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各界精英 励志演讲
讲述奋斗历程 揭秘成功之路
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Write a Fantastic Story of Your Life书写精彩人生玛丽?希金斯?克拉克 3
You Are Your Own Professor Now??Excerpt?成为自己的教授(节选)史蒂芬?科尔伯特 13
Change The World ?Excerpt?改变世界(节选)比尔?奈 23
The Power of WE我们的力量约翰?邦?乔维 31
Do not Let Fear Hinder Your Success不要让恐惧阻碍你成功查理?戴 43
Build a Bridge to a Better World搭建桥梁,通往成功达伦?沃克 63
Take Some Time to Really Think ?Excerpt?花些时间,认真思考(节选)凯蒂?柯丽克 79
Change the World like Steve Jobs Did ?Excerpt?像史蒂夫?乔布斯那样改变世界(节选)蒂姆?库克 93
To Be a Pathfinder ?Excerpt?成为开拓者(节选)杰夫?伊梅尔特 107
Avoid Conformity避免盲从埃文?斯皮格尔 123
Discover Your Purpose and Passion找到目标点燃激情罗恩?沙伊克 131
What Types of Innovators does the World Need?世界需要什么样的创新者?苏珊?德斯蒙德-赫尔曼 143
Three Magic Codes of a Successful Life成功人生的三点秘诀德鲁?休斯顿 157
Free Your Mind to Evolve Faster: Reboot, Rewrite and Rethink??Excerpt?不沉湎于琐事才能快步迈向成功改变、重塑与反思(节选)斯科特?伊里 173
Happy Maps??Excerpt?快乐地图(节选)丹尼尔?奎尔恰 189
Changing the World??Excerpt?改变世界(节选)萨曼莎?鲍尔 197
Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid ?Excerpt?情感急救(节选)盖伊?温奇 209How to Manage for Collective Creativity??Excerpt?如何发挥集体创造力(节选)琳达?希尔 227
Dare to Take Responsibilities敢于负责斯考特?考恩 245
The Price of Altruism利他精神的价值马修?李卡德 253
To the South Pole and Back the Hardest 105 Days of My Life往返南极生命中最艰难的105天本?桑德斯 267
What I Learned from Spending 31 Days Underwater我在水底31天学到了什么法比恩?库斯托 285
The Mathematics of Love爱情的数学秘诀汉娜?弗里 297
Be Stubborn and Optimistic in Life生活需要执着与乐观乔伊斯?卡洛尔?欧茨 315
You Are an Infinite Being with Infinite Possibilities ?Excerpt?你无所不能,拥有无限可能(节选)博纳德?哈里斯 329
Poetry that Frees the Soul诗歌解放被囚困的灵魂克里斯蒂娜?多梅内克 345
The Ways to Change the World ?Excerpt?改变世界的方式(节选)布莱恩?史蒂文森 355
The Joy of Surfing in Ice-cold Water冰水冲浪的乐趣克里斯?布卡德 365
You Have Everything You Need to Succeed你具备成功的一切条件米歇尔?奥巴马 377
Take Your Responsibilities ?Excerpt?担起责任(节选)玛德莱娜?奥尔布莱特 395
Being Grateful for What You Have常怀一颗感恩的心巴拉克?奥巴马 407
Follow Your Heart ?Excerpt?心随所想(节选)米歇尔?奥巴马 413
A Good Education Is the Wealth of a Lifetime良好的教育是一生的财富米歇尔?奥巴马 423
Write a Fantastic Story of Your Life
Mary Higgins ClarkCommencement Address at the Catholic University of AmericaMay 16, 2015
The years to come will fly at an increasingly accelerated pace. Make the most of every day of every one of those years. Write the story of your lives so that your novel will be more than a best seller. Write it and live it so that it becomes a classic.
