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世界高层建筑与都市人居学会最美高楼奖项评选标准 17
世界贸易中心一号楼,纽约 20
巴卡拉酒店,纽约 26
Virreyes大厦,墨西哥城 30
阿姆斯特丹大街170号,纽约 34
One57大厦,纽约 36
富豪大厦,阳光岛海滩 38
维特拉,圣保罗 40
公园大道400号,纽约 42
大使街535号,旧金山 43
里普利Eleven55大厦,银泉 44
Evo at
Cira南部中心大厦,费城 45
OneEleven大厦,芝加哥 46
加拿大皇家军事学院住宅,多伦多 47
华盛顿街99号,纽约 48
315 on
A大厦,波士顿 48
北部公园大道455号——芝加哥罗斯酒店,芝加哥 48
亚卡迪亚塔,芝加哥 48
大学公园光辉大厦,多伦多 49
布里克尔住宅,迈阿密 49
第八大道西塔,卡尔加里 49
吉布森广场,多伦多 49
赫尔·马克中心,多伦多 50
毛伊I号,罗萨里奥 50
千禧宅邸,坎博里乌 50
尼古拉斯住宅,多伦多 50
西北医疗门诊中心,芝加哥 51
南部金融中心三角洲酒店,多伦多 51
单元城市生活,圣保罗 51
世界生活广场,库里蒂巴 51
绿化大厦,新加坡 54
赛亚米斯拉恰库,曼谷 64
杜生阁,新加坡 68
日出东方凯宾斯基酒店,北京 72
斯旺斯顿广场公寓大厦,墨尔本 76
提名项目:黄兴路1700号,上海 80
Abode318号公寓,墨尔本 82
阿尔伯特50号,墨尔本 84
申基金融广场,重庆 86
华南银行总部,台北 88
HVW总部,桃园市 90
京棉新城大厦,北京 92
KKR2大厦,吉隆坡 94
河内乐天百货中心,河内 96
国民健康保险大厦 伯克街720号,墨尔本 98
丸之内人寿保险花园大厦,东京 100
富力迎凯广场,广州 102
绿宝石大厦,墨尔本 104
安大大都会大厦,金边 106
英格街Altez大厦,新加坡 108
林荫道大厦,墨尔本 109
凯旋国际,重庆 110
忠利大厦,雅加达 111
My80公寓,墨尔本 112
虎之门之丘,东京 113
福布斯唐恩大街8号,达义 114
小柯林斯街27号,墨尔本 114
安泰一品,马尼拉 114
恒隆广场1号楼,无锡 114
长沙新河三角洲办公大楼,长沙 115
雅加达芝布特拉大厦,雅加达 115
企业天地6、7&8号,重庆 115
台湾鼎盛BHW中央广场,台中 115
FEU技术大厦,桑帕洛克 116
福州升龙环球中心,福州 116
环球港,上海 116
君悦酒店,大连 116
阪田桥樱之园,东京 117
深圳宝安万豪酒店,深圳 117
陆家嘴世纪金融广场,上海 117
太古西湾台1号,香港 117
香格里拉南塔和北塔,曼达卢 118
骑士住宅大厦,马卡迪 118
读卖新闻大厦,东京 118
天津国际金融中心,天津 118
双橡西塔,曼达卢永 119
南岸WRAP大厦,墨尔本 119
无锡苏宁广场1号,无锡 119
垂直森林大厦,米兰 122
进化大厦,莫斯科 128
马尔默生活大厦,马尔默 132
警察总局大厦,沙勒罗伊 136
兰特荷大厦,伦敦 141
凡车迟街20号,伦敦 144
黑修道士路240号,伦敦 146
Allianz总部大楼,瓦利塞伦 148
巴黎马塞纳扎克大厦,巴黎 150
Twarda 24大厦,华沙 152
D2大厦,巴黎 154
Kristalkule大厦,伊斯坦布尔 156
A.G.莱文莱斯画廊,尼科西亚 158
阿尔科伊扎克高地大厦,阿尔科伊 159
蒂森总部大厦,杜塞尔多夫 160
世博村,米兰 161
Giax大厦,米兰 162
公共艺术大厦,莫斯科 163
BelView大厦,布鲁塞尔 163
希姆基广场MEBE一号,莫斯科 163
三色一号大厦,莫斯科 163
Mohammad Bin Rashid大厦,阿布扎比 166
阿尔希拉尔银行大厦,阿布扎比 172
B.S.R.大厦,特拉维夫 176
总部商业园,吉达 180
阿尔迦哇拉大厦,吉达 182
伯瓷拉法尔,利雅得 183
利瓦大厦,阿布扎比 184
卡塔尔国际伊斯兰银行总部,多哈 185
阿尔亚考柏大厦,迪拜 186
ASPIN大厦,迪拜 186
迪拜湾凯悦酒店,迪拜 186
Noff大厦,巴特亚姆 186
RAK大厦,哈伊马角 187
迪拜中心伯瓷48号索菲特酒店,迪拜 187
高地大厦,安曼 187
W精品店,特拉维夫 187
皮克林亚宾乐雅酒店,新加坡 190
查茨伍德交通中心,查茨伍德 196
礼敦大厦,新加坡 200
静安嘉里中心,上海 204
Carpe Diem大厦,巴黎 208
海云台Hillstate,釜山 212
深业泰然大厦,深圳 214
安森英格街空中套房,新加坡 216
明顿综合大厦,新加坡 218
获奖项目:旋转大厦,马尔默 222
德意志银行,悉尼 226
海伦娜大厦,纽约 226
岛光大厦,巴塞罗那 226
4 Vi大厦,阿姆斯特丹 226
蒙特维多,鹿特丹港市 227
Q1大厦,黄金海岸 227
河岸广场,布里斯班 227
百合浅水湾,香港 227
层板洞孔系统 230
哈利法塔立面接入设备 234
桃初银苑抗震系统 236
网格结构系统 238
建筑数据操作系统 240
上海中心大厦举行悬挂系统 241
TECOREP拆除系统 242垂直无粘结后张法 243
奇夫利大厦,悉尼 246
