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書城自編碼: 2840964
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: [德国]席勒
國際書號(ISBN): 9787544763974
出版社: 译林出版社
出版日期: 2016-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 304/66000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 201



** 我創建的書架 **

与歌德齐名 德国剧作大家席勒代表作品
席勒名剧《阴谋与爱情》及其在中国的接受杨武能 1

第一场............................................... 3
第二场............................................... 6
第三场.............................................. 10
第四场.............................................. 13
第五场.............................................. 16
第六场.............................................. 20
第七场.............................................. 22

第一场.............................................. 29
第二场.............................................. 33
第三场.............................................. 37
第四场.............................................. 45
第五场.............................................. 47
第六场.............................................. 50
第七场.............................................. 54

第一场.............................................. 59
第二场.............................................. 64
第三场.............................................. 69
第四场.............................................. 70
第五场.............................................. 74
第六场.............................................. 75

第一场.............................................. 85
第二场.............................................. 86
第三场.............................................. 88
第四场.............................................. 92
第五场.............................................. 93
第六场.............................................. 95
第七场.............................................. 97
第八场............................................. 103
第九场............................................. 105

第一场............................................. 111
第二场............................................. 117
第三场............................................. 122
第四场............................................. 124
第五场............................................. 125
第六场............................................. 128
第七场............................................. 130

