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書城自編碼: 2851038
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→成功/勵志口才/演讲/辩论
作者: [美]娜塔莉·波特曼 等
國際書號(ISBN): 9787555235972
出版社: 青岛出版社
出版日期: 2016-07-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 440/376000
書度/開本: 大32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 221



** 我創建的書架 **

各界精英 励志演讲
讲述奋斗历程 揭秘成功之路
1.Dare to Pursue Success勇于追求成功鲁思奥维德斯 3
2.Create a Better Life创造更美好的生活杰罗姆格里菲思 19
3.Move Forward Courageously勇往直前梅洛迪霍布森 35
4.Spread Your Wings and Soar High展翅高飞杰森吉拉尔 53
5.The Power of Sincerity真诚的力量凯瑟琳P布莱克 67
6.Fortune Favors the Bold Excerpt命运偏爱勇者(节选)雪莉桑德伯格 81
7.Look to the Future and Fears no Fears放眼未来,无所畏惧雪莉桑德伯格 93
8.Find Your First Self找到最初的自己阿里安娜赫芬顿 105
9.TimingThe Single Biggest Reason Why Startups Succeed时机成功创业的关键比尔格罗斯 119
10.You Can Live Your Dream活出自己的梦想马特乌什 131
11.The Future Self未来的自己丹吉伯特 139
12.Believing That You Can Improve相信自己可以进步卡罗尔 德韦克 149
13.The Hidden Power of Smiling微笑背后的力量罗恩古特曼 159
14.Why You will Fail to Have a Great Career为何你无法成就伟业拉里史密斯 169
15.The Possibilities are Endlessly Yours无限可能皆属于你约翰西雷布朗 183
16.Our Compass to Steer By Excerpt前进的方向(节选)德鲁吉尔平福斯特 193
17.To be Enlarged承担更多的责任德鲁吉尔平福斯特 203
18.Five Ways to Kill Your Dreams梦想无法实现的5种原因贝拉佩谢 217
19.The Day When I Stand Up Alone我独自挺身而出的那一天波尼费斯姆旺吉 225■政界精英
20.Dare to Risk the Limits of Youth敢于冒险,青春无极限约翰菲利普斯 235
21.A Thousand-li Journey Begins with the First Step千里之行,始于足下克里斯汀拉加德 247
22.Flourish in Life怒放的生命阿图葛文德 267
23.Light Up Your Future Excerpt点亮你的前程(节选)南希佩洛西 281
24.Value Your Time珍惜时间艾伦艾尔达 293
25.Simple Secrets to a Happy Life幸福人生的简单秘诀安娜昆德兰 307
26.Take the Road Less Traveled by and Enjoy the Extraordinary Scenery走少有人走的路,欣赏不同寻常的风景梅雷迪思维埃拉 317
27.Be an Opportunity Maker创造机会,实现共赢凯儿安德森 335
28.Thirteen Lessons Shared in Life人生十三讲马修麦康纳 343
29.Four to Score in Life迈向成功四步走波姬小丝 381
30.Define Your Success定义自己的成功玛莎拉达兹 397
31.Inexperience is Your Asset经验不足亦是你的财富娜塔莉波特曼 411
如果我们承认自己的恐惧,接受自己的恐惧,破解自己的恐惧,然后摆脱恐惧,勇敢前行,我们会做什么? 鲁思奥维德斯 不管你是谁,我都可以保证:如果你一门心思地工作,成功就会到来;如果你一门心思地想要成功,什么都不会来。 梅洛迪霍布森

Dare to Pursue Success
Ruth OwadesCommencement Address at Scripps CollegeMay 18, 2013
What would we all do, if we acknowledged our fear, embraced it, deciphered it, and then cast it away, moving well beyond it?
