編輯推薦: |
內容簡介: |
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1 教育与生活 Education and Life
001 Should Electronic Books Replace Traditional Books?
002 Mark Zuckerbergs Open Letter 马克扎克伯格的公开信
003 Meditation ClassesRelaxation for Australian Kids
004 How to Contact Parents of Middle School Students?
005 Online Shoppings Pros and Cons 网上购物的利与弊
006 How to Deal with Stress? 如何缓解压力?
007 A 10-year-old Boy Enrolls in College 10岁男孩上大学
008 Driverless Cars 无人驾驶汽车
009 My Tree, My Love 我的树,我的爱
010 For Youths in the U.S., a Jump in Media Use
011 The Green Charter Schools Network 绿色特许学校网络
012 Chongqing: Students Have Access to the Internet Before
the Age of 10
013 Life-saving Classes 生存教育课
014 A Website to Help with Your Writing 提高写作的网站
015 Later to School 推迟上学时间
016 Should Kids Dress
Themselves Casually? 孩子能随意穿戴吗?
017 College Degrees Come Dear 大学学历变昂贵
018 From Generation Gap to Generation Leap
019 Foreign Students Top Choice in the U.S.: USC
020 Loving Gifts 爱心包裹
021 UK Yoof Speak in Own Style 英国年轻人特别的说话方式
022 Expo Volunteers Receive
English Training
023 From Couch Potato to Cabin Fever
024 Nicknames for Chicago 芝加哥的别名
025 Why Preschool Is So Important? 为什么学前教育很重要?
026 Beating the Summer Slump 反击夏日的消沉
027 Why More and More Students
Choose to Study Abroad?
2 体育与健康 Sports and Health
028 Club First, Then Business 俱乐部第一,商业次之
029 New Exercise Wisdom 运动新理念
030 Victory with Grace 完美取胜
031 Health Benefits of Red Wine 红酒与健康
032 What Would You Sacrifice for Your National Squad?
033 Bicycle Trip to China 骑自行车游中国
034 Former IOC President
Samaranch 前国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇
035 A Chance to Be Part of
Something Big 参与一件盛事的机会
036 Go on a Reindeer-Drawn Sleigh
Ride 乘坐驯鹿雪橇
037 Have the World at My Feet 美国男孩勇登珠峰
038 The Origin of Swimming 游泳的起源
039 Americas Own Style of Sport 美国人自己的运动风格
040 Make Friends with Your Feet! 和你的双脚交朋友!
041 World Cup, World Party! 世界杯,世界的盛会!
042 You Cant Change the Future 你不能改变命运
043 Watching Our Salt Intake 关注食用盐的摄入
044 A Successful Weight-loss Plan 一项成功的减肥计划
045 What Will Life Be Like in 28 Years? 28年后的生活会如何?
046 Hourglass Syndrome 沙漏综合症
047 An Ideal City 理想的城市
048 The Secret to a Long and Healthy Life 健康长寿的秘诀
049 Care for African Children 关注非洲儿童
050 Fallacies about Food 食物误区
051 Steps Urged to Prevent Snakebites 预防蛇咬伤的方法
052 Fruit, Vegatables and Serious Illness 水果、蔬菜和疾病
053 The Four Bad Habits 四个坏习惯
054 The Doctors Advice 医生的建议
055 Bottled Air for Sale 出售瓶装空气
056 A Visit to Johannesburg 约翰内斯堡游记
057 Medical Negligence 医疗事故
058 Keep Believing in Yourself 坚持相信自己
3 地球与环境 Earth and Environment
059 Earth Hour 地球一小时
060 Food Supplies and Climate Change 食物供应和气候变化
061 Bottle Stoppers 告别瓶装水
062 What Causes Earthquakes? 什么导致地震?
063 Who Is Going to Save the Planet Now? 现在由谁来拯救地球?
064 Samsoe Island: Think Globally and Act Locally
065 The New Shirts for Soccer Players 足球队员的新队服
066 The Dramatic Presidential Handover 戏剧化的总统交接
067 Nearly 1,000 Climate Protesters Released 近千名气候示威者获释
068 Will There Be Enough Water on the Earth
by 2025?
069 Can Cold Snap Disprove Global Warming?
070 The Iceland
Volcano 冰岛火山
071 A Daughter of
the Earth 地球的女儿
072 Zero Waste 零浪费
073 Low-carbon
Lifestylethe Fashionable
074 Renting a
Christmas Tree! 租一棵圣诞树!
075 Clear Your Plate
Campaign 光盘行动
076 Is Global
Warming Killing the Maldives?
077 For Japanese
Farmers, Radiation Fears Mean Economic Pain
078 The Arts or
Environmental Protection? 艺术还是环境保护?
