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書城自編碼: 2723639
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→童書動漫/卡通
作者: [德]埃?奥?卜劳恩图;李琳等 文
國際書號(ISBN): 9787545516340
出版社: 天地出版社
出版日期: 2016-01-01
版次: 2 印次: 2
頁數/字數: 384/215
書度/開本: 24开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 360



** 我創建的書架 **

埃·奥·卜劳恩是20世纪30年代成名的德国著名漫画家。他为人正直、创作力旺盛。 在长篇连环漫画《父与子》中,卜劳恩以自己和爱子克里斯蒂安的生活为原型,创造了一个澄明的世界,他们之间不断地发生着各种使人忍俊不禁的小故事,无忧无虑、温情和善良是其不变的主题。
1.差透了的作文(A Poor Composition) 012
2.有趣的圣诞书(An Interesting Christmas Book) 014
3.汽车出了故障(The Car has Gone Wrong) 016
4.会走路的箱子(A Walking Case) 018
5.打起来的调解人(Fighting Mediators) 020
6.拜访海豹(Visiting Seals) 022
7.射击(Shooting) 024
8.生发术(The Way of “Growing” Hair) 026
9.家中游艺演出(Games at Home) 027
10.图画的局限(Limitations of the Picture) 028
11.锻炼成名手(After Training) 030
12.催眠(Hypnotism) 032
13.好榜样(A Good Example) 034
14.理发(Haircut) 036
15.忘记加葡萄干(The Raisins are Forgotten) 038
16.小小出逃者(A Little Runaway) 040
17.为了安慰儿子(To Comfort Son) 042
18.报复(Revenge) 044
19.一年之后(One Year Later) 045
20.小兔的礼物(A Present from the Rabbit) 046
21.挑衅失败(An Unsuccessful Challenge) 048
22.四张儿童票(Four Tickets for Children) 050
23.补看的乐趣(Making up for the Missed Match) 052
24.鱼儿来信(A Letter from the Fish) 054
25.顺利解决(The Problem is Successfully Solved) 056
26.实用发明(A Practical Invention) 058
27.请勿打扰(Do Not Bother, Please!) 060
28.不可救药(Hopeless) 062
29.生日的惊奇(An Unexpected Present for the Birthday) 064
30.大象的酬谢(Gratitude from the Elephants) 065
31.够了(More than Enough) 066
32.爸爸输了之后(After Father Loses) 068
33.指责有度(Too Much to Bear) 070
34.夕阳西下图(A Picture of the Setting Sun) 072
35.失败的音乐会(An Unsuccessful Concert) 074
36.梦游者(The Sleepwalker) 076
37.可怕的邻座(A Dreadful Neighbour) 078
38.螺旋形(Spirals) 080
39.再来一次,太有意思了!(It’s Interesting. Once Again!) 082
40.足球(Football) 084
41.梦想与现实(A Dream Confused with the Reality) 086
42.帮忙引出的教训(A Lesson Drawn from Help) 088
43.人靠衣装(Clothes Make the Man) 090
44.按部就班(In Correct Order) 092
45.救火(Putting Out a Fire) 094
46.艺术的魅力(The Charm of Art) 096
47.战争不择手段(All Means Allowed in the War) 098
48.*后一个苹果(The Last Apple) 100
49.倔强的马(A Stubborn Horse) 102
50.爸爸的签名(Father’s Signature) 104
51.没骗人,真钓了条大鱼!(I’ve Got a Big Fish, Honestly!) 106
52.神秘的圣诞礼物制作者(The Secret Christmas Present Makers) 108
53.圣诞礼物(The Christmas Presents) 110
54.除夕新事(On the New Year’s Eve) 112
55.收了个豹尾(All is Well that Ends Well) 114
56.献出早点面包(Dedicating the Breakfast Bread) 116
57.聪明的马(A Clever Horse) 118
58.幽灵(The Ghost) 119
59.以烧焦的豆子进行教育(An Education through Burnt Beans) 120
60.击中要害(Hitting Home) 122
61.爆竹香烟(A Firecracker Cigarette) 124
62.假面舞会(Dress Up for a Masquerade) 126
63.老顽童(An Old Boy) 127
64.喂天鹅(To Satisfy the Swan) 128
65.带锚的帽子(The Hat with an Anchor) 130
66.自食其果(Stews in His Own Juice) 132
67.上当了!(I’m Taken in!) 134
68.让复活节的兔子吃惊(Give It a Surprise) 136
69.银行大盗(A Bank Robber) 138
70.难堪的相似(Embarrassing Similarity) 140
71.智胜偷吃豌豆的鸟(Outwitting the Pea-eating Bird) 142
72.蘑菇(A Mushroom) 144
73.叼错了(Got the Wrong Thing) 146
74.真遗憾!(What a Pity!) 147
75.管教晚矣(It’s Too Late) 148
76.总有办法(Never Frustrated) 150
77.假期**天(The First Day of the Vacation) 152
78.全部输光(All Lost) 154
79.枉费苦心(Mercy in Vain) 156
80.我要歌德的书(I Want Books by Goethe) 158
81.执行医生的禁令(Carrying Out the Doctor’s Warning) 160
82.奥运会的铅球运动员(The Olympic Player) 162
