內容簡介: |
1 Basic Knowledge about Economy and Management
1.1 Financial Markets and Expectations
1.2 Expectations, Policy, and Output
1.3 0penness in Goods and Financial Markets
1.4 Inflation, Disinflation, and Unemployment
1.5 Inflation, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates
1.6 Saving, Capital Accumulation, and Output.
1.7 TechnologicaIProgress and Growth
1.8 TechnologicalProgress, Unemployment, and
1.10 Managing in a Global Environment
1.11 SocialResponsibility and ManageriaIEthics
2 Investment Decisions
2.1 Investment Cost Estimates and Investment Decisions
2.2 Investment, Time, and Capital Markets
2.3 Big Investment and Little Returns of Gas-to liquid Projects
2.4 GTLs: Grand Schemes, but Little Progress
2.5 011 Developmentlnvestment Make-up in Lithuania
2.6 Rising Investment in Western African Oil Development
2.7 New Investment Opportunities ofNew Zealand Oil
3 Finance Management of Oil and Gas Industry
3.1 Accountingandlts Environment
3.2 Accountinglnformation Systems
4 World Oil and Gas Market Prospects
5 World Oil and Gas Price Competition
6 Technology Managementin Oiland Gaslndustry
7 International Project Cooperation