Cardinal Wuerl, President, John Garvey, fellow honorees, Trustees, Faculty, members of the graduating class, and families and friends of the graduates, I am delighted to address the class of 2015 this morning on this def?ining moment in their lives.Over the years Ive attended many graduations and the same words keep coming upmilestones, memories, dreams, hope, the future. I dont mean that these words are hackneyed, because they are appropriate to the day.Today, you graduates of the Catholic University of America have completed another milestone. The f?irst one you achieved upon your graduation from grammar school. The second occurred on your graduation from high school. I am aware that for some of you the mathematics are a little different. You are the ones who came back to earn your degree. My hats off to those for whom this is true. Balancing a family and a job while you study isnt easy. Today you are about to receive either a masters or doctoral degree. You are now ready to take on the world.Remember that most of you are here today because of both the sacrif?ices of your family and your own efforts. Appreciate what others have done for you. Be worthy of the faith others have in you. Justify the sacrif?ices they made. Be proud of all the hours you yourself have worked to come to this day.It would be nice if I could give you terrif?ic advice that would be a magic key into a magical world where any problems that do arise are solved in minutes; where from this moment on you will live happily and successfully ever after, but we all know that isnt the way it works. So instead Ill gossip with you for a few minutes about real life because instant happy endings arent real life.I believe that at our cradles the legendary godmothers come to bequeath a gift. Some people receive many, others just one, but everybody does get one special gift. In my case, the godmother, who might have given me the voice of a nightingale, was out of town; I cant hit middle C on key. I was always the last one the boys asked to dance because I dont have a sense of rhythm. And no one has ever begged an invitation to my dinner table. But one godmother came and whispered, I bequeath you the gift of being a storyteller.I am very happy that she was the one who showed up that day. I want you to know, with all the certainty of your being, that each one of you, at your cradle, was given a special gift. Find it, feel it inside you, then nurture it to fruition.Regularly in the media we see the smiling face of someone holding a winning ticket. Im sure we all wonder what wed do if we were lucky enough to be that person. But there is a saying that I believe is true, If you want to be happy for a year, win the lottery. If you want to be happy for life, love what you do.When I was signing books a few years ago, a woman said to me, Youre so fortunate. You had a lot of problemsyour fathers early death when you were a child, your husbands early death, the struggle to raise and educate f?ive children.I waited for the punch line. You see, she explained, Ive been very fortunate. My parents were wonderful. We grew up in a comfortable home, my husband does very well, we love each other and we have great kids. But I havent experienced enough problems to have anything to write about. My heart didnt bleed for her, but she did have a point. We dont want problems, but they do strengthen us. They force you to be on your toes, to overcome obstacles.My books usually start with a prologue, a foreshadowing of what is going to happen later. Today you are starting to write your own suspense novel. Its called The Rest of My Life.By your choice of what you will be doing in September, you have already written the prologue. Did you choose medical school, are you going for your MBA, are you planning to become a JurisDoctoris, have you felt a call from God to follow him in a vocation? Whatever your choice, your prologue is written.When I begin to plan a book, I dont know exactly who the protagonist is, but I do know that he or she will be a person who combines faith, optimism, intelligence, generosity and a good sense of humor.Lets touch on the subject of a sense of humor. It is the leavening agent in life. If you dont have one naturally, try to develop it. When everything piles up on you, the ability to laugh at fate or at yourself is a cure for both body and mind.I always give my protagonists a good friend, a buddy who will rejoice with them when the sun is shining and be there for them when the sky is falling in. That buddy may be a parent, a sibling, a lifetime pal, but I want all of you have that kind of person in your life.When any writer begins a novel, the early pages seem to take forever. Then at some point they move at a quicker and quicker pace.Any novel worth its salt has downward steps, problems that arise and need to be solved. I pray that you, the protagonist, will face up to your problems with determination and strength.A novel has a goal. Yours I hope will be to lead a fulf?illing, giving life. In todays society, too often traditional values have been replaced by situational ethics①. You as graduates of Catholic University have the opportunity to become moral leaders in a world where so frequently moral values are consigned to the dustbin. Dont be afraid of exercising that leadership.I warn you and promise you that the years to come will fly at an increasingly accelerated pace. Make the most of every day of every one of those years. Write the story of your lives so that your novel will be more than a best seller. Write it and live it so that it becomes a classic.Now is the time to receive your degrees, to accept the congratulations of your families and friends, to enjoy your parties.You are voyagers at the beginning of your new adventures. Now voyagers, with unwavering trust in God, set forth thy sails and have a wonderful life.