Good Afternoon! President Bettison-Varga, trustees, faculty, parents, friends and graduating seniors. It is an extraordinary honor to be on this podium todayand to look out at Elm Tree Lawn, at 200 accomplished, conf?ident, dynamic, Scripps women. Brava to the Class of 2013!First and foremost, I commend you on the decision you made four years ago to attend this very special place and become The Scripps Class of 2013. And, parents, I applaud you for supporting that decisionemotionally and f?inancially. You have made a wise investment.As I look back on my own education and business career, I know that coming to Scripps College was the most important decision I made; and it was by no means obvious that this would be possible. My father died when I was a child and my immigrant mother struggled to f?ind work and raise my brother and me. I held after-school jobs from the time I was 12. So I knew there were no funds for college. Luckily, I have a brilliant older brother whom I idolized. He had won a big scholarship to Caltech, inspiring me to at least try for the college education I dreamed about. When I learned that I had been accepted and awarded the largest scholarship Scripps had ever offered, I felt like Cinderella trying on the glass slippereverything was possible. For me, Scrippswith its Humanities Program, small classes, superb faculty, beautiful campus and Denison Librarywas a dream come true.What a joy it is for me to have funded an endowed scholarship to enable young women like me to attend Scripps now. These days when a friend wants to offer me a gift for a special occasion, I ask instead for a contribution to my scholarship fund. There is no greater gift.You may be surprised to learn that when I arrived on this campus as a freshman, I was overcome with fear that I couldnt make the gradeacademically or socially. Everyone else seemed so smart and sophisticated and had attended great prep schools or very good public schools.I had graduated from a public high school in East LA where only a handful of our graduating class of 120 went on to college. And, if that werent enough to undermine my conf?idence, it seemed that everyone had such fabulous clothes! I had never seen so many cashmere sweaters. I realized then, and many times since, that fear could paralyze me or it could propel me forward.I decided that I should try to meet with the professor who oversaw our Humanities Program. Dr. Robert Palmer was the most imposing and awe-inspiring academic any of us had ever encounteredquoting Homer and Aristotle regularly.I told him that I was having trouble weaving together all the threads of our Humanities lectures and I needed help. I half expected him to order me out of his off?ice and tell me, You dont belong at Scripps, Ruth. But he didnt say that. He suggested that I get a group of 4 or 5 of my freshman friends together and we could meet once a week in his off?ice to review the weeks lectures and readings. And so we did.Every Tuesday at 4 p.m. my friends and I would go to Dr. Palmers off?ice and sit at the feet of the master, soaking up his brilliance and his insights. Clearly, if I hadnt been so afraid of failing and if I hadnt pushed through my fear to ask for help, I never wouldve learned what I did.My friend Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, describes a large poster there that reads: What would you do if you werent afraid? I would rephrase that question just a bit, to ask: What would we all do, if we acknowledged our fear, embraced it, deciphered it, and then cast it away, moving well beyond it?My high school didnt teach French and I was determined to learn it, so at Scripps I studied Comparative Literature and French. I dreamed of winning a graduate grant to study in France. I had become enamored of French theatre and playwrights.At the beginning of my senior year, I learned about the Fulbright program① and went to see Dr. Palmer, now my advisor. I told him that I wanted to apply for a Fulbright grant to study French theatre. He looked at me with empathy and explained the reasons this was an unlikely scenario.First, we had not yet seen a Fulbright winner on campus, so history was not on my side. Dr. Palmer told me that these grants were awarded geographically by state and California had more than its share of accomplished applicants. Second, fewer awards went to girls thankfully, this has changed!. And third, and Ill never forget the look in Dr. Palmers eyes as he told me, Ruth, everyone wants to go to France. Cant you pick a less desirable country? Well, of course I couldnt! How could I study French theatre in another country?I left his off?ice dejected, wondering what to do. The application was daunting. The next morning I knewthat if I didnt apply, I would certainly not get the grant. I had to try. For me, tenacity was becoming a key component of success.My Fulbright year in France was glorious! I was in Paris and Strasbourg, studying with the playwright Ionesco, a master of the theatre of the absurd.I want to take a moment now to congratulate the 8 Fulbright Scholars in The Scripps Class of 2013! We are so proud of you!I am a f?irm believer in the value of a liberal arts educationb as a basis for whatever path you chose. Certainly, that was one of the reasons I plunged ahead a few years later and applied to the Harvard Business School. I knew I didnt have all the requirements, but I had faced that situation before. I was accepted.My f?irst day there, the Dean of Admissions called me in. He told me that I was part of an experimental group. For the f?irst time, the Dean said, were admitting 3% of the class with a purely liberal arts education. Were calling you the Poets. You dont actually meet the entrance criteria, but we think you have promise.Only 10% of my business school class was women and that made it tough too. It was clear to me that to succeed, I needed to make the most of my strengths and try to overcome my weaknesses. My Scripps grounding was a constant resource. It was here that I gained the self-conf?idence to compete, where I learned the skills to analyze and synthesize data, to deal with ambiguity and to take risks. And, perhaps most importantly, it was here that I learned to ask questions and to express myself clearly. So, just maybe, being a Poet at Harvard Business School could be an advantage.Today at Harvard Business School, more than 40% of the entering classes have liberal arts educations and 40% of the classes are women. Many of us have worked hard to make that happen.I had no intention of becoming