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書城自編碼: 2687401
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英语考试
作者: [韩]李柳里 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787D23586404
出版社: 江苏科学技术出版社
出版日期: 2014-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: /920000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1152



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■ 韩国权威的外语培训机构——巴克达语言教育中心独家解密,带你彻底摸透托福考试题型。
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1994年毕业于加拿大多伦多大学(The University of Toronto),安大略省政府指定翻译。1999年至2007年在巴克达语学院江南及钟路校区任托福LC讲师。现任世宗大学英语讲师。著有《托福听力》《托福词汇》《托福诊所213+听力理解》《考试诊所托福250+听力》《赢得托福听力1》《赢得托福听力2》《赢得托福听力3》。
Unit 1 Language
Unit 2 Agriculture
Unit 3 Arts
Unit 4 Psychology
Unit 5 History
Unit 6 Biology
Unit 7 Sociology
Unit 8 Geology
Actual Test
Passage 1 Lascaux Cave Paintings
Passage 2 How Language Is Created
Passage 3 IQ vs. EQ
Passage 4 Acid Rain
Passage 5 Urbanization
Answer Keys

Unit 01 Food Science
Integrated GM Food
Independent Food Made in a Restaurant vs. Homemade Food
Unit 02 Health
Integrated Obesity
Independent Fast-Food Sales
Unit 03 Zoology
Integrated Fish Farming
Independent The Purpose of a Zoo
Unit 04 International Relation
Integrated Poverty
Independent Foreign Aid
Unit 05 Sociology
Integrated Exploding World Population
Independent An Extended Family vs. A Nuclear Family
Unit 06 Mystery
Integrated Crop Circles
Independent Science Fiction
Unit 07 Environment
Integrated Biofules
Independent The Earth and Human Activities
Unit 08 Technology
Integrated Online Shopping
Independent Printed Books vs. E-Books
Check-Up Grammar
Actual Test
Answer Keys & Listening Script