维尔枢机主教、校长、约翰?加维、荣誉学位获得者们、各位理事、全体教职员工、毕业生们以及毕业生的家人们、朋友们:今天早上,我很高兴能在2015届毕业生的这个人生关键时刻来演讲。这些年来,我参加过许多毕业典礼,相同的词在演讲中反复出现里程碑、回忆、梦想、希望、未来。我不是说它们都是陈词滥调,因为今天谈论它们很合时宜。今天,美国天主教大学的毕业生们又竖起了一座里程碑。从文法学校毕业的那一天,你们竖起了第一座里程碑。高中毕业的那一天,你们竖起了第二座里程碑。我意识到对于一些人而言,算法不太一样,你们是工作以后回来攻读学位的同学。我非常敬佩这些同学,因为在上学期间兼顾家庭与工作绝非易事。今天,你们将要获得硕士学位或博士学位,你们已经准备好到社会上一展身手。请记住:大多数同学今天之所以能出现在这里是因为你们的家人和你们自己都付出了努力。要感激为你们付出的人,对得起别人对你们的信任,让他们的牺牲有价值。要为你们付出的所有努力感到自豪。如果我能给大家提一条绝佳的建议,这条建议就好比开启魔法世界的神奇钥匙,能在问题出现后立马将它解决,让你们从此过上幸福、成功的生活,这样的话就太棒了。然而,我们都知道这是行不通的。因此,我要和大家聊一会儿真实的人生,因为马上就拥有幸福结局不是真实的人生。我相信传说中的教母会来到我们的摇篮边,向我们赠送礼物。一些人收到了许多礼物,其他人只收到了一件礼物,但每个人都得到了一项特殊的天赋。就我而言,有可能赋予我夜莺般嗓音的教母出城了,于是我找不准中央C音。我总是男生最后邀请跳舞的对象,因为我没有韵律感。没有人渴望受邀来我家吃饭。然而,一位教母来了,她轻声说道:我要赠予你讲故事的天赋。我很高兴那天出现的教母是她。我想告诉大家:你们的存在都具有必然性,在摇篮里的时候,你们就获得了一项特殊的天赋。找到它,在体内感受它,然后再培育它结出果实。我们时常在媒体上看到某人的笑脸,他或她的手里握着一张中奖的彩票。我肯定我们都在想,如果自己足够幸运,成为那个中彩票的人,自己要做什么。然而,俗话说:如果你想高兴一整年,就去中彩票吧。如果你想高兴一辈子,就热爱你的工作吧。几天前,就在我签名售书时,一位女士跟我说:你现在真是太幸运了。你曾遭遇很多不幸和困难你幼年丧父,丈夫英年早逝,你还要努力抚养、教育5个孩子。我等着听关键部分。她解释道:你知道吗?我一直很幸运。我的父母都棒极了。我们在一个舒适的家长大,我的丈夫很能干,我们相亲相爱,有几个出色的孩子,但我没有经历足够多的苦难,因此没有东西可写。她的话没有让我的心滴血,但一语中的。我们不想遭遇不幸与困难,但不幸与困难使我们变得更强大,逼着你保持警惕,克服困难。我的书通常由序言开始,序言中预示了接下来会发生什么。今天,你们要开始创作自己的悬疑小说了,小说的名字就叫作《我的余生》。通过选择自己将在9月份做什么,大家已经写好了序言。你选择去上医学院?你选择去上工商管理硕士?你计划成为一名法律博士?你感受到了上帝的召唤,想要追随上帝的召唤,从事某一个职业?不论你的选择是什么,你的序言都已经写好了。当我开始筹划写一本书时,我不知道主人公究竟是谁,但我知道他或她肯定是一个有信仰,有智慧,乐观、慷慨、幽默的人。让我们谈谈幽默感这个话题。幽默感是人生的发酵剂。如果你们不是天生就有幽默感,就试着培养自己的幽默感。当所有的事都压在你们身上时,嘲笑命运或自嘲的能力可以治愈身心。我总会给我的主人公安排一个好朋友一个可以与主人公同甘共苦的伙伴。这个伙伴可以是家长,可以是兄弟姐妹,也可以是一辈子的朋友,我希望你们所有人的生命里都有这样的人。当一位作家开始写小说时,前面几页似乎很漫长。然后,在某一个节点,故事情节发展得越来越快。任何一部名副其实的小说都有逆境,即出现有待主人公解决的问题。我祈祷身为主人公的你们有决心,有力量,直面自己的问题。小说都有一个目标。我希望你们的目标是度过充实、为别人付出的一生。在当今社会,传统的价值观通常会被情境伦理取代。在这个道德观念经常会被丢进垃圾箱的世界,身为天主教大学的毕业生,你们有机会成为道德领袖。不要害怕行使领导的权力。我告诫大家、向大家保证:接下来的几年会以越来越快的速度飞逝而过。要充分利用好每一年的每一天。书写自己一生的故事吧,让你的小说胜过一本畅销书。用心地写,用心地活,让它成为一部经典作品。现在到了领取学位证书,接受家人、朋友的祝贺,享受派对的时候了。你们就像是航海家,即将开启一段新的冒险旅程。现在,航海家们,带着对上帝坚定不移的信仰,扬帆起航,活出精彩人生吧。[About the Author]玛丽?希金斯?克拉克是美国的一位悬疑小说作家,至今已出版了51部作品,部部畅销。她的首部作品《孩子们到哪里去了》(Where are the children)已印刷了75次。[Background of the Speech]美国天主教大学成立于1887年,是美国天主教会的国立大学。在今年的毕业演讲中,玛丽?希金斯?克拉克将人的一生比作一部著作,鼓励毕业生们发掘自己的才能,活出精彩人生。[Notes]①situational ethics:情境伦理,即评判某一行动是否合乎道德标准,要考虑到行动发生时的特殊情境。情境伦理学倡导人们根据复杂多变的实际情况,灵活采取相应的实用性伦理准则。(葛燕君)
You Are Your Own Professor Now??Excerpt?
Stephen ColbertCommencement Address at Wake Forest UniversityMay 18, 2015
No one has any idea whats going to happen.
Having your own standards allows you to perceive success where others may see failure.
Any standards worth having will be a challenge to meet.
Good morning. Oh, what a day. What a lovely day. Its a pleasure to be addressing the Wake Forest graduating Class of 2015. I want to start by thanking the administration and the Trustees for inviting me to speak. I want to thank them for giving me an honorary Doctorate of Humanities. I especially want to thank the University president, Nathan O. Hatch.Of course, we mustnt forget the parents, who, to get you students to this day, have sacrif?iced so many things, primarily money. Im sure there are other things theyve sacrif?iced, but Im gonna guess that moneys the one they bring up most often.Most importantly, congratulations to you, the Class of 2015. You did it.I am so proud to be your Commencement speaker