內容簡介: |
敏捷开发已经使软件开发过程中的团队合作方式发生了彻底的变革,但是由于有不少敏捷开发方法学供人们选择,如何“迈向敏捷”是需要技巧的。这本斯特尔曼、格林编*的《学习敏捷开发影印版英文版》帮助你学会如何解决这个问题。首先,你将掌握敏捷开发的基本原则,然后你将会了解4种专业且易用的敏捷开发方法:Scrum、极限编程XP、Lean和 Kanban。
1.Learning Agile
What Is Agile?
Who Should Read This Book
Our Goals for This Book
Getting Agile into Your Brain by Any Means Necessary
How This Book Is Structured
2.Understanding Agile Values
A Team Lead, Architect, and Project Manager Walk into a Bar...
No Silver Bullet
Agile to the Rescue! Right?
A Fractured Perspective
The Agile Manifesto Helps Teams See the Purpose Behind Each Practice
Understanding the Elephant
Where to Start with a New Methodology
3.The Agile Principles
The 12 Principles of Agile Software
The Customer Is Always Right...Right?
Delivering the Project
Communicating and Working Together
Project Execution--Moving the Project Along
Constantly Improving the Project and the Team
The Agile Project: Bringing All the Principles Together
4.Serum and Self-Organizing Teams
The Rules of Serum
Act Ⅰ: I Can Haz Serum?
Everyone on a Serum Team Owns the Project
Act Ⅱ: Status Updates Are for Social Networks!
The Whole Team Uses the Daily Serum
Act Ⅲ: Sprinting into a Wall
Sprints, Planning, and Retrospectives
Act Ⅳ: Dog Catches Car
5.Serum Planning and Collective Commitment
Act Ⅴ: Not Quite Expecting the Unexpected
User Stories, Velocity, and Generally Accepted Serum Practices
Act Ⅵ: Victory Lap
Serum Values Revisited
6.XP and Embracing Change
Act Ⅰ: Going into Overtime
The Primary Practices of XP
Act Ⅱ: The Game Plan Changed, but We''re Still Losing
The XP Values Help the Team Change Their Mindset
An Effective Mindset Starts with the XP Values
Act Ⅲ: The Momentum Shifts
Understanding the XP Principles Helps You Embrace Change
7.XP, Simplicity, and Incremental Design
Act Ⅳ: Going into Overtime, Part 2: Second Overtime
Code and Design
Make Code and Design Decisions at the Last Responsible Moment
Incremental Design and the Holistic XP Practices
Act Ⅴ: Final Score
8.Lean, Eliminating Waste, and Seeing the Whole
Lean Thinking
Act Ⅰ: Just One More Thing...
Creating Heroes and Magical Thinking
Eliminate Waste
Gain a Deeper Understanding of the Product
Deliver As Fast As Possible
9.Kanban, Flow, and Constantly Improving
Act Ⅱ: Playing Catch-Up
The Principles of Kanban
Improving Your Process with Kanban
Measure and Manage Flow
Emergent Behavior with Kanban
10.The Agile Coach
Act Ⅲ: Just One More Thing Again?!
Coaches Understand Why People Don''t Always Want to Change
Coaches Understand How People Learn
Coaches Understand What Makes a Methodology Work
The Principles of Coaching