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『英文書』Captain Underpants #3: Captain Underpants and the Invision of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies From Outer Space 内裤超人3: 内裤超人与外星大嘴妖(平装) ISBN97804

書城自編碼: 2691946
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Dav Pilkey 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9780439049962
出版社: Scholastic
出版日期: 1999-09-01

頁數/字數: 144页
書度/開本: 32开

售價:NT$ 313



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Book Description
The Captain Underpants series, by Dav Pilkey, is a series of American children''s books about two 4th graders, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, and the aptly-named superhero they accidentally created, who is their principal, Mr. Benny Krupp.
It''s a bird! It''s a plane! No, wait a minute...it''s Captain Underpants! Back for another adventure, this Wedgie-Powered-cottony-hero has to outwit the alien threesome — Zorx, Klax, and Jennifer — who are up to no good. They''ve turned all of the students at the Jerome Horwitz Elementary School into zombie nerds, and try to take over the world by posing as chili-making cafeteria ladies! But who else can possibly help Captain Underpants stop all of the hullabaloo? George and Harold, two fun-loving troublemakers, that''s who! With black-and-white cartoons.
Hooray for Captain Underpants! Everybody''s favorite waistband warrior is back, ready to fight for Truth, Justice, and all that is Pre-Shrunk and Cottony. If you''ve read Dav Pilkey''s first two comic epics, The Adventures of Captain Underpants and Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets, you already know the brave Captain is really just crabby old Principal Krupp, hypnotized into becoming the world''s greatest superhero every time someone snaps their fingers. And of course you know the trouble-making hypnotists are none other than Jerome Horwitz Elementary School''s two most notorious tricksters, George and Harold "We rule!" "Me, too!".
Well, George and Harold--surprise, surprise--are at it again. The cranky lunch ladies quit after George and Harold fool them into baking super-volcanic krispy kupcakes that flood the school with gigantic green globs o'' goo. Mr. Krupp finds replacements and fast, but he unwittingly hires the tentacled alien trio of Zorx, Klax, and Jennifer in disguise! Will they turn everyone in school into evil zombie nerds? Can George and Harold save the world before it''s too late? All seems lost until the diabolical Zorx snaps his... um, tentacles in front of Mr. Krupp, and the power of wedgies comes to the rescue once again.
Captain Underpants''s third outing is better than ever, with patented Flip-o-Rama animation and wacky bonus comics like "Captain Underpants--Wedgie Wars" and "Captain Underpants and the Night of the Living Lunch Ladies." Ages 8 to 12
--Paul Hughes
From Publishers Weekly
Fourth-grade cut-ups Harold and George and their principal-turned-superhero are as funny as ever in Pilkey''s third Captain Underpants caper. For those in the dark, the superhero in question is an underwear-clad, toilet-paper-toting crusader for "Truth, Justice, and ALL that is Preshrunk and Cottony". As in the earlier installments, this zany tale adopts a variety of formats, including sprightly illustrated text; reproductions of the two boys'' homemade comic books; and "flip-o-rama" pages that replicate "world-famous cheesy animation technique." Captain Underpants and his errant students here go up against a trio of aliens posing as lunch ladies. Suddenly students begin turning into "zombie nerds": "Look," says George, "They''re all wearing broken eyeglasses held together with masking tape... and they''ve got vinyl pocket protectors!!!" It''s all part of the aliens'' quest to take over the world: "It won''t be long now," says the evil Klax. "Tomorrow we''ll feed them Super Evil Rapid-Growth Juice! Then they will grow to the size of Zleqxisfp trees." Those with a limited tolerance for the silly need not apply to the Captain Underpants fan club, yet its legion members will plunge happily into his latest bumbling adventure. Ages 7-10. Sept.
From Library Journal
Grade 3-6-Captain Underpants is back and stronger than ever thanks to some "extra-strength super power juice". Jerome Horwitz Elementary School is invaded by three "incredibly naughty cafeteria ladies" who are really hideously evil aliens in disguise. Their dastardly plan is to take over Earth by turning its inhabitants into giant zombie nerds starting with the children of Piqua, OH. Harold, George, and Captain Underpants once again save the day with quick thinking and Wedgie Power. Pilkey''s hilarious black-and-white pencil cartoons complement the comic humor of the text. Added to the fun are the ever-present Flip-O-Rama pages and a zany Captain Underpants comic. Whether first-time readers of this series or avid fans, children will enjoy this outrageously funny adventure.
Krista Grosick, Cuyahoga County Public Library, OH
From Booklist
In their third "epic" adventure, George and Harold show just what you get when you expect fourth-graders "to sit still and pay attention for seven hours a day." An introductory cartoon strip, "Wedgie Wars," takes parody and bad spelling to new depths. Mr. Krupp, the principal, still turns into Captain Underpants at the snap of a finger--and gains new superpowers before the end of the book. And there are fart jokes, dead jokes, the "Toilet Paper of Justice," sly references to everything from Batman to the Wizard of Oz, and a "Flip-O-Rama" featuring "incredibly graphic violence" not really. What can you say about a book in which space aliens are named Zorx, Klax, and Jennifer? Or about the incredibly tasteless cafeteria lady jokes? And what can you say about the next in the series, which will feature a character named Professor Poopypants? You know how many copies you''ll need to buy.
GraceAnne A. DeCandido
From Kirkus Reviews
Once again, it''s Wedgie Power to the rescue, in a book subtitled ``And the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds.'''' When aliens Zorx, Klax, and Jennifer launch their invasion of Earth by converting the students and teachers of the Jerome Horwitz Elementary School into an army of zombies with pocket protectors, it''s up to inveterate troublemakers George and Harold, with their feckless ally Captain Underpants he''s the mean principal''s alter-ego, to save the planet. The deed is done in a crowd-pleasing welter of plot twists and bathroom humor, wisecracks and free shots at school food; Pilkey''s black-and-white cartoons move from crudely-drawn comic books created by the boys to pages that readers are required to flip back and forth for an animated effect. As in the previous appearances of Captain Underpants The Adventures of Captain Underpants, 1997, etc., this gross but not gruesome adventure will have fans looking forward to the upcoming and obviously perfectly tasteful Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants. Fiction. 8-10
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