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書城自編碼: 2720010
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: [美] 约瑟夫 A.德费欧
國際書號(ISBN): 9787111524854
出版社: 机械工业出版社
出版日期: 2016-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 736/1172000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1035



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关于作者约瑟夫 A.德费欧 (Joseph A.De Feo)德费欧现任朱兰研究院院长兼CEO(首席执行官),主要从事质量管理、精益生产、六西格玛部署、战略规划和业务流程管理领域的咨询、培训和出版工作,拥有35年的丰富职业经验,其从业经历涵盖消费品、零售、电子、化工、航空航天、汽车制造、半导体,以及中等教育和高等教育等多个行业,在各类期刊和网络上发表了100多篇论文,还担任《六西格玛论坛》杂志的顾问。
德费欧与朱兰研究院前副院长,威廉 W.伯纳德(William W.Barnard)博士合著了《朱兰研究院的六西格玛:突破与超越》一书,于2003年10月出版,该书是最早全面介绍朱兰研究院的质量管理理念和方法的教材之一。德费欧还参与了《朱兰质量手册》(第6版)的编写,该书旨在帮助质量管理从业者和管理者运用六西格玛工具得到理想的、可持续的结果,该书的特色是“朱兰三部曲”——质量计划、质量控制和质量改进在绩效改善中的应用。
弗兰克 M.格里纳(Frank M.Gryna)格里纳拥有工业工程博士学位,并且在质量管理、质量技术和质量统计领域从事了50多年的研究工作。1991—1999年,他担任坦帕大学质量中心主任,是管理学杰出教授。1982—1991年,他担任朱兰研究院高级副院长。在1982年之前,他担任布拉德利大学工程技术学院常务副院长,教授工业工程,被授予工业工程荣誉退休教授。此外,他还在质量和可靠性领域为多家公司提供从最初设计到现场应用方面的咨询。
About the AuthorsJOSEPH A. De Feo is
President and Chief Executive Officer of Juran Global. Mr. De Feo is an author,
executive coach, and performance improvement practitioner. Among his areas of
expertise are the Management of Quality, Lean, and Six Sigma Deployment;
Strategic Planning; and Business Process Management methodologies.Mr. De Feo''s
35 years of experience comes from a wide range of industries, including
consumer products, retail, electronics, chemical processing, aerospace,
automotive, semiconductors, and both secondary and higher education.Mr. De Feo
has published more than 100 papers in national and international publications,
including many webbased publications. He serves on the
advisory boards of Six Sigma Forum magazine and FarmAid.Mr. De Feo is the coauthor of Juran Institute''s Six Sigma: Breakthrough and Beyond with
Dr. William W. Barnard, past senior vice president of the Institute. Published
in October 2003, the book was one of the first management texts to present the
full philosophy and methodology of Juran Institute. Mr. De Feo also coauthored the 2010 publication of Juran''s Quality Handbook 6th
Edition, The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence; the “go to” resource for deployment leaders. With
the goal of helping practitioners and leaders learn to move beyond their initial
Six Sigma efforts to achieve sustainable bottom line results, the book features
performanceimproving applications based on the Juran Trilogy of planning
processes, controllingprocesses, and systematically achieving breakthrough
improvement in processes.FRANK M. GRYNA, Ph.D., had degrees in industrial
engineering and more than 50 years'' experience in the managerial,
technological, and statistical aspects of quality activities.From 1991 to 1999
he served first as director of the Center for Quality and then as Distinguished
University Professor of Management at the University of Tampa. From 1982 to
1991, he was with the Juran Institute as senior vice president. Prior to 1982,
Dr. Gryna was based at Bradley University, where he taught industrial
engineering and served as acting dean of the College of Engineering and
Technology. Prior to his passing, he was Distinguished Professor of Industrial
Engineering Emeritus. In addition, he had been a consultant for many companies
on all aspects of quality and reliability programs from initial design through
field use.Dr. Gryna also served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps Engineering Labs
and the Esso Research and Engineering Company. At the Space Systems Division of
the Martin Company, he was manager of reliability and quality assurance.He coauthored Quality Planning and Analysis with J.M. Juran and was
associate editor of the second, third, and fourth editions of Juran''s Quality
Handbook. His research project, Quality Circles, received the Book of the Year
Award sponsored by various publishers and the Institute of Industrial
Engineers. He received recognitions as a Fellow of the American Society for
Quality, a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, a Certified Quality
Engineer, a Certified Reliability Engineer, and a Professional Engineer
Quality Engineering. He also received various awards, including the E.L.
Grant Award of the American Society for Quality, Engineer of the Year Award of
the Peoria Engineering Council, teaching and professional excellence awards,
and the Award of Excellence of the Quality Control and Reliability Engineering
Division of the Institute of Industrial Engineers. Dr. Gryna was also the
recipient of the Ott Foundation Award, presented by the Metropolitan Section of
the American Society for Quality.