today, because I know I am following in some impressive footsteps. Last year, you heard from New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson, who, unfortunately, lost her job just f?ive days before her speech. Is there something you know about my new job that I dont? Please. Just tell me. I really need that money. I have kids in college.Of course for you grads, the future is a dark chasm of yawning uncertainty. But dont worry. You dont have to face the future for like two hoursf?irst brunch then yawning uncertainty. But for now, you are still nestled in the beautiful, comforting bosom of Wake Forest.Theres an interesting story about how this institution came to be. The father of Wake Forest, Samuel Wait, was trying to raise money for a different school, but during his travels his horse ran off, and he became stranded nearby. So the locals asked him to lead their new university. It was a simpler time. Back then, they just handed out universities to whoevers horse had run off most recently. This man has no control over his animals? Surely, he has something to teach us all.Of course, Wake Forest wasnt always the purely academic institution it is today. It was founded as the seductively named Wake Forest Manual Labor Institute. And students spent half their day toiling in the f?ields. The f?irst class had just 16 students, one of them just 12 years old. But, he was a prodigy. He could haul sacks of grain at a college level.Wake Forest has always been a leader. In the late 19th century, this was among the f?irst Southern schools to teach biology in a lab. Before then, you werent supposed to learn biology until marriage. In 1962, Wake Forest had the proud distinction of being the Souths f?irst major private school to integrate. Even now, Wake Forest is a trailblazer. You were Americas f?irst top 30 school to make standardized testing optional.Clearly, Wake Forest has come a long way since it was a labor school founded by a horseless drifter. But as great as Wake Forest is, Wake is your past now. It is my responsibility as a commencement speaker to prepare you for what awaits you in the future.Here it is: No one has any idea whats going to happen. Not even Elon Musk①. Thats why hes building those rockets. He wants a Plan B on another world.But whatever happens, I think its entirely appropriate that Im the one talking to you right now. Because I just spent many years learning to do one thing really well. I got so comfortable with that place, that role, those responsibilities that it came to def?ine how I saw myself. But now that part of my life is over. Its time to say goodbye to the person weve become, weve worked so hard to perfect, and to make some crucial decisions about who were going to be. For me, Ill have to f?igure out how to do an hour-long show every night. And you, at some point, will have to sleep. I am told the Adderall wears off eventually. Good luck.But this uncertainty is not new to your generation. The future is always uncertain. The only thing we can be sure will happen in 2016 is that well elect a new president. And that between now and then, about this many people will run as the Republican nominee.Yes, you are graduating into an election year, which