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書城自編碼: 2685481
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→考試考研
作者: 韩满玲 主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787512419261
出版社: 北京航空航天大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-11-15
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 266页
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 405



** 我創建的書架 **



Unit 1 3

For the Oil and Gas Industry, Tax Reductions Were

油气工业减税政策已过期? 3

Pesky Packing Peanuts Baked and Crushed to Make
Battery Electrodes

物尽其用——泡沫填充颗粒作电极 5

“Grandparenting” in Moderation
Might Help Keep the Mind Sharp

适度的隔代教育可能有助于延缓大脑认知能力衰退 7

How Doctors Determine the Moment of Death?

死亡是如何判定的? 9

Unit 2 12

Rent Sweet Rent

租赁经济,轻松惬意 12

How Does IQ Relate to Personality?

智力与个性有怎样的关联 14

Oscar Winners Live Longer Than Nominees, Study Says

研究发现:奥斯卡获奖者寿命比提名者长 16

You Are Half the Person You Used to Be

美国居民家庭收入减半 18

Unit 3 21

Why So Little Chinese in English?

为何英语中的汉语借词如此之少? 21

Parenting Like a Tiger Mom May Make Your Kids Obese

虎妈的孩子易变胖 23

Its Time to Pay Attention to Sleep,
the New Health Frontier

健康保养新前沿:关注睡眠 25

Being On Facebook Can Actually Make Us Happier

脸书在线能让我们更快乐 28

Unit 4 31

Glad to Be Grey

年纪大是好事情? 31

How Gillian Flynn Changed the Way You Look at Your

吉莉安·弗琳如何改变了你对配偶的看法 33

Dont Text While Parenting — It Will Make You Cranky

在教育孩子时,不要低头发短息——这会让你性情古怪 35

Korean Cool Is the Ultimate National Marketing Ploy

韩流本质上是一种国家营销策略 37

Unit 5 40

Aliens On Line 2; Hold, Please...

不要放弃搜寻外星人的计划 40

Seeing Is Believing

眼见为实 42

Were Sorry, Applicants. We Accepted
You in Error

很抱歉通知您,我们录取您是因为系统出错 44

Its the Season to Break Up

分手季 47

Unit 6 50

The Computer Will See You Now

现在电脑能给你看病了 50

Howard U. Students, Faculty Add Color to Wikipedias

霍华德大学填补维基百科中关于黑人历史的空缺 52

Warming Earth Heading For the Hottest Year on Record

全球变暖,即将迎来史上最热年 55

Surprising Behaviors That Put Teens at Serious Risk of

某些行为让青少年成为抑郁症的高危人群 57


Unit 1 60

Restraining Spending: Congress Should Let the
President Try

国会无力控制开支,也许该放手让总统一试 60

Fact or Fiction? Elephants Never Forget

大象能过目不忘? 62

Two Words That Could Hurt Your Kids: Nice Job

过度鼓励反而不利于孩子成长 64

The Hidden Dangers of “Skinny Fat”

“瘦胖子”:身形苗条却肌肉松弛,隐藏了怎样的危险? 67

Unit 2 70

Poverty, Crime and Education: The Paradox of the

贫困、犯罪与教育——贫民窟的悖论 70

Water: All Dried Up

水资源全面干涸 72

How Your Diet Can Hurt Your Marriage

节食如何毁了你的婚姻 75

Showing A Little Pacemaker

微型心脏起搏器的诞生 77

Unit 3 80

The Economics Curriculum Is Evolving, But Too Slowly
for Some

经济学课程不断发展,但对某些人来说节奏略慢 80

The Internet Is a Safer Place for Your Teen Than You

互联网对你的孩子而言,比你想象中要安全 82

Make or Break for China

中国迎来了孤注一掷的关键时刻 84

Designers Building Roadways That Generate Solar Power

太阳能之路 87

Unit 4 90

Unconscious Thought Not So Smart After All

无意识思考也许并不那么高明 90

Magnetic Bacteria Could Help Destroy Tumors and Fight

磁性细菌或有助于治疗癌症 92

Nostalgia for the Soviet Era Sweeps the Internet

对前苏联时代的怀旧情绪席卷网络 94

Surveillance: Secrets, Lies and Americas

监视:秘密、谎言和美国的间谍们 97

Unit 5 100

The Brand Played Out

大品牌大势已去 100

Reading Harry Potter Gives Clues to Brain Activity

阅读《哈利波特》为研究人脑活动提供线索 102

School Reform: How to Tame a Trojan Horse

校制改革——如何驯服一只害群之马 104

Civilian Drones on Unclear Course

民用航拍机将何去何从? 107


Unit 1 110


机器人世界杯 110

Education and Class: Americas
New Aristocracy

教育与阶级:美国的新权贵阶层 112

Why Schools Should Undermine Moral Teachings

为什么学校教育会冲击道德教育 115

Missed Chance on Immigration

错失良机的移民政策 117

Unit 2 121

Modern Families

摩登家庭 121

Crows Understand Analogies

乌鸦也会推理 123

When It Comes to A Long Life, There Is No Equality

寿命无平等可言 126

America Hates Its Gifted Kids

美国浪费了天才儿童 128

Unit 3 132

The Artful Dodgers

狡猾的逃税公司 132

Love, Tax and Wedlock

爱情,税收和婚姻 134

Will Tim Cook Succeed Running Steve Jobss

库克能否成功经营苹果公司? 137

Whats Wrong, Doc?

动画产业怎么了? 139

Unit 4 143

Environment Trumps Genetics in Shaping Immune System

环境因素对免疫系统的影响大于基因因素 143

How Facebook Could Sabotage Your Blind Date

脸书如何毁了你的社交 145

Scientists Map What Your Brain Looks Like on English

科学家绘制你的大脑在听英文时的样子 147

Mutual Suspicion Mars Tech Trade with China

中美技术交易:疑虑重重 149

Unit 5 153

The Billiondollar Race to Reinvent the
Computer Chip

千金竞赛:革新电脑芯片 153

Nearly Seven Years After the Onset of the Great
Recession, the National Mood Remains


经济危机近七年之后,国民情绪仍然焦虑 155

Gender Inequality in Science

科学研究领域的性别不平等问题 158

Scientists Find Life in the Cold and Dark Under
Antarctic Ice

发现:南极冰川下的生命 160


Unit 1 165

Unit 2 177

Unit 3 189

Unit 4 200

Unit 5 212



In the U.S.husband—and—wife duo Scott and Julie Brusaw have dedicated their lives to a similar vision.Their Idaho—based Solar Roadways project has received multiple research grants from the Federal Highway Administration ( FHWA) to build a solar parking lot, completed in March, and raised $ 2.2 million on Indiegogo earlier this year to continue development.The FHWA is currently reviewing test results from the Brusaws'' solar parking lot.The agency considers the technology to be interesting, though very preliminary, and cautions the public against infusing the idea with too much utopianism.But Scott Brusaw, the veteran electrical engineer behind the design, has big hopes.
"We have a variety of projects programmed for 2015 here in our hometown of Sandpoint, Idaho,including an Amtrak train station plaza, a city welcome center parking lot, downtown city sidewalks, and animal shelter parking lot, and a local airport," Brusaw says."Once those are installed, we will monitor them for a full year to make sure we are satisfied with them and then we begin spreading out to other areas."



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