SCENE I. ................................................................................ 3
SCENE II.................................................................................. 6
SCENE III............................................................................... 10
SCENE IV............................................................................... 13
SCENE V................................................................................ 16
SCENE VI............................................................................... 20
SCENE VII.............................................................................. 22
SCENE I. ............................................................................... 29
SCENE II................................................................................ 33
SCENE III............................................................................... 36
SCENE IV............................................................................... 44
SCENE V................................................................................ 46
SCENE VI............................................................................... 49
SCENE VII.............................................................................. 53
SCENE I. ............................................................................... 57
SCENE II................................................................................ 62
SCENE III............................................................................... 67
SCENE IV............................................................................... 68
SCENE V................................................................................ 71
SCENE VI............................................................................... 72
SCENE I. ............................................................................... 81
SCENE II................................................................................ 82
SCENE III............................................................................... 84
SCENE IV............................................................................... 88
SCENE V................................................................................ 89
SCENE VI............................................................................... 91
SCENE VII.............................................................................. 93
SCENE VIII............................................................................ 99
SCENE IX............................................................................. 101
SCENE I. ............................................................................. 107
SCENE II.............................................................................. 113
SCENE III............................................................................. 117
SCENE IV............................................................................. 119
SCENE V.............................................................................. 120
SCENE VI............................................................................. 123
SCENE VII............................................................................ 125
SCENE VIII. . . . . . . . . . . . ..132
露意丝 您情绪好些了吗,封瓦尔特少爷?
斐迪南 再好不过!好得市场上的孩子们跟在我身后追,以为我是疯子!不,说真的,露意丝!你的榜样教训了我你应该是我的老师。傻瓜才胡诌什么永远忠贞的爱情,老是一张面孔令人反感,变化无常才有滋有味儿一言为定,露意丝!我奉陪到底咱俩从一桩风流韵事跳到另一桩风流韵事,从一个泥潭滚向另一个泥潭你朝东我朝西。也许,在某一家妓院里会找回我失去了的宁静。也许,在一阵快活的追逐之后,我和你成了两具腐朽的白骨,有朝一日又会不胜惊喜地相逢在一起,就像在喜剧里一样,彼此凭着同一母亲的任何一个孩子都不否认的血缘标志认出对方,致使厌恶与羞惭又变得和谐一致;这可是最最温柔的爱情也不可能的呀!
露意丝 呵,年轻人,年轻人!你已经是不幸的了,难道你还想让家人骂你咎由自取吗?
斐迪南 (咬牙切齿地喃喃道)我不幸?谁告诉你的?你这个女人太卑鄙了,自己已麻木不仁,又凭什么去衡量他人的感受呢?不幸,她说?哈!这个词儿简直可以从坟墓里唤醒我的愤懑!她早已知道,我一定会不幸呐。该死的东西!她明知如此,却仍然背叛了我,瞧这条毒蛇!原来还觉得有唯一一点可原谅的理由你的自供将折断你的脖子迄今为止我总以你的单纯来掩饰你的罪孽,不屑与你计较,让你差点儿逃脱我的报复。(急切地抓起杯子)原来你并不轻率并不痴傻你只是一个魔鬼而已!(喝柠檬汁)这柠檬汁淡而无味,就像你的灵魂尝尝看!
露意丝 天啊!我害怕有这一幕,并非多虑?!
斐迪南 (以命令的口气)尝一尝!
露意丝 (勉强接过杯子,开始喝)
