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內容簡介: |
本书作者Sylvie Donna是英国著名高校杜伦大学英语语言中心的知名学者,教授的课程主要有专门用途英语、学术英语、通用英语等,曾获得英国杜伦大学学习和教学卓越奖。本书旨在为从事商务英语教学的教师提供全面和综合的介绍、指导和启发。全书涉及商务英语教学的诸多方面,如需求分析、课程计划、课程设置和教学测评。本书的视角是实践性的,强调实用,大部分内容都着眼于课堂教学过程,包括国际商务环境中的大量听、说、读、写教学活动,因此对于指导教学实践大有裨益。全书分为十章,每章由若干小节组成,每小节的前半部分主要阐述教学理论和步骤,后半部分则介绍教学方法和活动。本书最后提供了词汇表,以便初学者查询生词,索引部分则旨在帮助读者找到相关机构、资源和测试。
Acknowledgements and thanks vii
I Introduction 1
1.1 Why this book? 1
1.2 What is Business English? 2
1.3 Why is Business English
special? 6
2 Setting things up for success 8
2.1 Customer care 8
22 Initial contact with clients 9
2.3 Needs analysis interviews 12
2.4 Placement testing 14
2.5 Decision-making 22
2.6 Liaison 23
3 Starting up courses 25
3.1 Confirming agreements and
decisions 25
3.2 Planning to accurately reflect
needs analyses 27
3.3 Selecting and using materials 36
3.4 Thinking how to address
students 40
3.5 Starting the course 42
3.6 Encouraging student self-reliance
4 Day-to-day concerns 67
4.1 Planning on a day-to-day
basis 67
4.2 Selecting and using methods 69
4.3 Warming into things 73
4.4 Presenting language 96
4.5 Feedback and correction 106
4.6 Awareness-raising 111
4.7 Ongoing adjustment of the needs
analysis 124
5 Developing students'' skills 126
5.1 Tips for success 126
5.2 Talking to clients 127
5.3 Snail mail and formal faxes 132
5.4 Telephoning 145
5.5 Dealing with visitors 157
5.6 Talking to colleagues 167
5.7 Reporting to foreign
managers 175
5.8 Presentations and QA
sessions 185
5.9 Meetings 201
5.10 Negotiating 214
5.11 Note-taking 230
5.12 E-mail, faxes and memos 236
5.13 Report-writing 260
5.14 Understanding the news
6 Solving or avoiding problems 277
Absenteeism and lateness 277
Low motivation 280
Mixed-status classes 284
Mixed-level classes 286
Unexpected students and unplanned changes 288
Bad feedback 289
Lack of expertise 291
7 Assessing students'' progress 293
7.1 What''s important? What''s
possible? 293
7.2 Periodic achievement tests 295
7.3 Portfolio assessment 301
7.4 End-of-course tests 303
7.5 External examinations 315
8 Being accountable 318
8.1 Providing information 318
8.2 Being observed 319
8.3 Writing reports 319
9 Evaluating courses 322
9.1 What''s evaluation all about? Whv
evaluate? 322
9.2 How to evaluate? 322
9.3 Getting feedback from
students 325
9.4 Reflective evaluation 325
10 Moving towards a better future 327
10.1 What else can we do? 327
Recommended reading 330
Useful addresses 333
Glossary of terms 338
Bibliography 347
Alphabetical list of procedures 350
Index 353