079 Deadly Floods Hit
Southern China 严重洪灾袭击中国南部
080 The Art of
Stove-making 火炉制造的艺术
081 The Incessant
Haze 雾霾
082 The Earthquake
in Chile 智利地震
083 Iceland Ash
Making the Air Transport Paralyzed
084 Nashville under
Water 淹没在水下的纳什维尔
085 Tornadoes
Swirling Oklahoma 飓风袭击俄克拉荷马州
086 The Drought in
China I 中国干旱(1)
087 The Drought in
China II 中国干旱(2)
088 The Sandstorms 沙尘暴
089 El Hierro 耶罗岛
090 Snow Disasters 雪灾
091 A Year to Help Them 帮助他们的这一年
4 社会百态 Social News
092 Keep These Crafts Alive 保护手工艺
093 A Wonderful Christmas Story 一个神奇的圣诞故事
094 UKs Most Famous Family 英国最显赫的家族
095 4-Year-Old Mayor Seeks Re-election in Minnesota Town
096 A Girl Was Saved by Five Stray Dogs 5只流浪狗勇救少女
097 Cleopatra 埃及艳后
098 500 Sand Sculpted Santa Clauses 500座圣诞老人沙雕
099 Typical Chinese Food 典型的中国菜
100 Top 3 Newspapers in the U.S. 美国排名前三位的报纸
101 Wags and X Factor: Why Girls Are Behaving Badly?
102 Where the Wild Things Are 《野兽家园》
103 15 Trapped in the Tallest
Building 15人被困于世界最高建筑物
104 A Letter Delivered by Fish 15
Years Later 鱼15年后递送的信
105 College Students Riding Home
for the Holiday Alone
106 Dick Francis 迪克弗朗西斯
107 Luoyang Uncle Xie Yunfeng 洛阳大叔谢云峰
108 The Story of a Shanzhai
Breathing Apparatus
109 Here Comes Citizen Journalism 民间新闻业来了
110 Nearly Half of U.S. Jobs Now
Held by Women
111 Cellphones Being a Part of
Your Body 手机成为身体的一部分
112 Angela Merkel 安格拉默克尔
113 The Great 70-year Chase! 伟大的70年追逐
114 Loving His Life 罗志祥:我给自己打满分!
115 Britons Cant Do without Their Red Phone
116 The Judge and His Neighbor 法官和他的邻居
117 The Link from London to the
Continent 伦敦到欧洲大陆的连接
118 Saving 存钱
119 Shenzhen Visitor Returns
HK$250m Bag of Diamonds
120 A Lucky Girl 幸运的女孩
121 A Changing Institution 公共场所的变化
122 Crocodiles Perish at Wuhan
Zoo Due to Tourist Abuse
123 She Keeps It Real 她让一切保持真实
124 Search for One Piece 寻找《海贼王》
125 Londons New Buses 伦敦新巴士
126 Man Up, Boys! 像个男人,男孩们!
127 Nicknames for New York City 纽约的别称
128 Role Models 榜样
129 Mei Lan and Tai Shan 大熊猫梅兰和泰山
5 社会聚焦 Social Events
130 The Naro-1 Rocket 罗老号火箭
131 Chinas First Aircraft
Carrier 中国第一艘航母
132 Safety Comes First 安全第一
133 Planning on Reduction Nuclear Arsenal 削减核军备计划
134 Xian City Wall 西安城墙
135 New York Mass Transit Boosts Security 纽约公共交通加强安保
136 Polish President Dies in Russian Plane Crash
137 How Much Work Time Do You Waste?
你浪费了多少工作时间? ...282
138 Cancer Testing Paper Strips 测癌试纸
139 911 911报警系统
140 Knowing the Security Drill 理解安保检查
141 Oil Spill Threats 石油泄漏威胁
142 Princess Madeleine Marries at
Storybook Wedding
143 Park Geun-hye 朴槿惠
144 Chinas Shenzhou-10 神舟10
145 Zhao Benshan Reportedly Directing CCTV
Spring Festival Gala
146 Market Policy
Changes on 3 West African Countries
147 Learning to
Get Along 学会与人相处
148 One Fireman
Dies in Chinese Market Fire
149 The Income of
the First Family in the U.S. 美国第一家庭的收入
150 Fallen Foreign
Heroes Not Forgotten 缅怀逝去的外国英雄
6 自然科学 Natural Science
151 Starfish 海星
152 Smashing Success 撞月成功
153 The Carbon Bathtub 碳钢理论
154 Electricity 电
155 The Death of Pharaoh Tutankhamun 法老图坦卡蒙之死
156 The Secret of the Death of Dinosaurs 恐龙之死的秘密
157 Newtons Apple
Tree 牛顿的苹果树
158 South Korean Doctors Warn Smart Phones
Cause Digital Dementia
159 Russian Manned Spacecraft Docks with Space Station
160 A Girl Invents Flashlight
Without Batteries
161 Computers 电脑
162 Flying Car Company Takes
Bookings 飞行汽车公司开始接受订单
163 How Long Can You Leave Food
in the Fridge?
164 Plane Uses Suns Power to Fly 太阳能飞机试飞成功
165 Trash to Treasure 香烟头变废为宝
166 A Study on Language and the
Brain 一项关于语言与大脑的研究
167 Two Studies Give a Lift to
Running Barefoot 两项研究推动赤脚跑步
168 Aliens May Destroy Us 外星人也许会危害我们
169 China Is Expected to Launch a
Mars Probe
170 Palestinian Teens Invention 巴勒斯坦青少年的发明
171 The Worlds First Synthetic Organism
172 A Rough Road for Toyota 丰田的一段艰难路程
173 The Weather in England 英格兰的气候
174 Plants 植物
175 A Mission of the Mind6 Astronauts Are
Tested to the Limit
176 The Dangers of Distracted
Driving 驾驶分心的危害
177 Eating White Rice Increases
Risk of Diabetes
178 A
New Technology to Save Lives 一项能挽救生命的新技术