斐迪南 (一见她把杯子送到嘴边,立刻转过身,脸色刷地一下白了,同时跑到最里边的屋角去)
露意丝 这柠檬汁挺好嘛。
斐迪南 (未转过身来,浑身哆嗦)那你受用吧!
露意丝 (放下杯子)唉,您不知道,瓦尔特,您多么伤我的心。
斐迪南 哼!
露意丝 将来会有一个时间,瓦尔特
斐迪南 (回到前面)噢,时间一到咱们就一了百了。
露意丝 到那时,今晚上的事会成为你良心的沉重负担
斐迪南 (开始越走越急,越来越不安,同时扔掉挂在身上的绶带和佩剑)去你的吧,效忠殿下!
露意丝 我的上帝!您怎么啦?
斐迪南 又热又闹希望舒服一点。
露意丝 喝柠檬汁吧!喝吧!喝了您会感觉凉快一点。
斐迪南 那倒一定会的。瞧,婊子也有心眼儿好的时候!可仅此而已。
露意丝 (满含情意地扑进他怀里)你竟这么对你的露意丝吗,斐迪南?
斐迪南 (推开她)滚!滚!别让我再见到你这双温柔迷人的眼睛!我要死了,露出你狰狞的面目来吧,毒蛇;扑到我身上吧,害人精尽管对我亮出你的毒牙,扭动身子高高直立起来,有多可憎就多可憎只是别再装出天使的样子别再装作天使!太晚了我必须踩死你,像踩死一条毒蛇,不然就会毫无希望。怜悯一下你自己吧!
露意丝 呵!干吗非走这样的极端?
斐迪南 (从旁边端详着她)天上的雕塑家的美妙杰作!谁能相信呢?谁会相信呢?(抓住她的手,向上举起)造物主啊,我不想责难你可你为什么偏偏将你的毒汁装进如此美好的躯壳?在那温暖的宜人的天国,罪恶能够繁衍滋生吗?真叫奇怪哟!
露意丝 不得不听这样的话,而且保持沉默!
斐迪南 嗓音甜美悦耳从断裂的琴弦上,怎么可能发出如此动人的乐音呢?(久久盯着她,目光已经陶醉)一切都这么美好这么匀称这么仙女似的圆满!处处显示出造物主怡然自得的心境!上帝做证,仿佛大千世界之所以产生,仅仅是为了让造物主酝酿情绪,以便最后完成他这个杰作!只可惜,上帝在塑造灵魂时失了手!怎么会呢?怎么可能让这么个令人憎恶的怪胎出生在人世上,而未受挑剔呢?(迅速离开她)或者他本来不想雕一个天使却雕成功了,因而赶忙给她凑上一副更坏的心肠,以为这样就能弥补错误了吧?
露意丝 好个花岗岩脑袋啊!他宁可指责上帝,也不肯承认自己冒失。
斐迪南 (痛哭着扑向露意丝,搂住她的脖子)最后一次,露意丝最后一次,就像我俩初次接吻的那天,当时你嘴唇灼热,好不容易才轻轻唤出一声斐迪南,唤出第一声亲爱的!呵,在那一瞬间,恰似不可言喻的无穷快乐的种子发芽了,开花了。突然间,我们眼前出现一个天堂,美好得如同明媚的五月;黄金的世纪像一些新娘子,围绕着我们的灵魂欢呼雀跃!那时候我真幸福啊!呵,露意丝!露意丝!露意丝!你干吗要对我这样?
露意丝 您哭吧,您哭吧,瓦尔特!您理当对我表露您的悲哀,而没理由对我发泄您的怒气。
斐迪南 自欺欺人!这可不是悲哀的眼泪不是那种温馨欢快地流入心灵创伤的甘露,不是那种能使滞塞的感情之轮重新转动的润滑油。只是零零落落的冰冷冰冷的水滴只是我爱情诀别时的战栗。(神情庄严得叫人害怕,同时把手抚在她头上)是为你的灵魂惋惜的眼泪,露意丝是为上帝的一片好心惋惜的眼泪,他未能造出他杰作中的杰作我觉得啊,整个宇宙都该戴上黑纱,都该为在它中间出了这样的事感到惊骇人会堕落,乐园会失去,这是常情;可是,如果天使中间也流行起瘟疫来,那就只能让哀号声响彻整个大自然了!
露意丝 别逼我走上绝路,瓦尔特。我的灵魂足够坚强可它必须承受一次人为的考验。瓦尔特,再说一句话,然后咱们分手。可怕的命运扰乱了我们心灵的语言。要是我能够开口,瓦尔特,我会告诉你一些事情我会的 可是呢,严酷的命运束缚住了我的舌头,还有我的爱情;即使你现在待我像个下贱的婊子,我也只好忍受。
LOUISA. You are merry, Baron von Walter!
FERDINAND. Oh! Wonderfully so! The very
street-boys would hunt me through the market-place for a merry-andrew! In fact,
Louisa, your example has inspired meyou shall be my teacher. They are fools
who prate of endless affectionnever-ending sameness grows flat and
insipidvariety alone gives zest to pleasure. Have with you, Louisa, we are now
of one mind. We will skip from amour to amour, whirl from vice to vice; you in
one direction, I in another. Perhaps I may recover my lost tranquillity in some
brothel. Perhaps, when our merry race is run, and we become two mouldering
skeletons, chance again may bring us together with the most pleasing surprise,
and we may, as in a melodrama, recognize each other by a common feature of
diseasethat mother whom her children can never disavow. Then, perhaps, disgust
and shame may create that union between us which could not be effected by the
most tender love.
LOUISA. Oh, Walter! Walter! Thou art already
unhappywilt thou deserve to be so?
FERDINAND muttering passionately through his teeth.
Unhappy? Who told thee so? Woman, thou art too vile to have any feelings of
thine own; how, then, canst thou judge of the feelings of others? Unhappy, did
she say?Ha! That word would call my anger from the grave! She knew that I must
become unhappy. Death and damnation! She knew it, and yet betrayed me! Look to
it, serpent! That was thy only chance of forgiveness. This confession has
condemned thee. Till now I thought to palliate thy crime with thy simplicity,
and in my contempt thou hadst well nigh escaped my vengeance seizing the glass hastily.
Thou wert not thoughtless, then thou wert not simplethou wert nor more nor
less than a devil! He
drinks. The drink is bad, like thy soul! Taste it!
LOUISA. Oh, heavens! Twas not without reason
that I dreaded this meeting.
FERDINAND imperiously. Drink! I
[LOUISA, offended, takes the glass and drinks.
The moment she raises the cup to her lips, FERDINAND turns away with a sudden
paleness, and recedes to the further corner of the chamber.]
LOUISA. The lemonade is good.
FERDINAND his face averted and shuddering.
Much good may it do thee!
LOUISA sets down the glass. Oh! Could
you but know, Walter, how cruelly you wrong me!
LOUISA. A time will come, Walter
FERDINAND advancing. Oh! We
have done with time.
LOUISA. When the remembrance of this evening
will lie heavy on your heart!
FERDINAND begins to walk to and fro more vehemently,