is the technical term for two years before an election. A lot of candidates will be vying for your attention, and you will perform the ultimate civic duty: deciding for whom you will swipe left and for whom you will swipe right②.And with all these people appealing to you, youre going to have to learn pretty damn quick how to tell the difference between hype and substance. So to keep folks from selling you things and ideas that arent true, you will need a well calibrated BS detector. And luckily, Im selling them today for the low, low price of just $89.95. Order now and Ill include an anti-flim-flam travel case. Thats Stephen Colberts BS detector. If you buy it, that means you needed it.And if theres one thing you need even more, its your own set of standards. It may seem counterintuitive now, but once you leave here, you may miss being graded on all your work. Because when youre out of school, there are no objective criteria for achievement anymore.People my age will sometimes say to you, Hey, that work you did, that thing you said, that cause you championed, its not good. Well, having your own standards will help you weather moments like that. Having your own standards allows you to perceive success where others may see failure.Im reminded of one famous inventor who was ridiculed for his dream. But flash forward 15 years to the day. And do we or do we not now all ride Segways③ to work? We do not, but they are featured prominently in the movie Paul Blart: Mall Cop. Thats good, too.Heres another example. Over the years, I have given my work a lot of thought. I have my own standard for success now. I have a pretty good idea of what jokes will get laughs and a pretty good idea of what jokes may be iffy. But Im going to say them anyway because I kind of like how iffy they are. Those who have watched my show over the years know I have made that decision many times. But having my own standards is why I could keep going at times when no one laughed or when I thought the person I was interviewing might throw a punch at me. Its also why the epitaph on my tombstone will probably read, Well, I thought it was funny.Of course, any standards worth having will be a challenge to meet. And most of the time, you will fall short. But what is nice about having your own set of standards is that from now on, you f?ill out your own report card. So do yourself a favor: Be an easy grader. Score yourself on a curve. Give yourself extra credit. You have the power. You are your own professor now. Which I know is a little creepy because that means youre showering with your professor. But you have tenure. They cant f?ire you.So I hope you f?ind the courage to decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong. And then, please expect as much of the world around you. Try to make the world good according to your standards. It wont be easy. Get ready for my generation to tell you everything that cant be donelike ending racial tension, or getting money out of politics, or lowering the worlds carbon emissions. And we should know they cant be done. After all, were the ones who didnt do them.Thank you for the honor of addressing you. And congratulations again to the Wake Forest Class of 2015.