About the Authors
1 The Bottom Line: Quality and Business Performance 5
1.1 Why Quality Management? A Brief History Lesson 5
1.2 Quality and Its Impact on Financial Performance 7
1.3 Integrated Quality System Defined 9
1.4 The Quality Function 11
1.5 Relationship of Quality to Productivity, Costs, Cycle Time, and Value 13
1.6 Universal Principles for Managing for Quality 15
1.7 Quality Disciplines and Other Disciplines 17
1.8 The Way Forward—Developing
a System Plan for Success 18
Summary 19
Problems 19
References 20
2 Integrating Quality into the Enterprise Strategic Plan21
2.1 Quality and the Strategic Plan 21
2.2 A Strategic Planning Model 23
2.3 Developing a Mission and Vision 25
2.4 Developing LongTerm Strategies 28
2.5 Development of ShortTerm Annual Goals 30
2.6 Deployment of Goals—Hoshin Kanri 34
2.7 Leadership to Implement the Strategies 36
2.8 Review Progress Assessments, Audits, and a Balanced Scorecard 39
2.9 Review and Refresh the Plan 39
2.10 Obstacles to Achieving Goals 41
Summary 43
Problems 44
References 44
目 录
1 概要:质量与绩效5
1.1 为什么需要质量管理?质量管理简史5
1.2 质量及对财务绩效的影响7
1.3 集成质量体系的定义9
1.4 质量活动11
1.5 质量与生产率、成本、周期、价值的关系13
1.6 质量管理的一般原则15
1.7 质量规范及其他规范17
1.8 发展的途径——制订面向成功的系统计划18
2 将质量融入企业战略规划21
2.1 质量与战略规划21
2.2 一个战略规划的典范23
2.3 确定使命与愿景25
2.4 制定长期战略28
2.5 短期年度目标的制定30
2.6 目标分解落实——方针管理34
2.7 加强对战略执行的领导36
2.8 评审过程评价、审核与平衡计分卡39
2.9 回顾并调整规划39
2.10 完成目标的障碍41
3 Organizationwide Assessment of Quality47
3.1 Why Assess Performance?47
3.2 Quality Risk Assessment47
3.3 Strategic Alignment, Deployment, and Assessment48
3.4 Plan the Assessment51
3.5 Cost of Poor Quality53
3.6 Categories of Quality Costs55
3.7 Relating the Cost of Poor Quality to Business Measures61
3.8 Optimum Cost of Quality62
3.9 Assessment and Standing in the Marketplace64
3.10 Assessing Using National Performance Standards and Awards67
3.11 Baldrige Scoring System72
3.12 Using Quality Awards as a System Assessment Tool73
3.13 Assessing to the International Standards75
3.14 Quality System CertificationRegistration78
3.15 IndustrySpecific Adoptions and Extensions of ISO
9000 Standards79
3.16 Benchmarking Best Practices: Moving Toward Sustainability85
3.17 Benchmarking: What it is and What it is Not89
3.18 Internal and External Competitive and Noncompetitive BenchmarkingWho93
3.19 Data and Information Sources How95
3.20 Data Normalization98
3.21 Analysis and Identification of Best Practices100
4 Improving Quality While Decreasing Cost105
4.1 Lean Six Sigma as a Breakthrough Improvement Model105
4.2 Breakthrough Improvement: ProjectByProject Approach107
4.3 Six Sigma Improvement Project Example107
4.4 The Business Case for Quality Improvement110
4.5 Lessons Learned with the ProjectByProject Approach111
4.6 Lean and Six Sigma Improvement112
4.7 Define Phase114
4.8 Measure Phase118
3 组织范围的质量评价47
3.1 为什么要评价绩效?47
3.2 质量风险评价47
3.3 战略的调整、战略部署及战略评价48
3.4 评价安排51
3.5 劣质成本53
3.6 质量成本的类型55
3.7 关联劣质成本与业务衡量61
3.8 优化质量成本62
3.9 评价与市场地位64
3.10 通过国家绩效标准和质量奖进行评价67
3.11 波多里奇评分系统72
3.12 通过质量奖进行系统评价73
3.13 评价的国际标准75
3.14 质量体系认证注册78
3.15 ISO9000标准在不同行业的应用和发展79
3.16 标杆最佳实践:实现可持续性85
3.17 标杆是什么?标杆不是什么?89
3.18 标杆:内部和外部,竞争性和非竞争性(谁是标杆)93
3.19 数据和信息源(如何确定标杆)95
3.20 数据标准化98
3.21 最佳实践的分析和鉴定100
4 改进质量与降低成本105
4.1 精益六西格玛:突破性改进工具105
4.2 突破性改进:逐项计划处理法107
4.3 六西格玛改进项目案例107
4.4 质量改进的应用案例110
4.5 由逐项计划处理法学到的111
4.6 精益和六西格玛改进方法112
4.7 定义阶段114
4.8 测量阶段118
4.9 Analyze Phase125
4.10 Improve Phase140
4.11 Control Phase147
4.12 Lean Six Sigma Summary and Project Example148
4.13 Maintaining a Focus on Continuous Improvement155
5 Quality by Design to Increase Sales165
5.1 Contribution of Quality to Sales Income165
5.2 Quality and Financial Performance166
5.3 Achieving Marketplace Superiority167
5.4 Customer Satisfaction Versus Customer Loyalty169
5.5 Customer Loyalty and Retention169
5.6 Economic Worth of a Loyal Customer173
5.7 Impact of Poor Quality on Lost Sales174
5.8 Level of Satisfaction to Retain Present Customers175
5.9 LifeCycle Costs176
5.10 Spectrum of Customers177
5.11 The Quality by Design Road Map178
5.12 Quality by Design QbD and Design for Six Sigma DFSS184
6 Control of Quality to Maintain Superior Performance193
6.1 Compliance and Control Systems193
6.2 The Importance of Information and Measurement194
6.3 The Ultimate Inspector: SelfManaged Processes196
6.4 Understanding What Is Critical to Control198
6.5 Establish Measurement and Establish Standards of Performance199
6.6 Measure Actual Performance206
6.7 Compare to Standards207
6.8 Take Action on the Difference211
4.9 分析阶段125
4.10 改进阶段140
4.11 控制阶段147
4.12 精益六西格玛总结和项目案例148
4.13 对持续改进保持关注155
5 质量源于设计(QbD)对于提



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