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在《呼唤与回应:一种生命历程 学英语、教英语》中,谢邦秀分享了她学与教英语各个阶段的体验和感受,一段段故事仿佛一声声呼唤。每一声呼唤都得到了杰伊麦克丹尼尔从过程哲学角度的回应:他为每一段故事作评,揭示其教育乃至哲学意义,并将之发表在其过程哲学网站上与世界各地的学者分享。《呼唤与回应:一种生命历程
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**部 学英语 1
Volume Ⅰ Learning English 2
**章起步,选择英语 3
Chapter 1 Starting, Choosing English 6
第二章开口,打破沉默 10
Chapter 2 Speaking, Breaking Silence 14
第三章词汇,日积月累 19
Chapter 3 Vocabulary, Accumulating Gradually 23
第四章语法,困于迷宫 27
Chapter 4 Grammar, Trapped in Maze 31
第五章反思,寻觅联系 36
Chapter 5 Reflecting, Seeking Links 39
第六章归纳,学习有方 42
Chapter 6 Concluding, Learning Strategies 46
第七章心态,关系重大 51
Chapter 7 Mentality, Mattering Much 54
第八章平淡,真正考验 58
Chapter 8 Ordinariness, Real Challenge 61
第九章女孩,能学英语 65
Chapter 9 Girls, Can Learn English 68
第十章榜样,唤出自我 72
Chapter 10 Examples, Calling Out Self 75
第二部 教英语 79
Volume Ⅱ Teaching English 80
第十一章是否要当老师 81
Chapter 11 To Be or Not to Be a Teacher 85
第十二章平衡与失衡 91
Chapter 12 Balance and Balance Lost 96
第十三章 对不!说不! 103
Chapter 13 Saying No to No! 107
第十四章寻求突破 112
Chapter 14 Seeking to Break Through 116
第十五章浪漫:遭遇 CLTA 121
Chapter 15 Romance:Encountering CLTA 128
第十六章 精确: CLTA是什么? 136
Chapter 16 Precision: What Is CLTA? 147
第十七章综合:应用 CLTA 161
Chapter 17 Generalization: Applying CLTA 174
第十八章走向 FEELS:与英语共舞 188
Chapter 18 Going Towards FEELS: Dancing with English 194
后记英语在今日中国 202
Postscript English in China Today 211
参考文献 222
I was too shy to speak English in public, in front of the teachers
and peers. In cases when I was forced to speak, I spoke in a very low voice,
afraid that others might laugh at me or joke on meHardly ever encouraged to
speak and short of needs to speak English in real life, I was even afraid to
hear my own voice of speaking English
Many of our readers have struggled to learn a new language with a
sense of failure and embarrassment along the way. I am a good example with my
fleeting attempts to learn MandarinMy real aim in learning Mandarin is not
simply to acquire a tool, but to hear the magic and expand my own horizons of
awareness. Mandarin is like music for me. English is like music to you
For quite a long time, like many other English learners, I have
taken it for granted that to learn English was to memorize words and to learn
as many grammar rules as possibleWhen I had to express myself in different
language activities, I found the grammar rules, which I believed Id well
mastered before, got into a messy chaos. I felt they kept fighting with each
other inside me when they were needed in my communication with others. I could
not put them in sensible order
It seems to me that your ongoing story would be very helpful for
other English instructors in China, including native-English speakers who teach
in China. I must add that any native speaker who reads this book marvels at
your own English-language abilities. For my part, I know many, many native
speakers whose writing skills are far less fluent than yours. We Whiteheadians
cannot help but think that your own development is an ongoing instance of
creative transformation, with your story as an illustration of the practical
fruits of such transformation
I got to know more about the differences between Chinese and
English, have a better and deeper understanding of the difficulties that
Chinese students might encounter while learning English in China, and gradually
come up with a series of ideas on how to learn English, especially the
grammatical items of the English language, in a happier air. These ideas helped
me bring myself out of the mystery and chaos of the English language, and later
enabled me to help my students learn English more happily, flexibly and
You found further learning of English an attractive possibility, and
at a certain point in your journey you began to find further learning about
language itself an attractive possibility. You grew interested in linguistics.
This is a good example of the Whiteheadian theme of
romance-precision-generalization. Your romance with English was rendered more
precise by your study, and this precision opened up possibilities for
generalization, amid which you became interested in language itself
Through reflection and analysis, I got a clearer image and
understanding of my situation: There was something wrong with me in that I was
not aware of the necessity and importance of communicating with other people,
students and colleagues, which made me deaf and dumb and thus isolated, losing
the opportunities both to listen to others and to speak to others to make
myself heard
In parenting as in teaching, it is important to let our children
know that they are loved for who they are, as individuals. While too much
praise may spoil a child, too much blame can destroy a child. And a teacher!