an entrepreneur when I f?inished business school, but circumstance intervened. I was hired as marketing director for a large retail conglomerate in Boston. There I had the idea for a catalog of garden tools and accessories, which hadnt been done before. The chairman was enthusiastic about my concept and gave me the green light.But, after 6 months of my energetic activity, the 9 male division presidents were letting the chairman know that they werent happy that he had hired the f?irst woman manager and she was starting something new and different.My catalog was canceled. I was devastated. I held it together that awful day at the off?ice until I got home that evening and told my husband what had happened. He waited until I f?inished and then he asked an important question: Why dont we do it? He really meant, Why dont you do it? He had a full-time job. But he was smart enough to know that changing that pronoun made me feel better about the enormous challenge that lay ahead.So, once again, I started out on a new, scary adventure. I named the company Gardeners Eden and started it on a shoestring. But after just 3 years, Williams-Sonoma called to ask if I would be interested in selling the company and relocating to San Francisco, where they were headquartered. They would provide the resources to build the business.My husband and I moved to the Bay Area and I ran Gardeners Eden for Williams-Sonoma for 5 years, building the catalog business, expanding it into e-commerce and opening retail stores. And, then I decided it was time for a change.I took a year off, during which I conceived of the idea to start a fresh flower catalog and e-commerce business. I liked gardening, but I loved flowers. The floral industry had a cumbersome chain of distribution. I wanted to shortcut it and eliminate the middlemen by shipping the flowers direct from the grower to the consumer by Federal Express, saving time and saving money.I would call it Calyx Corolla2 botanical parts of the flower. Many so-called experts in the f?ield told me that I was doomed to fail. But, by then I knew that if I didnt try, I would always wonder if the concept was viable. And, if it failedit was OK; at least I had tried.Calyx Corolla was hugely challenging. We overcame obstacles I never imagined existed. But we learned to ship these fragile, perishable and beautiful blossoms through a partnership with the best growers and FedEx. And, today, most of the flowers in the US are sold and shipped in the way we pioneered.My small management team was tight-knit, smart and enthusiastic, and they were women. We worked very hard, but we had a great time doing it. I sold Calyx Corolla to a f?inancial group 10 years later.I currently serve on corporate boards and have for a number of years. When I began, I was the only woman in the boardroom; now I am one of 2 or 3. We still have a long way to go to achieve parity in the boardroom and in the business world as a whole. The Scripps Class of 2013, my generation is counting on all of you to continue breaking down barriers across all the professions.Our Founder, Ellen Browning Scripps, was passionate about education for women. In the mid 1800s, she put herself through a few years of college and earned a certif?icatewomen were not entitled to a 4-year education or a college diploma. Ms. Scripps never forgot this.Her 2 brothers were in the newspaper business, but she was the power and the brains of that business. The Scripps newspaper chain was an enormous success and eventually made Ms. Scripps a wealthy woman. She believed wholeheartedly that her fortune should be used for the public good. What a role model!In 1926, Ellen Browning Scripps founded our college. She wanted women to have the same opportunity to learn as men. And, when people ask you why you chose a womens college, you might tell them that we didnt choose just any womens college; we chose this one.Our founders English roots inspired her to embrace the concept of an Oxford-like campus, with multiple colleges sharing facilities and students sharing ideas. So the women she cared so much about would have the benef?it of a co-ed environment, but thrive in small classes and immersion in the Humanities that would be uniquely ours. Ms. Scripps was smart enough to purchase much of the land on which the Claremont Collegescnow stand.Her extraordinary philanthropy also created the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, the Scripps Clinic and Hospital, the Scripps Aquarium, the Bishops School, Torrey Pines State Park and so many public institutions of culture in her home town of La Jolla. In 1926, Ellen Browning Scripps was featured on the cover of Time magazine! Not bad!I think Ms. Scripps would be very pleased that the future of our beloved college is in the hands of our visionary president, Lori Bettison-Varga. And, I think Ms. Scripps would be thrilled at your accomplishmentsyou The Scripps Class of 2013!When we arrive on this campus, we learn the school motto, Incipit Vita NovaHere Begins Your New Life. Those words were appropriate for you 4 years ago and they are appropriate today. Commencement is a beginning.At Scripps you have laid the foundation for the next chapter of your lifewhether it is in the Boardroom or the Operating Room, the Classroom or the Courtroom and always the Family Roomknow that you are well prepared to achieve your dreams.And, one more thing, please look around you now, to your left and to your right, at your friends and classmates. Right here is one of the greatest gifts of these 4 years. I am amazed and so happy that I am still close to 12 Scripps classmates and there were only 68 in our class. And, some of these precious friends are here today.To The Scripps Class of 2013, thank you for letting me share this special day with you. Incipit Vita Novad! Here begins your new life.Congratulations!
[About the Author]鲁思奥维德斯是美国的一位女企业家,她思路新颖,眼光独到,曾成功创办过多家公司。奥维德斯女士创办的两家公司都入选了哈佛商学院的教学案例。在这篇演讲中,奥维德斯女士鼓励毕业生们要敢于尝试,勇于追求成功。
[Background of the Speech]斯克利普斯学院是美国一所排名靠前的文理学院,同时也是克莱尔蒙特学院联盟的成员。校园风景优美,气候终年温暖湿润,距离洛杉矶两个小时的车程。斯克利普斯学院虽然规模较小,但学术气息浓厚。学校实行小班化授课,教授可以对学生进行单独辅导,从而保证了教学质量。
[Notes]①Fulbright program:富布赖特项目,世界上规模最大、声誉最高的国际教育交流计划之一,由美国政府资助,设立于1946年。②liberal arts education:博雅教育。博雅教育致力于培养学生的应变能力、学习能力、批判思考能力、创造能力以及健全的人格。博雅教育的教学重点并不在于内容与科目的设置与安排,而在于教与学的过程。这是因为,教学内容会过时,专业技能会过时,在教学过程中给予学生的经验、学习能力却永远不会过时。③Claremont Colleges:克莱尔蒙特学院联盟,成员包括斯克利普斯学院、波莫纳学院、克莱蒙麦肯纳学院、哈维穆德学院和匹泽学院。这5所学校共享教学设施,学生们可以互选课程。④Incipit Vita Nova:斯克利普斯学院的拉丁文校训,意思是你们的新生活开始了。(葛燕君)



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