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『英文書』Can You See What I See?: Cool Collections: Picture Puzzles to Search and Solve 眼力大考验系列: 酷收藏 ISBN9780439617727

書城自編碼: 2691975
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Walter Wick 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9780439617727
出版社: Scholastic
出版日期: 2004-09-01

頁數/字數: 40页
書度/開本: 12开

售價:NT$ 725



** 我創建的書架 **

This fourth book in the bestselling Can You See What I See? series features photographs of fun collections, including toy cars, teddy bears, dinosaurs, and much more.
Walter Wick born February 23, 1953 is an American artist and photographer best known for the elaborate images in two series of publications, the I Spy and the Can You See What I See? books, which were published by Scholastic Books.
Wick was born in Hartford, Connecticut and attended the Paier College of Art. After school he embarked on a career as a commercial photographer and eventually shifted to photo-illustration for books and magazines. He contributed to Scholastic''s Let''s Find Out and Super Science series and photographed hundreds of mass-market magazine covers. He also created photographic puzzles for Games magazine.
In 1991 Wick began a collaboration with writer Jean Marzollo on the enormously successful I Spy search-and-find picture books. Eight original titles were produced and millions of copies sold.
Wick has received the Boston Globe-Horn Book first prize for non-fiction and had his book Walter Wick''s Optical Tricks named one of the year''s "best illustrated books" by The New York Times. In 2003 Wick and his wife purchased an abandoned 1920 firehouse from the city of Hartford and renovated the building to become a new studio for his artwork. In 2009 Wick had a collection of his work, Walter Wick: Games, Gizmos, and Toys in the Attic, exhibited at the Brigham Young University Museum of Art.
Wick, cocreator of the popular I Spy books, adds to his solo Can You See What I See? seek-and-find series with a book featuring collections. Divided into categories like "Button Fancy," "Traffic Jam," "Washed Ashore," and "Chock-a-Block," Wick''s photos invite children to get lost in dazzling arrays of baubles, toys, seashells, and bric-a-brac, all drawn from collections Wick has accumulated since starting his children''''s book career in 1991. Unlike Wick''''s inaugural Can You See What I See? title, which included rebus puzzles and camouflage tricks, this book''''s more straightforward premise consists of images accompanied by rhyming lists of objects to be found. Kids familiar with the more challenging first book may be disappointed by the simplicity of this one, but for those who still find satisfaction in old-fashioned picture puzzles, this volume offers them up in spades. Of special interest is the author''s note, in which Wick credits flea markets, junk drawers, and hardware stores as sources of inspiration, along with good old Mother Nature."



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