早上好,多么美好的一天,很高兴能够为维克森林大学的2015届毕业生演讲。首先,我想感谢教务处和董事会邀请我来演讲,感谢他们授予我人类学荣誉博士的学位。我最想感谢的是本校校长南森?欧?哈奇。当然,我们一定不能忘了父母,为了让你们读完大学,他们付出了很多,最重要的就是钱,我确信他们也牺牲了其他很多东西,但我猜钱是提到最多的一样。最重要的是,2015届毕业生,恭喜你们,你们毕业了。我很荣幸能够为你们做毕业演讲,因为我知道我在跟随很多名人的脚步。去年,你们听了《纽约时报》的执行编辑吉尔?爱博松的演讲。很不幸的是,在她演讲的5天前,她丢掉了自己的工作。你们对于我的新工作有什么我不知道的消息吗?请直接告诉我,我真的很需要钱,我的孩子也在读大学。对你们毕业生来说,未来看不清,充满不确定性,令人困惑;但不要担心,你们还有两个小时才会面对未来在面对未来的不确定性之前你们还可以吃一顿早午餐。至少现在,你们还栖息在维克森林大学美好而又舒适的怀抱里。其实,这所学校的建成有一段有趣的故事。当时维克森林的创建者塞缪尔?维特在为另一所学校筹款,但是在他旅行时马跑掉了,被困在了这附近,所以当地人邀请他领导他们的新学校。那个时候人们很单纯。在那个年代他们会把学校随便交给刚丢了马的人。这个人没能控制他的坐骑?他肯定有什么可以教给我们的。当然,维克森林大学并不是一直像现在这样是一所学术机构。创建之初的校名极其引人注目维克森林人工劳动机构,学生们花一半的时间在田地里辛苦劳作。第一个班级只有16名学生,其中一位只有12岁,但他是名奇才,能让扛粮袋的技术达到大学水平。维克森林大学一直都是领先者。在19世纪末,美国南部第一批在实验室教授生物课的学校中就有维克森林大学。在此之前,人们在婚后才能学习生物学。1962年,维克森林在美国率先创办黑人和白人同校就读的私立大学,这是维克森林大学的自豪。即使现在,维克森林也是教育界的先驱者,是全国前30名大学中,第一个可以选择是否参加标准考试的大学。很明显,维克森林从丢马的流浪者创建开始已经走了很长的一段旅程。维克森林很伟大,但它已是你们的过去了。身为毕业演讲人,我的职责是让你们对未来有所准备。没有人知道未来会发生什么事情,就连伊隆?马斯克都不知道,所以他要建造那些火箭,他想在另一个星球上有个备份计划。无论发生什么,我觉得此刻和你们讲这些事情,我是最合适的人选,因为这么多年来我都在学习如何将一件事情做好。我非常安于我给自己所定义的位置、角色和责任。但现在我生命的这部分已经结束。是时候告别现在的我们那个我们竭力完善的角色,对未来的人生做出关键性的决定。对我来说,我必须每天晚上想出来如何做一个小时节目;而对你们来说,则是睡觉。别人告诉我安非他命的效果(使人亢奋不眠)总会消失的,祝你们好运。这种不确定性对你们这一代来说并不新鲜,未来总是不确定的,我们唯一可以确定的是在2016年我们会选举新总统。从现在到2016年,将会有很多人成为共和党候选人。你们毕业将进入选举年,这是选举前两年的政治术语。许多候选人都渴望你们的关注,你们将行使最终公民义务:选择喜欢谁或讨厌谁。有这么多人向你们诉求,你们必须尽快学会区分什么是夸大其词,什么是真实言论。为了防止有人向你们灌输不真实的想法,你们需要有精确的鬼话检测仪。幸运的是,今天我以超低价出售,只需要89.95美元。立刻订购,我将赠送抗鬼话旅行组。这就是史蒂芬?科尔伯特的鬼话检测仪,如果你购买,就证明你需要它。