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書城自編碼: 2674178
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 候香浪,何明霞 主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787307167537
出版社: 武汉大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-09-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 273/419000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 315



** 我創建的書架 **

Chapter 1 Origin of Chinese Culture文化渊源
 1.1 An Outline of Chinese History中国历史要略
 1.2 Chinese Ancient Mythology中国远古神话
 1.3 Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors三皇五帝
 1.4 Yellow River Valley Civilization黄河流域文明
 1.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 Chinese Dragon中国龙
 Yu the Great: Founder of the Xia Dynasty大禹:夏朝开国君王
 Ancestor Worship祖先崇拜
Chapter 2 Chinese Language and Character语言文字
 2.1 Chinese Language in Brief汉语简介
 2.2 Chinese Dialect Groups中国方言
 2.3 Traditional Chinese Characters and Simplified Chinese Characters繁体字和简体字
 2.4 Chinese Characters汉字
 2.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 Cangjie Creating Chinese Characters仓颉造字
 Genesis of Chinese Numbers汉语数字起源
Chapter 3 Ancient Philosophy and Religions古代哲学和宗教
 3.1 Ancient Chinese Cosmology中国古代宇宙观
 3.2 Confucianism儒学
 3.3 Taoism道教
 3.4 Chinese Buddhism中国的佛教
 3.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 Chinese Religions中国的宗教
 TibetanSouthern Buddhism藏传佛教与南方佛教
 Philosophy: On Harmony of Family哲理:谈家庭和睦
Chapter 4 Classical Literature经典文学
 4.1 Classical Texts典籍
 4.2 Historical Texts and Encyclopedias史书和百科全书
 4.3 Classical Poetry古诗词
 4.4 SanquNovels散曲和小说
 4.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 Xuan Zang''s Journey to the West玄奘西游
 Yuefu Songs of the Han Dynasty汉乐府
 Modern Chinese Literature中国现代文学
Chapter 5 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting书法和绘画
 5.1 Traditional Chinese Aesthetics中国传统美学
 5.2 Chinese Calligraphy书法
 5.3 Chinese Seals中国印章
 5.4 Traditional Chinese Paintings国画
 5.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 Four Treasures of Study文房四宝
 Sage of Calligraphy: Wang Xizhi书圣王羲之
 Sage of Painting: Wu Daozi画圣吴道子
Chapter 6 Chinese Opera and Quyi戏曲和曲艺
 6.1 Chinese Opera中国戏曲
 6.2 Peking Opera京剧
 6.3 Kunqu Opera昆曲
 6.4 Quyi曲艺
 6.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 Butterfly Lovers《梁祝》
 Legend of the White Snake《白蛇传》
 Colors of Peking Opera Painted Faces京剧脸谱颜色
Chapter 7 Chinese ''Clothing Culture服饰文化
 7.1 Chinese Clothing中国服饰
 7.2 Typical Chinese Costumes典型中国服装
 7.3 Costumes of Ethnic Minorities in China中国少数民族服饰
 7.4 Silk丝绸
 7.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 China''s First Costume Museum中国第一家服饰博物馆
 Silk Road丝纳之路
Chapter 8 Chinese Food and Drinks Culture饮食化
 8.1 Chinese Cuisine Culture中餐文化
 8.2 Eight Regional Varieties of Chinese Cuisine中国八大菜系
 8.3 Kung—fu Tea中国功夫茶
 8.4 Chinese Alcohol中国酒
 8.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 Pu'' er Tea普洱茶
 Drinking Rites饮酒礼仪
 Feast of Complete Manchu—Han Courses满汉全席
Chapter 9 Chinese Architecture建筑
 9.1 Beijing''s Siheyuan北京四合院
 9.2 Chinese Gardens中国园林
 9.3 Huizhou Architecture徽派建筑
 9.4 Chinese Buddhist Temples and Pagodas中国佛寺与佛塔
 9.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 Chinese Religions and Architectures中国宗教与建筑
 Existing Wooden Structures of the Tang Dynasty现存的唐代木质结构建筑
Chapter 10 Traditional Sports传统体育
 10.1 Chinese Traditional Sports中国传统体育
 10.2 Chinese Martial Arts中国武术
 10.3 Taijiquan太极拳
 10.4 Cuju蹴鞠
 10.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 Five Animal Exercises五禽戏
 Chinese Chess象棋
 Bruce Lee: Legend of Chinese Kung—fu李小龙:中国功夫传奇
Chapter 11 Folk Customs民间习俗
 11.1 Chinese Lunar Calendar中国阴历
 11.2 Chinese Solar Terms中国节气
 11.3 Chinese Zodiac Culture中国生肖文化
 11.4 Chinese Fengshui中国风水
 11.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches天干地支
 Lucky Numbers幸运数字
 Ancestors Honoring Customs祭祖习俗
Chapter 12 Traditional Festivals传统节日
 12.1 Chinese Traditional Festivals中国传统节日
 12.2 Dragon—Boat Festival端午节
 12.3 Double Seventh Festival七夕节
 12.4 Double Ninth Festival重阳节
 12.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 Spring Festival春节
 Pure Brightness Festival/Qing Ming清明节
 The Story of Chang''e and Hou Yi嫦娥奔月
Chapter 13 Ancient Science and Technology古代科技
 13.1 Advancement and Stagnation of Ancient Chinese Science and Technology中国古代科技的发展与衰败
 13.2 Four Great Inventions of Ancient China中国古代四大发明
 13.3 Abacus算盘
 13.4 Hou Feng Di Dong Yi候风地动仪
 13.5 Cultural Kaleidoscope文化万花筒
 The Great Bronze Age of China中国的铜器时代
 Gan—Shi Xing Jing《甘石星经》
 Chinese Fireworks中国的烟花
Chapter 14 Traditional Chinese Medicine中医
Chapter 15 Traditional Crafts传统工艺
Chapter 16 World Heritage Sites in China中国世界遗产
AppendixⅠ:A Chronological Table of Chinese History中国历史编年表
AppendixⅡ:List of World Heritage Sites in China中国世界遗产名录一览表
AppendixⅢ:Keys to the Exercises练习题参考答案



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