,教授TOEFL、SAT、GRE、GMAT
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Whether the languages of the ancient American peoples were used for expressing
abstract universal concepts can be clearly answered in the case of Nahuatl. Nahuatl, like
Greek and German, is a language that allows the formation of extensive compounds. By the
combination of radicals or semantic elements, single compound words can express complex
conceptual relations, often of an abstract universal character.
The tlamatinime those who know were able to use this rich stock of abstract terms
to express the nuances of their thought. They also availed themselves of other forms of
expression with metaphorical meaning, some probably original, some derived from Toltec
coinages. Of these forms, the most characteristic in Nahuatl is the juxtaposition of
two words that, because they are synonyms, associated terms, or even contraries,
complement each other to evoke one single idea. Used metaphorically, the juxtaposed
terms connote specific or essential traits of the being they refer to, introducing a mode of
poetry as an almost habitual form of expression.
——GRE OG 2nd Edition, Practice Test 1, Verbal Reasoning, Section 3
Select the sentence in the passage in which the author introduces a specific Nahuatl mode
of expression that is not identified as being shared with certain European languages.
Of these forms, the most characteristic in Nahuatl is the juxtaposition of two words that,
because they are synonyms, associated terms, or even contraries, complement each other
to evoke one single idea.
题目要求选出“作者在哪一句话中介绍了一种具体的 Nahuatl 表达方式,这种表达方
式不同于其他欧洲语言” 。 “不同于其他欧洲语言”也就是说是 Nahuatl 特有的特征,根据
这个意思不难选出“Of these forms, the most characteristic in Nahuatl is the juxtaposition
of two words that, because they are synonyms, associated terms, or even contraries, complement
each other to evoke one single idea”这个句子, “most characteristic” (最典型的)即表示
这种方式的与众不同,而前面“the juxtaposition of two words” (两个单词的并置)



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