內容簡介: |
Highcharts是一款流行的Web制图软件,它能够生成极为出色、流畅的HTML5 SVG图形。
Joe Kuan延续了“Learning Highcharts”系列,在第二版中包含了全新的内容以及重新修订过的章节。本书覆盖了Highcharts 4所支持的全部图形,采用循序渐进的教程演示了如何使用来自现实生活中的数据生成富有表现力的图表.另外还探索了如何仿制各种工业图表,例如金融宣传册、运动专栏、3D信息图甚至是菲亚特500的速度表。
书中的第二部分将重点放在了操作层面:API、事件以及框架集成。第三部分研究了服务器端和在线服务,Highcharts*新成果Highcharts Clound的用法,这是一项在线图表服务,不需要使用者有任 Highcharts或者JavaScript的使用经验。你只需要插入数据,剩下的由HighchartsCloud帮你搞定。
简而言之,本书旨在成为市场上*全面的 Highcharts书籍。
宽(Joe Kuan)编*的《学习Highcharts4影印版英文版》针对各个层面的读者。初学者能够学到基本的配置方法,循序渐进地学习如何创建图表,如何使用HighchartsCloud。对于中高级读者,本书探讨了API、时间、服务器端操作以及插件。
Chapter 1 Web Charts
A short history of web charting
HTML image map sewer-side technology
Java applet client-side and servlet sewer-side
Adobe Shockwave Flash client-side
The rise of JavaScript and HTML5
HTML5 SVG and Canvas
JavaScript charts on the market
Ext JS 5 charts
Data Driven Documents
Why Highcharts?
Highcharts and JavaScript frameworks
Simple API model
Openness feature request with user voice
Highcharts - a quick tutorial
Directory structure
Chapter 2 Hiahcharts Conficlurations
Configuration structure
Understanding Highcharts'' layout
Chart margins and spacing settings
Chart label properties
Title and subtitle alignments
Legend alignment
Axis title alignment
Credits alignment
Experimenting with an automatic layout
Experimenting with a fixed layout
Framing the chart with axes
Accessing the axis data type
Adjusting intervals and background
Using plot lines and plot bands
Extending to multiple axes
Revisiting the series config
Exploring PlotOptions
Styling tooltips
Formatting tooltips in HTML
Using the callback handler
Applying a multiple-series tooltip
Animating charts
Expanding colors with gradients
Zooming data with the drilldown feature
Chapter 3 Line, Area, and Scatter Charts
Introducing line charts
Extending to multiple-series line charts
Highlighting negative values and raising the base level
Sketching an area chart
Mixing line and area series
Simulating a projection chart
Contrasting a spline with a step line
Extending to the stacked area chart
Plotting charts with missing data
Combining the scatter and area series
Polishing a chart with an artistic style
Chapter 4 Bar and Column ChARTS
Chapter 5 Pie Charts
Chapter 6 Gauge Polar and Range Charts
Chapter 7 Bubble Box Plot and Error Bar Charts
Chapter 8 Waterfall Funnel Pyramid and Heatmap Charts
Chapter 9 3D Charts
Chapter 10 Highcharts APIs
Chapter 11 Highcharts Events
Chapter 12 Highcharts and jQuery Mobile
Chapter 13 Highcharts and Ext JS
Chapter 14 Server-side Highcharts
Chapter 15 Highcharts Online Services and Plugins