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Bjarne Stroustrup本贾尼·斯特劳斯特卢普博士,1950年出生于丹麦,先后毕业于丹麦阿鲁斯大学和英国剑桥大学,AT&T大规模程序设计研究部门负责人,AT&T、贝尔实验室和ACM成员,现任德州农工大学计算机系首席教授。1979年,B. S开始开发一种语言,当时称为“C with Classes”(带类的C),后来演化为C++。1998年,ANSIISO C++标准建立,同年,B. S推出了其经典著作The C++ Programming Language的第三版。C++的标准化标志着B. S博士倾20年心血的伟大构想终于实现。
前言1 The Basics1.1 Introduction 1.2 Programs 1.3 Hello, World! 1.4 Functions 1.5 Types, Variables, and Arithmetic 1.6 Scope 1.7 Constants 1.8 Pointers, Arrays, and References 1.9 Tests 1.10 Advice 2 User-Defined Types2.1 Introduction 2.2 Structures 2.3 Classes 2.4 Unions 2.5 Enumerations 2.6 Advice 3 Modularity3.1 Introduction 3.2 Separate Compilation 3.3 Namespaces 3.4 Error Handling 3.5 Advice 4 Classes4.1 Introduction 4.2 Concrete Types 4.3 Abstract Types 4.4 Virtual Functions 4.5 Class Hierarchies 4.6 Copy and Move 4.7 Advice 5 Templates5.1 Introduction 5.2 Parameterized Types 5.3 Function Templates 5.4 Concepts and Generic Programming 5.5 Function Objects 5.6 Variadic Templates 5.7 Aliases 5.8 Template Compilation Model 5.9 Advice 6 Library Overview6.1 Introduction 6.2 Standard-Library Components 6.3 Standard-Library Headers and Namespace 6.4 Advice 7 Strings and Regular Expressions7.1 Introduction 7.2 Strings 7.3 Regular Expressions 7.4 Advice 8 IO Streams8.1 Introduction 8.2 Output 8.3 Input 8.4 IO State 8.5 IO of User-Defined Types 8.6 Formatting 8.7 File Streams 8.8 String Streams 8.9 Advice 9 Containers9.1 Introduction 9.2 vector 9.3 list 9.4 map 9.5 unordered_map 9.6 Container Overview 9.7 Advice 10 Algorithms10.1 Introduction 10.2 Use of Iterators 10.3 Iterator Types 10.4 Stream Iterators 10.5 Predicates 10.6 Algorithm Overview 10.7 Container Algorithms 10.8 Advice 11 Utilities11.1 Introduction 11.2 Resource Management 11.3 Specialized Containers 11.4 Time 11.5 Function Adaptors 11.6 Type Functions 11.7 Advice 12 Numerics12.1 Introduction 12.2 Mathematical Functions 12.3 Numerical Algorithms 12.4 Complex Numbers 12.5 Random Numbers 12.6 Vector Arithmetic 12.7 Numeric Limits 12.8 Advice 13 Concurrency13.1 Introduction 13.2 Tasks and thread s 13.3 Passing Arguments 13.4 Returning Results 13.5 Sharing Data 13.6 Waiting for Events 13.7 Communicating Tasks 13.8 Advice 14 History and Compatibility14.1 History 14.2 C++11 Extensions 14.3 CC++ Compatibility 14.4 Bibliography 14.5 Advice Index