83.冠军(The Champion) 164
84.与马蜂交往(Dealing with the Wasp) 166
85.逃学(Playing Truant) 168
86.钓鱼狂(A Mania for Fishing) 170
87.礼物(The Present) 172
88.新镜子(A New Mirror) 174
89.忍无可忍(Unbearable) 176
90.帮倒忙(More of a Hindrance than a Help) 178
91.图钉(A Thumbtack) 180
92.想当爸爸也不难(It’s Not Difficult to Become a Father) 182
93.吸引人的书(An Attractive Book) 184
94.以智取胜(Wit Defeats Strength) 186
95.木偶戏(A Puppet Show) 188
96.家教(Family Education) 190
97.两只拍电影的“兔子”(The Two “Camera-Rabbits”) 192
98.魔术书(A Magic Book) 194
99.圣诞节前的秘密(A Secret before Christmas) 196
100.圣诞节的来客(Guests on Christmas Day) 198
101.曾祖父、祖父、爸爸和儿子(Great-grandfather, Grandfather, Father and Son) 200
102.除夕奇遇(An Unexpected Encounter on New Year’s Eve) 202
103.飞来一只野鸭(A Duck Flying Down Chimney) 204
104.独特的晨报(The Unique Morning Newspaper) 206
105.插话者(The Interrupter) 207
106.航空信带来的惩罚(The Punishment Brought with the Airmail) 208
107.雪人的自卫(Snowman’s Self-defence) 210
108.自制的雪橇(The Self-made Sled) 212
109.严厉的自责(Severe Self-blaming) 214
110.一条滑道的发现(The Finding of a Slide) 216
111.狮子来了(A Lion is Coming) 218
112.养鱼记(Keeping Fish Note) 220
113.大笔遗产(A Fortune of Legacy) 222
114.宫殿里的娱乐(Amusement in the Palace) 224
115.意外的礼物(An Unexpected Gift) 226
116.海虾带来的烦恼(The Trouble Created by the Shrimp) 228
117.虚荣心治好了(The Vanity is Cured) 230
118.旧习难改(Habit’s Force) 232
119.见怪不怪,其怪自败( Inured to the Unusual) 234
120.自命不凡的鬼魂 (A Narcissistic Ghost) 236
121.自身难保(He himself Needs Help) 238
122.旧友难忘(Old Friends are Unforgettable) 240
123.行善的效果(Effect of Good Work) 242
124.实际的教育(A Practical Education) 244
125.话筒里还得有声音(There Must be Voice in the Microphone) 246
126.悲伤的乐曲(The Sad Music) 248
127.敲钉试验(A Trial) 250
128.仆人的任务(The Assignment to the Servant) 252
129.顺从的仆人(The Obedient Servant) 254
130.意外的游历(A Surprising Travel) 256
131.音乐疗饥(Music Treatment for Hunger) 258
132.哦,我想起来了(Oh, I See) 260
133.浮瓶通信(Drift Bottle Communication) 262
134.感谢(Thanks) 264
135.意外的猎物(An Unexpected Bag) 266
136.**(A Wild Horse) 268
137.妙极了!爸爸真有一手(Wonderful! Dad has a Good Hand!) 270
138.音乐的作用(Function of Music) 272
139.盼望救星(Looking Forward to Saviors) 274
140.独创的渔网(An Unique Fishnet) 276
141.船未造成,脸却刮干净了(The Ship is Not Made, but My Face is Shaved) 278
142.海狸的报复(Beaver’s Revenge) 280
143.袋鼠的友谊(Kangaroo’s Friendship) 282
144.新船下水(A New Boat Enters the Water) 284
145.挖陷阱捉山羊(Digging a Trap for Goats) 286
146.信鸽(A Homing Pigeon) 288
147.做好事,得恶报(Retribution for a Good Deed) 290
148.一股强烈的龙卷风(A Strong Tornado) 292
149.准备就绪(Getting Ready) 294
150.幻想破灭(The Reverie is Shattered) 296
151.鲁滨逊的追随者(Robinson’s Followers) 298
152.这才是金子(This is Gold) 300
153.意外的勋章(The Decorations) 302
(Come and Look What I Have Brought for You!) 304
155.期待已久的精神食粮(The Long-Cherished Food for Spirit) 306
156.意外获救(Unexpected Result) 308
157.开上了岸(The Ship is Driven Ashore) 310
158.又回到了家(Back Home Again) 312
159.庆祝生日(Birthday Celebration) 314
160.呸!我是这个长相吗?(I Look Like Him? Bah!) 316
161.抢先一步(Forestall Him) 318
162.变魔术(Conjuring) 320
163.适当的距离(The Appropriate Distance) 322
164.爸爸见不得血(Father Fears Blood) 324
165.好猎与后悔(Kill and Regret) 326
166.幻灭(The Toad Vanished) 328
167.画的照片(A Painted Photo) 330
168.博物馆的戏谑(The Humour in the Museum) 332
169.帮错了忙(An Undeserved Help) 334
170.回敬(The Response) 336



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