and to become more agitated; he throws away his sash and sword.
Farewell the princes service!
LOUISA. My God! What mean you!
FERDINAND. I am hot, and oppressed. I would be
more at ease.
LOUISA. Drink! Drink! It will cool you.
FERDINAND. That it will, most effectually. The
strumpet, though, is kind-hearted! Ay, ay, so are they all!
LOUISA rushing into his arms with the deepest
expression of love. That to thy Louisa, Ferdinand?
FERDINAND thrusting her from him.
Away! Away! Hence with those soft and melting eyes! They subdue me. Come to me,
snake, in all thy monstrous terrors! Spring upon me, scorpion! Display thy
hideous folds, and rear thy proud coils to heaven! Stand before my eyes,
hateful as the abyss of hell eer saw thee! But not in that angel form! Take
any shape but that! Tis too late. I must crush thee like a viper, or despair!
Mercy on thy soul!
LOUISA. Oh! That it should come to this!
FERDINAND gazing on her. So fair a
work of the heavenly artist! Who would believe it? Who can believe it? Taking her hand and elevating it.
I will not arraign thy ordinations, Oh! Incomprehensible Creator! Yet wherefore
didst thou pour thy poison into such beauteous vessels? Can crime inhabit so
fair a region? Oh! Tis strange! Tis passing strange!
LOUISA. To hear this, and yet be compelled to
FERDINAND. And that soft, melodious voice! How
can broken chords discourse such harmony? Gazing rapturously upon her figure.
All so lovely! So full of symmetry! So divinely perfect! Throughout the whole
such signs that twas the favorite work of God! By heaven, as though all
mankind had been created but to practise the Creator, ere he modelled this his
masterpiece! And that the Almighty should have failed in the soul alone? Is it
possible that this monstrous abortion of nature should have escaped as perfect?
Quitting her
hastily. Or did God see an angels form rising beneath his
chisel, and balance the error by giving her a heart wicked in proportion?
LOUISA. Alas for this criminal wilfulness!
Rather than confess his own rashness, he accuses the wisdom of heaven!
FERDINAND falls upon her neck, weeping bitterly.
Yet once more, my Louisa! Yet once again, as on the day of our first kiss, when
you faltered forth the name of Ferdinand, and the first endearing Thou!
Trembled on thy burning lips. Oh! A harvest of endless and unutterable joys
seemed to me at that moment to be budding forth. There lay eternity like a
bright May-day before our eyes; thousands of golden years, fair as brides,
danced around our souls. Then was I so happy! Oh! Louisa! Louisa! Louisa! Why
hast thou used me thus?
LOUISA. Weep, Walter, weep! Your compassion
will be more just towards me than your wrath.
FERDINAND. You deceive yourself. These are not
natures tears! Not that warm delicious dew which flows like balsam on the
wounded soul, and drives the chilled current of feeling swiftly along its
course. They are solitary ice-cold drops! The awful, eternal farewell of my
love! With fearful
solemnity, laying his hand on her head. They are
tears for thy soul, Louisa! Tears for the Deity, whose inexhaustible
beneficence has here missed its aim, and whose noblest work is cast away thus
wantonly. Oh methinks the whole universe should clothe itself in black, and weep
at the fearful example now passing in its centre. Tis but a common sorrow when
mortals fall and Paradise is lost; but, when
the plague extends its ravages to angels, then should there be wailing
throughout the whole creation!
LOUISA. Drive me not to extremities, Walter. I have
fortitude equal to most, but it must not be tried by a more than human test.
Walter! One word, and thenwe part forever. A dreadful fatality has deranged
the language of our hearts. Dared I unclose these lips, Walter, I could tell
thee things! I couldbut cruel fate has alike fettered my tongue and my heart,
and I must endure in silence, even though you revile me as a common strumpet.



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