林恩·比德尔终身成就奖,长森埝 252
法兹勒汗终身成就奖,尼古拉斯·彼勒迪 258
世界高层建筑与都市人居学会2015年资深会员 264
奖项 & 世界高层建筑与都市人居学会信息
世界高层建筑与都市人居学会2015年评委会 265
世界高层建筑与都市人居学会2014年奖项回顾 266
建筑索引 271
公司索引 272
图片版权 277
世界高层建筑与都市人居学会组织结构和成员 279
One World Trade Center
New York City, United States of America
“The tower succeeds in realizing both its functional and symbolic purposes, employing a formal play in simple prismatic geometry that builds upon New York’s long skyscraper tradition.”
Mun Summ Wong, Jury Chair, WOHA Architects
Height: 541 m 1,776 ft
Stories: 94
Area: 325,279 sq m 3,501,274 sq ft
Primary Function: Office
Owner: 1 World Trade Center LLC
Developers: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey; The Durst Organization
Architect: Skidmore, Owings Merrill LLP design
Structural Engineers: WSP Group design; Schlaich Bergermann und Partner design; Leslie E. Robertson Associates peer review
MEP Engineer: Jaros, Baum Bolles design
Project Manager: STV
Main Contractor: Tishman Construction
Other Consultants: AECOM cost; Arnold Porter LLP environmental; Benson Industries faade; Brandston Partnership, Inc. lighting; Cerami Associates acoustics; Claude Engle lighting; Code Consultants, Inc. code; Ducibella Venter Santore security; Jaros, Baum Bolles vertical transportation; Lerch Bates faade maintenance; Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects landscape; Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers geotechnical; Pentagram way finding; Permasteelisa Group faade; Peter Walker Landscape Architects landscape; Philip Habib Associates civil, traffic; RWDI wind; The Hettema Group observatory; Viridian Energy Environmental, LLC sustainability
Rising from the northwest corner of the 6.5-hectares World Trade Center site, One World Trade Center recaptures the New York skyline, reasserts downtown Manhattan’s pre-eminence as a business center, and establishes a new civic icon for the United States. It is a memorable architectural landmark for the city and the nation, and will connect seamlessly to its surroundings with entrances on all four elevations and linkages to an extensive underground transportation network. Extending the long tradition of American ingenuity in high-rise construction, the design solution is an innovative mix of architecture, structure, urban design, safety, and sustainability.
