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書城自編碼: 2711349
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 何伟,彭漪,于晖
國際書號(ISBN): 9787040276749
出版社: 高等教育出版社
出版日期: 2010-01-01

頁數/字數: 164页
書度/開本: 16

售價:NT$ 238



** 我創建的書架 **

1 Background and definitions
1.1 Background ofpragmatic
1.2 Definitions of pragmatics
1.3 Component vs. perspective
1.4 Uses ofpragmatics
1.5 Aims ofpragmatics
1.6 Summary and further reading
Questions for discussion
2 Deixis and reference,
2.1 Definition of deixis
2.2 Types of deixis
2.2.1 Person deixis
2.2.2 Spatial deixis
2.2.3 Temporal deixis
2.2.4 Discourse deixis
2.2.5 Social deixis
2.3 Definition of reference
2.4 Referential and attributive usages of referring expressions
2.5 The role of context in identifying referents
2.6 The role of co-text in identifying referents
2.7 The role of anaphora, cataphora and zero anaphora in
maintaining reference
2.8 Summary and further reading
Questions for discussion
3 Presupposition
3.1 Definition of presupposition
3.2 Distinguishin presupposition from entailment
3.3 Types of presupposition
3.3.1 Existential presupposition
3.3.2 Lexical presupposition
3.3.3 Sfiuctural presupposition !
3.3.4 Facdve presupp0sition
3.3.5 Non-factive presupposition
3.3.6 Counter-factual esipposidon
3.4 Problematic properties
3.4.1 Defeasibility
3.4.2 Projection problem
3.5 Summary and further reading
Questions for discussion
4 Conversational implicature I
4.1 Definition ofimplicature
4.2 The cooperative principle
4.3 The four conversational maxims
4.3.1 Observing the maxims
4.3.2 Non-observance of the mans
4.4 Types ofimplicature
4.4.1 Conventional implicature
4.4.2 Conversational implicature
4.5 Properties of conversational implicature
4.5.1 Cancelability
4.5.2 Non-detachability
4.5.3 Calculability
4.5.4 Non-conventionality
4.6 Summary and further reading
Questions for discussion
5 Conversational implicature II
5.1 The politeness principle
5.2 The six main maxims
5.2.1 The tact maxim
5.2.2 The generosity maxim
5.2.3 The approbation maxim
5.2.4 The modesty maxim
5.2.5 The agreement maxim
5.2.6 The sympathy maxim
5.3 The relationship between the politeness principle and
the cooperative principle
5.4 Problems with Leech''s politeness principle
5.5 Summary and further reading
Questions for discussion
6 The relevance-theoretic framework
6.1 The origin of relevance theory
6.2 The principle of relevance
6.2.1 The notion of relevance
6.2.2 The cognitive and the communicative principles of relevance
6.3 The notion of context
6.3.1 Cognitive environment
6.3.2 Context selection
6.4 Relevance-guided comprehension
6.4.1 A comprehension heuristic
6.4.2 Implicature vs. explicature
6.5 Constraints on relevance
6.5.1 Conceptual and procedural encoding
6.5.2 Types of contextual effects
6.6 Summary and further reading
Questions for discussion
7 Speech act theory
7.1 Definition of speech act
7.2 Composition of a speech act
7.3 Recognition ofillocutionary force
7.3.1 Definition ofillocutionary force
7.3.2 Illocutionary force indicating devices
7.3.3 Felicity conditions
7.4 Classification of speech acts
7.4.1 Approaching the functions of speech acts
7.4.2 Approaching the performance of speech acts
7.5 Beyond speech act theory speech events
7.6 Summary and further reading
Questions for discussion
8 Conversation analysis
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Theoretical preliminaries
8.3 Turn-taking organization
8.3.1 Turn constructional unit
8.3.2 Turn-allocation component
8.3.3 Turn-taking rules
8.4 Adjacency pairs
8.4.1 Insertion sequence
8.4.2 Conditional relevance
8.5 Preference organization
8.5.1 Preferred vs. dispreferred second
8.5.2 Agreeing and disagreeing with assessments
8.5.3 Repair
8.6 Pre-sequence
8.6.1 Pre-announcements
8.6.2 Pre-requests
8.6.3 Summons-answer
8.7 Summary and further reading
Questions for discussion
9 Conclusions
9.1 Approaches to pragmatics
9.2 The multidiscipfinary nature of pragmatics
9.2.1 Pragmatics and branches of micro-linguistics
9.2.2 Pragmatics and interdisciplinary fields
9.3 The dynamic perspective of pragmatics
9.3.1 The dynamics of communication
9.3.2 The construction of meaning
9.4 The application ofpragmatics
9.5 Summary and further reading
Questions for discussion



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