Unit 1 Independent Favorites
Integrated Problem Solving
L-S Campus Situation Topic
Unit 2 Independent Favorites
Integrated Problem Solving
L-S Campus Situation Topic
Unit 3 Independent Persons
Integrated Summary
L-S Academic Course Topic
Unit 4 Independent Characteristics
Integrated Summary
L-S Academic Course Topic
Unit 5 Independent Preference
Integrated Fit & Explain
R-L-S Campus Situation Topic
Unit 6 Independent Preference
Integrated Fit & Explain
R-L-S Campus Situation Topic
Unit 7 Independent Agree Disagree
Integrated General Specific
R-L-S Academic Course Topic
Unit 8 Independent Agree Disagree
Integrated General Specific
R-L-S Academic Course Topic
Actual Test
Answer Keys & Listening Script
Unit 1 Academic Lectures : Natural Science
Unit 2 Academic Lectures : History
Unit 3 Academic Lectures : Applied Science
Unit 4 Academic Lectures : Education and Language
Unit 5 Academic Lectures : Nature and Society
Unit 6 Academic Lectures : Arts and Culture
Actual Test
Scripts & Answer Keys
Practice 1
Warm Up
1. A baby''s first word is usually the one that is the easiest to pronounce. What is most likely to be a baby''s first word in an English-speaking country? Choose one from the list.
mama father banana piano Mother
Read the Passage
Language Learning
How do babies learn to speak? Babies pay attention to the speech they hear around them before they can speak. Young babies respond to the sound of the human voice differently to other sounds. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell. Very soon, the differences in adults'' voices can influence babies'' emotions. Long before they can understand language, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry. By twelve months old, babies can produce single words such as mommy or daddy. Then, they may copy short phrases. They also learn to use the same words or phrases for different purposes. For instance, "Mommy drink" might mean "Mommy is drinking" or "Mommy, I want your drink". At around age three, many toddlers can speak complete sentences. Adults also exaggerate their speech so that babies can pick up a language easily. This is often called "baby talk". Baby talk is different from the way adults speak to each other. For example, when mothers talk to babies, they speak louder and slower. Mothers also use short, simple words or sentences with a highpitched soft tone of voice. Baby talk is more effective than normal speech to get a baby''s attention. Studies have shown that babies prefer to listen to baby talk.
Target TOEFL iBT Questions
1 The word influence in the passage is closest in meaning to
A affect B encourage C touch
2 The word sense in the passage is closest in meaning to
A observe B feel C remember
3 The word purposes in the passage is closest in meaning to
A ideas B reasons C conditions
4 The word they in the passage refers to
A adults B mothers C babies
TOEFL iBT Vocabulary
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.
1. v. to react, to reply
2. v. to imitate, to do something the way others do
3. adj. full, including all details
4. v. to overstate, to make something greater than it really is
5. n. a young child
respond complete toddler exaggerate copy
Wrap Up
A. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.
copying exaggerate toddler responded complete
1 The campaign tends to the negative effects of secondhand smoke.
2 A is a young child between the ages of one to three years old.
3 The company quickly to the customer''s complaints.
4 Children learn by adults'' behavior.
5 The story was finally presented in its form.
B. Paragraph 1: Number the sentences in the correct order.
Paragraph 2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.
Paragraph 1: How do babies learn to speak?
1.Babies pay attention to the speech they hear around them.
Babies copy short phrases.
Babies can speak complete sentences.
The differences in adults'' voices influence babies'' emotions.
Babies can produce single words.
Paragraph 2: Baby talk
Adults their speech: They speak and slower using short, simple words or sentences with a soft tone of voice. Baby talk may help a child pick up a language quickly.
Independent Task — Favorites
Key Expressions
My favorite ... is ...
My favorite music is R & B.
My favorite book is The Little Prince.
I like love to V ... = I like V-ing ... V = Verb
I like to learn about different cultures. = I like learning about different cultures.
I love to play soccer with my friends. = I love playing soccer with my friends.
First, Secondly,
First, Secondly, the music makes me relaxed.
That''s why ...
That''s why my favorite music is hip-hop.
That''s why I like to read cartoons.
Let''s practice!
1. Jazz is my favorite music.
= is Jazz.
2. First of all, I like to hear the sound of the saxophone.
= , I like .
3. Another reason is that I love listening to live music.
= , I love to .
4. That''s why my favorite music is Jazz.
= I like to .
Get Started
Choose the word from the box that best completes the sentence.
tournament competitive endurance patience strategies
1 Perfect team will help the team win the game.
2 My friends and I like to do some sports together.
3 The World Cup is the biggest soccer in the world.
4 I lost my when he yelled at me.
5 Swimming is one of the sports that helps build up .
Get Ready
A.Answer the following question.
What is your favorite sport or game?
My favorite sport game is .
soccer basketball baseball tag hide-and-seek
hiking badminton inline skating board games
B.Why do you like to play that sport or game? Check two reasons. You may add your own answer.
It is fun and exciting.
I like to play sports with lots of people.
I am good at playing .
I like to watch the World Cup the Olympics tournaments.
I like something competitive.
It is good for my health.
Practice Speaking
My favorite sport game is .
There are two reasons why is my favorite.
First, .
Secondly, .
C.Write down the two reasons you have chosen in B. Then using the idea tip below as a guide, add specific details to support your two reasons. You may add your own experiences or examples to support your reasons.
Idea Tip
can build up endurance and patience
can develop team strategies because it is a multi-player sport
thrilled with excitement when I win the game
like to watch the biggest tournament in the world
people from all over the world cheer for their countries all summer
helps me to relieve stress
Practice Speaking
First, .
Secondly, .
That''s why my favorite sport is .
Warm Up
First, circle one of the words inside the bracket to complete each sentence with your own choice. Then listen to the recording to check the correct answer.
1. Flowers completed most of their evolutionary process in 30 13million years.
2. Cats can see the world only in shades of blue and yellow black and white.
3. When we are hungry, thinking about food sends signals to our brain digestive organs.
4. Corn plants in the field often get invaded by caterpillars wasps.
Part I
Practice 1
Listen to part of a talk given in a biology class. Pay attention to the main topic or idea and answer the question.
Q. What is the main idea of the lecture?
A The evolution of flowers is completely unknown.
B Flowers evolved in quite a short period of time.
C Among scientists, biologists work the fastest.
D Flowering plants actually appeared 30 million years ago.
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
ProfW: Scientists say flowers first on Earth about 140 million years ago. Then, by about 30 million years later, flowers completed their evolutionary processes. Well, the interesting thing is that to a biologist, 30 million years of time is, so the evolutionary process of flowers is to be very fast. That''s why a group of scientists are now trying to solve the mystery flowers'' fast evolution. to solve this mystery is to make a full of a plant called "Amborella". The Amborella is a very important plant for the scientists because it is the flowering plant. And now, many scientists hope that it can provide clues about flowers'' and evolution.
●evolutionary adj. of the history of the develo



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