The tower’s spire reaches the symbolic height of 1,776 feet 541 meters, a nod to the year that the United States declared independence, and is topped with a large revolving beacon. The height of the parapet is similarly symbolic, matching the exact height of the original One World Trade Center. Sited north of the National September 11 Memorial, the tower rises from a cubic
base; its edges are chamfered back, resulting in a faceted form composed of eight elongated isosceles triangles. At its middle, the tower forms a perfect octagon in plan and then culminates in a glass parapet that is a 46-meter-by-46-meter square, rotated 45 degrees from the base. A luminous glass curtain wall sheaths the tower on all sides from the first office floor to the observatory. Designers worked with industry experts to develop glass of unprecedented scale that is capable of withstanding both wind loads at supertall heights and stringent security requirements. Insulated glass units span the full floor-to-floor height of each story with no intermediate mullions – a first in skyscraper construction. These glass units contribute to the tower’s crystalline appearance.
The cubic base is 57 meters tall and made entirely of reinforced concrete, providing a sturdy and secure support structure for the bottom of the building. To enhance the visual appeal of this feature, small stainless-steel panels are fixed to the exterior. Pivoted glass fins are arranged over these panels at varying angles, bouncing light in different directions and creating a corrugated texture for the faade at ground level.
“It is impossible to over-state the importance of One World Trade Center, from an architectural, urbanistic, engineering, symbolic, or emotional viewpoint. Fourteen years in the making, a void in both the physicality and psyche of a city has been repaired, to spectacular effect.”
Antony Wood, Juror, CTBUH
The tower structure is a “hybrid” system combining a robust concrete core with a perimeter ductile steel moment frame. The reinforced concrete core wall system at the center acts as the main spine, providing support for gravitational loads and resistance to wind and seismic forces. The core is compartmentalized with internal shear walls and houses the building systems and means of egress. The tower’s height and slenderness imposed stringent demands on its overall strength and stiffness. To meet those demands in an economical way, high strength 14,000 psi concrete was introduced for the first time in New York City.
The building uses new technologies to maximize efficiency, minimize waste and pollution, and reduce the impact of its development. Its seamless skin incorporates a visually subtle insulated spandrel, while allowing natural light to reach over 90 percent of the office areas, reducing the electrical lighting requirements and associated cooling loads, while improving the quality of the office space. The tower also uses 30 percent less water than the New York City Building Code requires for this type of building, in part by capturing and reusing rainwater for cooling the building and landscape irrigation. Low-energy equipment, such as variable-speed fans and pumps that are adaptable to varying occupancy levels, further maximize efficiency. Many of these systems are controlled using a high-tech building management system BMS, which optimizes energy use and indoor air quality based on data collected by thousands of sensors located throughout the building.
Along with energy savings, the building will capture energy through elevators with Variable Voltage Variable Frequency VVVF drives and hoist motors that produce energy through regenerative braking. Under certain conditions, the elevator motors turn into small generators that supplement power in the building’s power distribution grid, thus reducing demand for electrical utility power. Elevators also play an important role in the building’s evacuation scenarios, as five elevators are equipped to manage occupant egress in case of an emergency.
A significant amount of the materials used in the construction of the tower were made from post-industrial recycled content, including gypsum boards, ceiling tiles, and glass. The structural steel was produced from 95 percent recycled materials, and the building features “green concrete,” made from waste fly ash collected from coal plants, and slag, a by-product of the processing and refinement of various ores.
Jury Statement
The completion of One World Trade Center marks a definitive moment in skyscraper history. Far more than just a symbol of progress, wealth, or success, the tower embodies the resilience of a city, the trajectory of a nation, and the unity of a globalizing world that tracked its progress with bated breath. As such, the desi