1. 澳大利亚语言学教学情况介绍(Linguistics Education in Australia)
2. Some Linguistic Differences in the Written English of Chinese and Australian Students 5
3. Aspects of Present-Day Australian English 18
4. 《中澳合作的广阔前景》前言(Foreword to A Bright Prospect of Sino-Australian Cooperation) 28
5. The West Review: From the Discussion Paper to the Final Report 31
6. East Asia Crisis and Australia 54
7. Aspects of Australian Immigration 59
8. Interpreting the Gang of Nine 69
9. Crimes in Australia and China 82
10. Globalization and Australia: Significance and Issues 98
11. Globalization and Australias Higher Education 112
12. Australias National Identity Through the Eyes of the Chinese Youth 129
13. A Survey of Chinese Overseas Students in Australia 141
14. What Does US-Australia Marine Deployment Move Mean to Us? 154
15. Sydney Universitys Industrial Actions in 2013 161