你们更需要的是属于自己的评定标准。现在听起来好像有点违反常理,但你们离开这里之后,可能会想念根据你的功课来为你打分的日子,因为你们离开学校之后,将不再有评判成就的客观标准。我这个年纪的人有时会告诉你们:嘿,你做的工作、你说的话、你支持的理由,都不好。有自己的标准,就能度过这样的时刻;有自己的标准,就能看到别人看不到的成功机会。我想起了一位著名的研发者,他的梦想曾受人取笑,但是快进到15年后的今天,我们是不是所有人都骑赛格威电动代步车去上班?虽然没有,但它们在《百货战警》里造型很突出。这已经很不错了。还有一个例子,这些年来,对于我的工作,我想了很多。现在对于成功,我有自己的标准。对于一个笑话人们会不会笑,我都大概有数,但我还是会讲可能不好笑的笑话,因为我喜欢这种不确定性。这些年来看过我节目的人都知道,我这样做了很多次。我有自己的标准,我能在冷场的时候,在我认为访谈对象可能揍我一拳的时候,坚持下去。这也是为何我的墓志铭可能会是好吧,我认为蛮有趣的。当然,任何值得设立的标准都会是一项挑战。很多时候你们会不符合标准,但有自己标准的好处是,从此以后你们可以填写自己的成绩单。因此,帮自己一个忙:做一个打分宽松的人。让自己的成绩呈常态分布,多给自己一些额外的分数。你们有这种能力,现在你们是自己的教授。我知道,这有点可怕,因为这将意味着你们和自己的教授一起洗澡,但好处是,这个职位是终身制的,不会被开除。我希望你们有勇气为自己决定什么是对的,什么是错的。请尽可能对周围的世界寄予期待,努力让世界在你们的标准下变得美好。这并不简单,准备好,我们这一代会告诉你们那些不可能做成的事情像消除种族冲突,让金钱不与政治挂钩或减少全球二氧化碳排放量。要知道这些是我们自己无法完成的,毕竟我们自己都没插手做这些事情。谢谢你们,让我有荣幸给你们做毕业演讲,再次祝贺维克森林大学2015届的毕业生们。[About the Author]史蒂芬?科尔伯特(Stephen Colbert),生于1964年5月13日,是美国喜剧演员、艾美奖获得者。他因讽刺和扑克脸式的喜剧表演风格而在美国广为人知。科尔伯特从大学毕业之后就从事表演工作。1997年,他加入了美国Comedy Central电视台的时政节目乔恩?斯图尔特每日新闻(The Daily Show with Jon Stewart)。在节目中,他扮演了一个虚构的记者角色,他自己称之为意图明确却知之甚少的高级白痴。[Background of the Speech]维克森林大学建于1834年,是美国一所极负盛名的综合性研究大学。在美国因地理位置与范德堡大学、杜兰大学和埃默里大学共同享有南哈佛的美誉,同时因为小班制精英教学体制,维克森林也被称作南方的达特茅斯。维克森林大学连续18年全美大学综合排名25名左右。[Notes]①Elon Musk:埃隆?马斯克,出生于南非的美国企业家。马斯克因身为SpaceX创办人以及特斯拉汽车和的联合创办人而闻名。2013年11月21日,美国著名财经杂志《财富》揭晓了2013年度商业人物,特斯拉汽车CEO马斯克荣登榜首。②for whom you will swipe left and for whom you will swipe right:美国交友手机应用通过向左滑向右滑,来决定你喜欢还是讨厌一个人。③Segways:赛格威是一种电力驱动、具有自我平衡能力的个人用运输载具,是都市用交通工具的一种。(赵文静 曲茹茹)