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滴滴、快滴、优步……打车软件来了,出租车行业翻天覆地。它们对乘客、司机和私车主来说意味着什么? 面对缺乏规范造成的漏洞和隐患,这个全新的行业该如何完善自己?请看主题故事《打车软件之战》。
內容簡介: |
《汉语世界》ISSN 1673-7660)是一份英文双月刊杂志,主办方是久负盛名的中国权威出版机构——商务印书馆。在当今全世界掀起汉语学习热潮之时,可谓是“出身名门,生正逢时”。《汉语世界》通过有趣的故事、资讯为日益增长的汉语学习者和所有对中国感兴趣的人提供语言、文化信息,在设计上融合了传统中国元素和现代国际化理念,通过中西合璧的艺术形式展现鲜活的当代中国,受到广大海外读者的喜爱。其内容主要包括:
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《汉语世界》目前的执行主编Tyler Roney,美国职业媒体人,具有极高的职业素养和选题能力。文章曾多次发表在Global Times(《环球时报》)、 The Diplomat (《外交家》杂志)、Florida Times Union 《佛罗里达联合时报》等国际知名媒体。
资深英文编辑Carlos Ottery是经验丰富的撰稿人、编辑和剧作家,是2013年多伦多国际电影节入围影片This is Sanlitun的编剧主演;他对中国文化和国际市场有着精准理解。另外,美国《国家地理》撰稿人Daniel Allen,出版人作家Kaitlin Solimine和英国资深撰稿人James Palmer等也是《汉语世界》杂志社的特别撰稿人。
Military Matters
As China has changed, so too has the need for soldiers. From teens trudging through compulsory military education to graduates battling toward a cushy state-owned job, the job of the military recruiter is no longer simple.
Cab Wars
They’re quick, convenient, and a marvel of China’s startup culture, but they’re also illegal, poorly regulated, and unreliable. Cab apps, homegrown and international, are changing the face of public transport, but they’ve got a long way to go.
Stepping up to the Plate
Parhat Ablat’s ragtag group of baseball players in Xinjiang—a mix of Han and Uyghur—are part of a growing trend for baseball in China. Basketball caught on in a hurry, but could it be that baseball, more of a team sport, is next in the lineup?
A Dog’s Life
Canine’s lead a comfy existence in modern China—primped, pampered, and pedigreed within an inch of their lives—but the culture of breeding and careless owners have produced a dangerous world for man’s best friends
Childhood Trauma
From his studio outside Beijing’s Sixth Ring, Zhang Linhai uses the tragedy of childhood to portray eerie, colorful representations of the youth we were all happy to lose
Social Chinese
Touchscreen Talk
Our world sometimes seems relegated to the touchscreen—specifically WeChat. It’s how we make friends, keep in touch, and share opinions. Get your thumbs at the ready and learn how to navigate the peculiar realm of China’s social media cosmos.
On the Road
House of Mao
Shaoshan, the home of Chairman Mao, is a unique hotspot for the booming business of red tourism. Modern capitalism mixes with the collectivism of old to produce a spectacularly Chinese dichotomy of yesterday and today.
Land of Razor Clams
Take a visual journey down to Fujian Province to watch the annual harvest of razor clams; villagers wake before dawn to hunt these creatures in the darkness of day—armed only with a shovel and a bucket
Made in China
Dead When Wed
Just because you’ve shuffled off the mortal coil doesn’t mean you can’t shimmy into a wedding dress. Take a look at the peculiar custom of ghost marriages in China; who knows, you just might find your special wife for the afterlife someday.
The Frontlines of Sex-Ed
We sit down with New Kinsey founder Tong Li to learn more about how sex-education is advancing in China—how it works, what needs to be done, the problems that stand in its way, and why the sexual revolution begins online
The Golden Era
Terrence Hsieh takes us through Tang Wei’s latest film—a biographical tale of Zhang Naiying that tells the story of a nation in flux—to learn more about a life lived in turmoil and an era of constant change.
Dragon’s Digest
A Quite Winter
Original fiction about a young girl trying to escape the drudgery of small town life—but at what cost?